View Full Version : Drug store boom?

Laura's Babies
09-29-2007, 06:40 PM
Are they building drug stores everywhere else like they are here? In the last year, it seems like they are building drug stores on every corner! Sometimes one right across the street from the other. One corner has 3!

I was wondering if this is happening everywhere or just in our area..

(BIG Pharma's making those $$$$$$$)

09-29-2007, 06:46 PM
Walmart is our biggest one in our immediate area.
We have 2 local drug stores that run 2 stores each in our community.

Up in Northern KY/Cincinnati area they have all the big drug chains. Walgreens etc.

09-29-2007, 09:16 PM
It's been happening here for a while. I think we have a Walgreen's on almost every block!

09-29-2007, 09:24 PM
It's been happening here for a while. I think we have a Walgreen's on almost every block!

Same here! So far this summer, three opened up around my neighborhood (a Longs Drugs, and two Wallgreens). Someone is making some bucks, as all the stuff in those places seem way overpriced.

09-29-2007, 09:26 PM
We have a ton of Walgreens and CVS stores here.

If it's not pharmacy stores, it's WaWas and Sheetz mini markets going up. I think there are more WaWa's than any other store in this area of Pennsylvania right now.

Laura's Babies
09-29-2007, 10:10 PM
Walgreens and CVS's are what they are buliding here too.

09-30-2007, 12:23 AM
I don't see a lot of them here (aside from what you might expect). The main drug stores we have are Walgreens and Rite Aid.

I did notice in Iowa though that wherever there was an Osco Drug, a Walgreens popped up right across the street!

09-30-2007, 09:37 AM
Oh yes, drugstores are in a building boom.

The closest main intersection to me has a CVS on one corner, and a Brooks / Rite Aid (Rie Aid jsut bought out Brooks) on the other corner. The 3rd corner is now underconstruction -- for a Walgreens. :rolleyes: The CVS is, and the Walgreens will be, 24 hours. The Brooks/Rite Aid is going to have a tough time; they have been since the CVS opened just 3 years back.

Less than a quarter mile up the street is a Stip N Shop with instore pharmacy, which is where I go. Not open 24 hours, but the personal service is like what I grew up with. And I prefer that MUCH better! The 2 guys know me and Dad, and through photos and prescriptions all my pets. I've met their families. I know what they like, which sports they are into, which games they go to (other than their kids, that is!). I was "forced" to use the CVS for 9 ueyars as that was a limit from my insurance. It was always a problem. Scripts were not ready when I went in to pick them up, 48 hours after phoning in, or they were ready but THE WRONG MEDS, (yes, CVS in RI , it's home state, is KNOWN for putting in the wrong meds, isn't that awful?!), and basically being a pain the *** to deal with. I was thrilled when the courtruled the limitation was anti commerce or something and we could pick or own pharmacy. I switched the same day!

09-30-2007, 09:58 AM
Here in NJ too!

09-30-2007, 10:44 AM
We have no shortage of drug stores. I can think of three Walgreens that I could get to within 10 minutes of our house. But around here it is the banks that we have one on every corner.

09-30-2007, 10:47 AM
Nah, the banking crisis in the last 80's took care of that problem here. :( We have 3 major banks to chose from and that's it. They have spread out their branches, so no overload.

09-30-2007, 11:11 AM
We have no shortage of drug stores. I can think of three Walgreens that I could get to within 10 minutes of our house. But around here it is the banks that we have one on every corner.

I agree about the banks in the Chicago area. In my town, the zoning board finally put in some restrictions so we don't end up with banks on every corner that will eventually go bust.

By the way, another Chicago suburb used eminent domain to tear down a woman's perfecty good house to put in a Walgreens. She had lived there 80 years and she was forced out for ANOTHER Walgreens. Can you believe that?

09-30-2007, 03:44 PM
I've noticed there are a lot of Walgreens going up. That and Brooks has been bought out by Rite-Aid.

critter crazy
09-30-2007, 03:54 PM
We have tons!! Drug stores are everywhere!!