View Full Version : The Bone Game

09-30-2007, 02:33 PM
Does anyone elses' dog do this or is Sadie just plain wierd? Every Sunday, around 7 in the morning when my mom is reading the paper, my dog Sadie will run up to either my room or my sisters, and grab a shirt, a sock, shorts, underwear, tissue, pencils, anything she can find on the floor. But just one. She will then pick it up very carefully, and race downstair to where my mom is. Dropping it at her feet, Sadie then just stares at my mom until she gets up. Then Sadie races to where all the bones are kept and waits for the bone she knows is coming. This happens every week, seriously. She'll work on the bone monday->saturday, and on sunday the cycle starts over again. She won't do this on any day other then Sunday. Have you ever heard of this?
I'll try to get a picture of the Sadie-Stare she gives my mom (or me) when she wants her bone or anything else lol.

10-01-2007, 09:40 AM
Sounds like Sadie is telling Mom that someone didn't pick up after themselves. And she gets a treat for it. Smart girl! ;)