View Full Version : Pit Bull attacked by vicious kitten

10-01-2007, 12:15 AM
Click here (http://myspacetv.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=18370983) to see the footage.

Be warned, there are horrid screams from children in the beginning. Turn your volume off/down.

10-01-2007, 12:21 AM
That pittie is a saint what a cutie.

10-01-2007, 12:35 AM
That was the cutest thing ever!! :D

10-01-2007, 08:41 AM
There was a bit story over here after a little girl was savaged and killed by her drug dealer uncles Pitbull and the grandmother was charged with manslaughter for letting the dog in the house because it wasn't supposed to be allowed in when the kids were there. She was cleared in the end but the girls parents now hate her. Funny thing is, they are still all pally with the owner of it and the grandmother had told him to get rid of it and he hadn't. What hypocracy? :mad:
The way that pitbulls in general were portrayed in these articles and the whole thing was totally shocking. I bet they wouldn't dare show images like this video because they want everyone to hate pitbulls and see them as nasty vicious bloody thirsty killers.
The owner of the pitbull who killed the girl was encouraged to be aggressive by it's druggie owner and was owned and bred illegally and probably acquired from a breeder who bred them for fighting. What chance did it stand?

I could email a link to this vid to the daily mail but I know they sure as hell wouldn't mention it in their paper. Oh, no, some kid has to be mauled to death before they'll get a mention. :mad:

Daisy and Delilah
10-01-2007, 08:57 AM
Such a brave Pittie :) That is just precious, Kay. What a good, well behaved doggie. :)

10-01-2007, 09:21 AM
Great Video!!!

10-01-2007, 03:57 PM
That was the cutest video......I just want to give that dog a big kiss. Wonder if he even realized he's being attacked? ;)

10-01-2007, 04:38 PM
Awwww! What a good Pittie! That's soo sweet!

10-01-2007, 04:46 PM
awww So Sweet! Tyson would be hiding! lol

Edwina's Secretary
10-01-2007, 04:51 PM
I wonder if they breed those kittens to be so vicious???? :D :D ;) :D :D

10-01-2007, 05:02 PM
Such a sweet pup. My dogs would have gotten up & left the room. :)

10-01-2007, 05:44 PM
That poor puppy! Such an evil and cruel kitty. :D ;)

10-01-2007, 06:14 PM
What a vicious beast that kitten is. And that kid's lungs made my ears ring!

Sweet dog!

10-01-2007, 06:37 PM
HAHA! Poor doggie. Stupid kittie. :p

10-02-2007, 12:52 AM
That probally is my new favorite video. That dog is so adorable!

10-02-2007, 05:50 AM
The video is cute for sure and certainly shows how wonderful a cared for and well trained pittie can be, but it still bothered me. To me the dog seemed not at all happy and was only putting up with it because he wanted to please his owner, or rather did not want to displease. What if a claw went into his eye and he instinctively reacted by grabbing/biting the kitten? Wouldn't be cute then.

It scares me when I see how some owners let their dogs be tugged and mauled about. Even good natured non-aggressive dogs can snap. Seems to me to be a lack of respect for the animal too.

Sorry for the mini rant but I felt I had to express my opinion, however contrary to the majority it may be.

10-02-2007, 11:27 AM
With children, it is easier to teach them and state why they shouldn't jump all over the dog and they shouldn't be allowed to just because the dog tolerates it so I can agree wholeheartedly there.

With other creatures, it's a bit harder. The Kitten is not going to learn not to do it by being told not to by it's owners or even by being stopped by the owners, it will just go back for more. Cats aren't famous for being obedient creatures anyway. If it was a puppy, it would probably engage in similar behaviour too. Some dogs put up with it and others snap.
If the pittie snapped at the kitten for digging it's claws in too hard, that would probably be the only way it learned. The only other way is to not let the kitten anywhere near the dog and then you get it growing up to not be used to the dog.
In the case of a puppy, it is better to let the pup learn from it's own mistakes and be snapped at. It won't learn respect for the other dog from yourself.

Remember that wolves in the wild often tolerate being mobbed by their pups. They don't do it to please somebody else though like an owner, they do it because the pups are important and their future and they don't want to be attacking them and are protective of them. I've seen countless scenes like this on TV of wild animals being mobbed by their youngsters or the youngsters of another adult who lives with them, having tails, lips, ears pulled and yanked and they just put up with it and these are wild untrained creatures.
The pittie probably noticed her owners were all looking at her and probably smiling too. Thats why she was probably looking back with that look on her face....the same look all the animals tend to have that I've seen tolerating a mob attack from a playful youngster.

10-02-2007, 11:28 AM
What a brave Pittie! I love seeing positive Pittie videos! :D

Miss Z
10-02-2007, 11:54 AM
There was a bit story over here after a little girl was savaged and killed by her drug dealer uncles Pitbull and the grandmother was charged with manslaughter for letting the dog in the house because it wasn't supposed to be allowed in when the kids were there. She was cleared in the end but the girls parents now hate her. Funny thing is, they are still all pally with the owner of it and the grandmother had told him to get rid of it and he hadn't. What hypocracy? :mad:
The way that pitbulls in general were portrayed in these articles and the whole thing was totally shocking. I bet they wouldn't dare show images like this video because they want everyone to hate pitbulls and see them as nasty vicious bloody thirsty killers.
The owner of the pitbull who killed the girl was encouraged to be aggressive by it's druggie owner and was owned and bred illegally and probably acquired from a breeder who bred them for fighting. What chance did it stand?

I could email a link to this vid to the daily mail but I know they sure as hell wouldn't mention it in their paper. Oh, no, some kid has to be mauled to death before they'll get a mention. :mad:

I empathise completely. Only a few days ago, there was a letter printed in my local paper from some busy-body old bag, ranting on about how people can tell her pit bulls (I think she must have been referring to staffies, as pits are illegal here. Shows how much she knows.) are good dogs 'til the cows come home, but she will always see the jaws on them first. :rolleyes: I had a good mind to reply and tell the honourable lady to stick her nose, and preferably her gob too, in something that she is actually learned in. :mad:

Beautiful video, what a sweetheart of a dog. That kitten loves him too, I'm sure he's mimicking him by wagging his tail! Thanks for sharing.

10-02-2007, 12:21 PM
;) This Video should be Framed as what a true PitBull is like.. So Sweet & Adorable this video is..

10-02-2007, 04:16 PM
You should reply to that article.

Funny thing is, and it's true she's probably never actually met a pittie, staffies are practically always completely soft as brushes these days. As a child, most of the ones I met were very aggressive towards other dogs at least but I think breeders have been putting a hell of a lot of effort into temperament and these dogs have now improved so much that lots of people go on about how soft and daft they are. No doubt, you still get your bad apple but that happens with any breed.

You're still more likely to be attacked by a bunch of feral chavs than you are a dog...and end up worse off for it too.

10-02-2007, 08:22 PM
Very vicious kitten. Very... LOL too funny lololol!

10-18-2007, 04:19 PM
eheehee time to ban kittens from the state of *where ever you live*!!

such a sweet dog! My dog would have rolled over on the kitten. she's done it before hahahahahaha