View Full Version : Careless, careless, careless!

smokey the elder
10-02-2007, 07:08 AM
If we don'twatch out with all these biohazards, we'll have a REAL 28 Days Later !


Edwina's Secretary
10-02-2007, 11:38 AM
Isn't the idea of Biowarfare sick and horrifying???

Miss Z
10-02-2007, 11:43 AM
Scary... :eek:

This reminds me of the recent problems we've had over here, with a foot and mouth outbreak, fortunately so far contained, from security flaws in a nearby animal research plant. :(

smokey the elder
10-02-2007, 01:06 PM
At least here in the US, I think a lot of the noncompliance may be from too small staffs trying to do too much work. Bio-compliance is difficult and must be done rigorously every time, but if someone higher up in some office says they need this assay NOW, this puts the techs in a tough position. Balancing productivity with compliance is never easy, but absolutely critical for such dangerous stuff! :eek: