View Full Version : Farewell to my beloved Tia Maria. x

Miss Z
09-29-2007, 11:18 AM
I am sorry I did not inform PT of this sooner, but my emotions have been slashed by this and only now do I feel I can write a fitting tribute to my beloved companion, Tia Maria the little black-hooded rat, without frustration and serious LES.

In case some of you missed the troubles that Tia encountered in her final months, please see my thread in pet general. I do not feel like bringing up bad memories again.

Tia lost her battle, which she had fought so bravely for so long, on Thursday 27th September. Her paralysis was as worse as I was prepared to let it become, and I had told myself, that if one more ailment was befallen upon her, then I would not be cruel by letting her struggle on any longer. I could not play with her life for mere days.

It came in the form of what I had suspected, but never confirmed - a pituitary tumour. On Thursday, we noticed her left eye bulging slightly. By the evening, all the sclera was exposed, and she was unable to shut it. The cornea had dried and wrinkled, and she was scratching at it in vain, evidently in considerable discomfort. There was no way on earth that I was going to subject her to such torture any longer. She was taken to the vets that evening, and laid to rest peacefully at about 7:15pm GMT, at the age of 2 years, 6 months, and 17 days.

My heart is torn as if attacked by a pack of dogs.

Tia was probably the pet I have been the closest to out of any of them. I love all my animals dearly, past and present, yet with Tia we just clicked instantly. We were pieces of a jigsaw that fell perfectly into place.

I recall the very first day I laid eyes on her, just a few weeks old, with all her baby fur and her eyes only just opening. Her mother was a beautiful animal, and Tia had her face exactly, but had her own unique pattern on her back, a ‘key’ shaped stripe, with a little black spot just above her tail. Her markings made her stand out to me from her brothers and sisters.

She was a scared little girl on her first day home, looking minute in her huge cage. She hid underneath one of the tubes for three days and refused to come out, until one day, after much coaxing, I managed to slip my hand underneath her and scoop her up, and that was the moment that we both looked each other in the eyes directly, and from that moment on, we were best friends for life.

It didn’t take her long to surface her exuberant, playful side. She was one heck of an acrobat, managing to hang upside down from the bars of the top of her cage to play tug-of-war with the fresh washing my mum had just placed there for a second. She could jump from one level of her cage to another without having to use the ladder, and on many occasions scaled the wash basket and curtains, yet was never quite so good at getting back down again.

She poured love into everyone she met. Even the most stubborn of sceptics were mesmerised by her charm and sweet nature; she was quite the ambassador of her species. There was never one occasion in her life in which she resorted to biting, the worst punishment she could give to those she disliked was probably making them feel a damp, warm patch on their newly dry-cleaned trousers…

She was one of the pets who was present when I joined PT, along with Foxy the hamster and Zsa-Zsa the cat. With both having been sadly deceased, Tia remained for over a year the only remaining ‘original’ pet, and she, in a way, always tied me to pet talk, and has since been a well-loved and rather famous member of the PT community.

She did not get the retirement she deserved. As I previously stated, I do not wish to explain all the details again. But I will say that watching her recline within herself further and further, whilst hobbling on with all her might, made me choke on tears every day. She was a model patient, always willing to take her medicine, be cared for, fed water via syringe, never once giving up that glint of hope in her eyes.

It was time for her to go, though, she deserved a rest from all the efforts she put in to stay with me.

I am raw with sorrow for Tia right now, and will be for some time to come. Nightshade has now been moved into my room, as I just could not sleep at all without the sound of an animal shuffling about or breathing. I did not sleep until last night, and have not eaten since the lunchtime before we let her go. I have never had such a tragedy affect me so before, yet I am thankful that I have some wonderful friends who have put in all efforts to brighten my spirits.

Tia Maria, will never be forgotten, here at Pet Talk, and in my heart.

Here is one of her final photographs, taken on Monday:


Yet I will always remember her like this:


Tia Maria; 20th March 2005 - 27th September 2007
She came in the form of a rodent,

Lived the life of a queen,

Died as revered as a saint.

Very sorely missed. My Pet of the Day, every day.

09-29-2007, 11:21 AM
Oh Zara I am SO sorry (Hugs) :(

You put up a fight dear Tia! I will miss your photos :(

Play hard at the bridge sweet girl :(


09-29-2007, 11:57 AM
I'd say rest in pace, dear Tia Maria
But I know that resting never was your thing
So scamper in peace, play with joy
Rattie dear girl
Explore the wonders at the Rainbow Bridge
Restored to health, coat smooth and soft again
Eyes dark and bright with that Tia twinkle
Send whiskery kisses to your momma in her dreams
And let her know you'll always be with her
Curled up snug, in a corner of her heart
For the times she needs you most.

09-29-2007, 01:25 PM
Major LES. :(
Your tribute to Miss Tia Maria has left me speechless... I'm not sure what to say, but here I go:
I, also, will always remember that girl as the first time I saw her on PT. Those big eyes of hers captured my heart from that day. Eventhough I am a whole sea away, I will always be a big fan of Tia.
Rest easy, sweetheart.

09-29-2007, 01:39 PM
I am so sorry about Tia and what a beautiful tribute to her.I alwas loved seeing and hearing about your beautiful girl.She is now at peace waiting for you at the RB.
Rest in Peace Sweet Tia Maria.You are dearly missed by all who know you.

09-29-2007, 01:40 PM
Zara, your post has brought me on the verge of tears. Never in a million years did I think I would be seeing this thread so soon. Zara, you ARE my best friend on Pettalk. We chat all the time, and through all our gabbly chats, through all your posts, through all your pictures I could see how much you loved Tia Maria. You were SO devoted to her. You loved her like a mother loves a child, and trust me, WE ALL KNOW that. She lived such a long and full life with you. You were the best rat owner I know. Honestly, Tia taught me to love rats with all my heart. When I joined PT, I liked them, but I wasn't a huge fan. Now, you don't even know how much I would love to have one. That's all thanks to Tia. Tia was always my favorite "pet" on pettalk. I loved the many funny picture threads and your descriptions of the silly girl.

Tia had so much personality, she was so gorgeous. EVERY single think about her. From her whiskers to the color of her fur. I know the feeling all to well. I know your heart is broken, but please know this isn't your fault. I know you did everything you could to improve Tia's quality of life. You did so much for her to help her, but sadly it couldn't last longer. You did everything in your power to help her through these last months. But you also did the greatest, most unselfish thing a pet owner could do. You helped her through her time of need, and you helped her to the Rainbow Bridge.

You don't know how sorry I am.

Rest in peace, beautiful sweet Tia Maria. I will miss your picture threads and Mommy will miss you so much. Play hard at the Bridge and I hope you're now restored to young health again playing with the other RB ratties of Pettalk.

MAJOR LES right now. I am so sorry, Zara. I feel like I've lost one of my own.

((((HUGS)))) :(

09-29-2007, 01:46 PM
I am so sorry for your loss, losing a family member no matter what shape or form they come in is the hardest thing in the world. Tia sounded like the coolest. Just keep all those happy memories fresh, They will make you smile.

09-29-2007, 05:21 PM
Dearest Zara,

I am so, SO sorry to hear of beautiful Tia's passing. She had a wonderful life with you and was so very lucky to have you in her life.

(((((((((((HUGS)))))))))) to you sweet girl.

RIP sweet Tia.

************************************************** *******

Miss Zara,

I hope you will accepty my sincere condolences on the passing of your wonderful Tia. She was the love of my life and I will miss her terribly.

RIP my beautiful, sweet love.

09-29-2007, 07:08 PM
I am so sorry for you loss, my heart feels for you because I know what it is like to have to go through something like that as most PTers do. She had a wonderful life with you and by your sweet post we can all feel how much you loved her. She loved you to, you were the reason she fought to stay here so long. She is now a vibrant happy girl, scampering at the Rainbow Bridge waiting for the day she will be with you again. She will always be with you in your heart. We will never forget her here on PT...she will be very much missed. ((hugs)) to you.

09-29-2007, 08:09 PM
I am so sorry to hear that your little one has passed on. She knows and you know that you gave her a great life and that you took great care of her. You have to remember the best memories because that is what she would want you to remember. Tia, your Mommy loves you.


09-29-2007, 09:22 PM
I'm sorry about Tia Maria. It's easy to see she was very special to you. May she Rest in Peace.

09-30-2007, 10:45 AM
I am so sorry for the loss of your precious girl. RIP Tia Maria

09-30-2007, 11:44 AM
I'm so sorry. We'll miss the little girl and all the playful stories about her. RIP Tia.

09-30-2007, 12:52 PM
I'm sorry for your loss. She looked like a lovely little girl and she had a wonderful life with you. RIP Tia.


09-30-2007, 04:35 PM
Zara -- So sorry to hear about Tia Maria, my thoughts are with you :( RIP little girl, you'll be missed.

09-30-2007, 04:38 PM
Zara your tribute was absolutely beautiful! I'm in tears right now and I just want to say how sorry I am for your loss. Tia was and is a gorgeous creature and will never be forgotten.

Lilith Cherry
10-01-2007, 06:28 AM
Zara, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Tia Maria was a wonderful pet and truly loved. She will be waiting for you at the bridge.

10-01-2007, 11:56 AM

Im so sorry Zara, I totally understand how rats can change your life, people dont realise how much of a personality they have and Tia sounds like a right little angel.

Rest In Peace Tia.

My Peanuts
10-01-2007, 02:05 PM
Oh Zara, I am so sorry. :(

10-01-2007, 03:59 PM
I'm so sorry to hear that Tia Maria has gone to the Rainbow Bridge. :(
I know she was very special to you and that you did all you could for her to live as long and happy a life as possible.
Sending hugs your way.

10-01-2007, 04:14 PM
Zara I am so very sorry to hear this :( HUGS to you RIP TIA

10-01-2007, 05:01 PM
Oh Zara I'm so sorry.

10-01-2007, 05:09 PM
Very sorry to read of Tia's passing.

Rest well, Tia...

Miss Z
10-02-2007, 11:32 AM
Thanks to each and every one of you. At times like this I really value the support that PT can offer.

I feel like I need another rat in my life as soon as possible. There is no way I can replace Tia, yet I need the gap in my heart to be filled. At the shelter I volunteer at, there is a small black-hooded girl, much like Tia in appearance, looking for a home. I would take her in in an instant, yet she is also suffering from a mammary tumour. I just don't know if I can put myself through all the torment again. Yet I don't want to betray her and the shelter by looking elsewhere.

I hope Tia will send me a little rattie to enter my life again soon.

Again, thank you everyone. Tia would have been so flattered to have known how loved she was.

10-02-2007, 10:10 PM
For anyone interested in veiwing this, I made a Montage in honor of Tia:


10-03-2007, 09:33 PM
Zara, I'm so sorry about Tia. I would have posted a reply earlier but I'm busy with school so i hope you understand. You did everything you could for her, and made a good choice not making her suffer. -HUGS- :( RIP sweetie

Miss Z
10-04-2007, 02:17 PM
For anyone interested in veiwing this, I made a Montage in honor of Tia:


Alyssa, you are an amazing friend.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

10-05-2007, 05:55 PM
Zara - I don't know what to say. I'm truely heart broken for you. Tears were rolling down my cheeks whilst reading your beautiful tribute.

Tia was lucky to have a mum to look after her and care for her the way you did.

Take care of yourself and you know where I am if you want to chat xxxxxxxx

Play hard sweet Tia Maria...you will be sorely missed xxxx