View Full Version : How to integrate my "baby" with a new baby

Nobas Mom
10-03-2007, 05:19 PM
Hey all,

Okay, so Noba has been my "baby" since day one almost two years ago and he knows it... he is spoiled rotten, gets jealous when I am showing attention to any other dog... acts like his world has ended if I am not showing him all the attention. In a small weird way, it's kind of cute the way he lays there looking like I just killed his best friend whenever I pay attention to anything or anyone but him, but anyway...

My hubby and I want to start having kids, but this brings a bigger issue into the picture... how Noba will handle having someone else to share my attention with... of course a new baby is going to take up a lot of time, and in theory, spending time with Noba when the baby is asleep or with "daddy" sounds good, but its the times when I with the baby that he is gonna have the worst time with.

My roomie has a new 2 month old and everytime I hold him or play with him, Noba acts so depressed and then when I am done with the baby, Noba won't leave me alone.

So, since many of you have babies and dogs, and I would NEVER consider giving up Noba at all because of a new baby, what is some of the best ways to integrate a new baby with him. I would like to start now, and since my roomie has that new baby, it might be the perfect "test run", I just need some ideas... thanks!!!

10-03-2007, 05:44 PM
Very easy. I wrote and article, that has been published in several magazines, about just this issue. Here is the link to it:


Luca and Ajax are currently going through this training since I am due in 5 days. Sheena has already been through it as you will read. The sooner you start it teh better. Good luck and let me know if it helps.
Nicole & Sheena & Ajax