View Full Version : You'll probly think this is soo stupid...but I am so exited!!!!

Aspen and Misty
08-04-2002, 04:17 AM
Misty is my 6 year old barn cat. She was torchered as a kitten and hated people untill a 2 or 3 yeas ago. Misty will let you pet her when she wants to be petted and she hates to be picked up. She also is terrified of the dark :rolleyes: . Well Misty comes on the bed when I am up there very rarly because she hates to step on the blanket. I guess she is afreid she will hurt me or something but any ways well tonight we were sleeping on the bed together and she stood up, looked at me and then curled up right on my feet! :eek: :eek: . My big mean cat who hates to be touched or looked at or anything toched me and then curled up right on me! I AM SO EXITED!

Ok now that you all think I am crazy I am going to go backto bed (its almost 5:30 am). I am to exited to sleep! LOL


08-04-2002, 04:23 AM
So sweet! I "hope this is the start of a beautiful friendship" to misapply a quote! I'm excited for you both, too.

:D :cool:

08-04-2002, 04:28 AM
Of course you're not crazy! ;)
I know the feeling when a kitty comes to sit with you at a strange time or unusual place and it feels so special and you're thinking you can't move or make a sound, just to make her sit with you longer.
Hope your kitty will do this more often now (that way you get used and will get some sleep ;) )

08-04-2002, 06:28 AM
You are not crazy!!! These folks have endured me on several occasions when my Butter decided to sit in my lap or get close to me, which is rare!!! Congratulations!! :D

08-04-2002, 08:28 AM
Hallelujah!! I found that with such sad rescue cases, the key word is patience!!! Since she came to you, you have patiently shown her nothing but unconditional love and kindness. It took a while, but thanks to your selfless love, she is finally learning to trust! I'm so happy for you! I wish you many, many more night of cozy cuddling with your sweet Misty girl! What an accomplishment! Yay, Misty!!

Aspen and Misty
08-04-2002, 01:15 PM
Thanx everyone. We have had misty for almost 4 years so I just figured she wasn't going to ever d oanythign but let me pet her, which would be ok with me. But omg last night, I am still pumped LOL.

08-04-2002, 01:59 PM
I totally understand. Chester, my baby, hates to be hugged. When I pick him up, he turns his head and looks at the ceiling like, "Hug me if you must, but hurry up." Ever since I accidently shut his head in the kitchen door, he's been letting me hug him once in a while as long as it's not a very long hug. Congratulations! Small steps add up to long journeys.:D

08-04-2002, 03:01 PM
That is SO GREAT!! I know what you mean when you so badly want them to love and cuddle, but wont. How wonderful!!! :)

08-04-2002, 03:41 PM
I don't think it's stupid at all, I think it's wonderful and something to CELEBRATE!! :) You've earned her trust and from the way you tell it, that was no easy task. Double congrats!! :)

Aspen and Misty
08-04-2002, 04:23 PM
Originally posted by Barbiro
You've earned her trust and from the way you tell it, that was no easy task. Double congrats!! :)

Thanks everyone. I was sure you all would be liek yup ok that just proves she is crazy LOL. Talk about not easy it took her 1 year to stop hideign when I wlked in the room 2 years to let me pet her, 3 years to let me pick her up without her tryign to kill me and 4 years for her to snuggle! Everytime I think about I am like YIPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol..

08-04-2002, 04:50 PM
Not stupid at all! I would be very excited too! It's a big breakthrough for you and the kitten. She must trust you :) :cool:

08-04-2002, 11:06 PM
I don't think that this is stupid either. I think it's a wonderful achievement and should be celebrated. She finally trusts you enough to snuggle with you. That's a big accomplishment for an abused animal. :D I hope it continues.

08-04-2002, 11:46 PM
Yipee!!!!!!!!!!! is what I screamed the day my Tobi allowed me to touch him from behind (only took 1 whole year) so I understand you completely!! Go snuggle with your baby, long overdue :)

Aspen and Misty
08-05-2002, 02:13 AM
I was sitting on my bed today writeing a speech against puppy mills for tomrrow and Misty cmae up. Looked at me and I did her noise and said hi baby. So she came up rubeb up against me and then "accidently" fell right beside me. She tried to make it look like an accident, it was so cute! We definitly are getting along better! I am still so exited and I never really relized how much I loved her untill I almost like jumped up and screamed for joy when she layed on my feet. I swear I almost cried out of happiness, lol. She is a sweetie.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-05-2002, 02:09 PM
It's good to hear that Misty is finally turning into a softie. ;) Just a hint here - you mention the first time you were in bed, and the second time you were on the bed. I've had Peanut for 13 of her 14 years. A lot of the time she will run from me if I try and pick her up, and when Terry and I are lounging around on the couch she will usually not come anywhere near us (couch is in the loft, Peanut is downstairs on her own couch). BUT the one time she will always come by us is when we are in bed. I think she knows that when we are in bed it's quiet time and she is safe, so she will always jump up and start looking for attention. If I don't give it to her she starts climing all over Terry, her big softie of a daddy so she knows she'll get attention then. :rolleyes: We find it fascinating how she does this - never coming by us unless we're in bed.

So, I guess my point is, that if you want to encourage Misty's behavior, give her loving attention when she's in bed, and she will learn to come to you. Once you really gain her trust here, she might just be a calmer kitty when you're not in bed.

In the meantime, yippeee for Misty! :)

08-05-2002, 02:40 PM
That's really great I'm happy for you and Misty bothhttp://www.plauder-smilies.de/tiere/baer.gif

Aspen and Misty
08-05-2002, 04:07 PM
Thnax Tina and Tubby & Peanut's Mom. I never even relised that it was on the bed she gives me the most attention! Thank you for pointing that out!

08-09-2002, 01:22 PM
Co,gratulations Ashley !!!
This is your reward for 4 years of caring !!!