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View Full Version : Death of a Mouse ... perhaps the world's dumbest mouse, but still a mouse

09-29-2007, 01:10 AM
My 'new' cottage is very near fields and vineyards and I was warned that autumn brings wild mice and rats to the homes around here. Last year, I saw nothing, and was a bit smug thinking that Cassy and Livvy, or at least the scent of them, was keeping the critters away.

Earlier this week, neighbors on every side were complaining of heavy infestations this year, and again, nada in the cottage that I could see. Then a couple hours ago I heard a freaky noise near the kitty litter pans and looked to see what the cats were up to this time. No cat in sight, but an athletic mouse was attempting a high wire act above the pans on a power cord for the kitty water fall! :confused: :eek: :confused: I shrieked and started planning an oh-dark-thirty raid on a hardware store to get mouse traps, dozens of them. Cassy strolled through, totally oblivious to my panic. Shortly thereafter Livvy had a little flurry of activity in the litter pan corner and, by George, came out with a mouse in her mouth. She was so very happy and thrilled with her 'toy'. Rather quickly the mouse quit moving and quit being fun. I scootched the body into a tin coffee can and threw a tuna feast for the kitties.

I apologize to mice lovers here, but I am proud of my tiny huntress' totally unexpected prowess.

09-29-2007, 02:06 AM
Looks like you've got the best kind of mousetraps...ones that can cuddle with you too :D

Laura's Babies
09-29-2007, 06:11 AM
They probably thought you got that rat just for THEM!! Mine would have a ball with one in my house! EEEEEEK!

Maya & Inka's mommy
09-29-2007, 07:12 AM
ha ha, that sure was a "feasty meal" :D

poor mousie...

09-29-2007, 07:20 AM
Years ago when I had only 4 cats (seems like decades ago; wait, it was decades ago), I heard little paws scuffling frantically through the house and I knew that I had to get out of bed and see what the commotion was all about. Some brave but dumb little mouse had gotten into the house and my fur posse decided that it would be more fun to play w/it than eat it. When I found them all, they were gathered in a circle and batting that poor little thing around like a pin pall machine. Just as I stepped in to rescue it, Boo grabbed it and took off running. I trapped him in the upstairs bathroom but, boy, he wasn't willing to let that mouse go. I finally got him to drop it, then I took the mouse outdoors and after examining him to make sure he hadn't been fatally injured (there wasn't a mark on him; my fur posse is good), placed him on the ground so that he could scurry away but he was so petrified that he couldn't move. So there I was, in the middle of the night, sitting outdoors, holding a mouse telling him "it's ok, you're safe now, go home to mommy". So I can sympathize w/ya, believe me. At that time we lived on 5 acres in farm country, so mice were always around but they were at least smart enough not to venture into the cat hotel. Be prepared for more of the same. :p

09-29-2007, 08:48 AM
Livvy wants a new sign over her boudoir: MIGHTY WARRIOR!

Chestnut caught his first mouse out in the back yard last year -- on his EIGHTH birthday!!! He was so proud, strutting aroudn with that poor wriggly thing in his mouth. He tried to bring it in the house! We stopped him, but he let it go int he garage. :rolleyes: The antics which followed involved 3 more cats getting into the garage and helping with the chase. We finally got them all back in the house, left the door open and let the mouse calm down and find his own way out.

Now, Chestnut routinely goes and sits where he caught the mouse,w aiting for another one. So don't be surprised if Livvy starts hanging out in that corner!

09-29-2007, 01:35 PM
Hmmmm sounds like another little girl I know and love :rolleyes: Mice, squirrels don't have a chance when Eve is around :p She loves to catch them and play with them (fortunately doesn't eat them ;) ) - taking her outside is always an adventure!

Well done Livvy - you are one mighty hunter :D

09-29-2007, 08:16 PM
I Remember When I Moved In , That The Neighbors Told Me That That House Had Mice As It Had Sat Empty For 6 Months, And Mice Like Empty Houses.
Well With Barn Cats Michael And Princess That Didnt Last Too Long As The Mice Soon Got The Message.
And Then When Tiger Visited It Was Lights Out For The Mice.
I Remeber Seeing My Princee Playng With Something With Mr Scrappy Watching And I Picked It Up Thinnking It Was A Toy!!!
Eek It Was A Dead Mousie.
Princess Got It Back Fast!!!

Edwina's Secretary
09-29-2007, 09:03 PM

Let's hear it for Livvy the slayer of monsters!...The rescuer of meowmies!!!! The mighty huntress...

Don Juan's mom
09-29-2007, 09:23 PM
Yaay! Livvy is fulfilling her natural role as a predator: eliminating the slow and stupid mice!


09-29-2007, 11:58 PM
I'm glad to hear that Livvy is a good mouser.:) Now hopefully you won't find any more mice in your cottage.

When my parents still had their cat, they told me that she would bring them presents of mice, baby rats, and birds. Well one time she brought them a mouse but it was still very much alive. She dropped it inside in the den which is connected to the kitchen. My dad couldn't catch it in time and it went behind the refrigerator. It took several days before they finally caught the mouse. Their cat was no help.

09-30-2007, 11:18 AM
Funny stories!

KAK, you reminded me -- ages ago, when my sister and her husband were getting married on the ranch our parents were caretakers on, their mighty hunter, Oliver, delivered his present to the front door of the ranch house. A live garter snake. :eek: :rolleyes: :eek: I was nervous around him for days after, wondering what he was up to this time.

09-30-2007, 11:48 AM
Got this today on my Daily Bad Cat email and thought of Livvy:

Requiem for a Rodent
O mouse, so filling yet dietetic
You make me feel quite copasetic.
I hate to do this without anesthetic
But it’s much too late to call a medic


10-01-2007, 03:12 AM
Got this today on my Daily Bad Cat email and thought of Livvy:

Requiem for a Rodent
O mouse, so filling yet dietetic
You make me feel quite copasetic.
I hate to do this without anesthetic
But it’s much too late to call a medic


Hee, hee, hee!

Killearn Kitties
10-02-2007, 02:50 PM
Clever girl, Livvy! It is good to keep your meowmie safe! :D

I remember when our Samantha was really young, Alec was trying to play with her with a toy mouse, but she just would not engage with it. In fact, she looked at it with utter disdain, then ran out of the catflap. A few minutes later she came running back in with this enormous creature in her jaws, as if to say "now this is a mouse!"

Felicia's Mom
10-02-2007, 04:54 PM
Congrats Livvy, that was a job well done!:D

10-03-2007, 11:43 AM
Livvy - Congratulations! What a hero you are in Mommy's eyes!

My Rainbow Bridge love - Patches, was famous for going next door to my neighbors "farmyard" and bringing home critters. She was always so proud to bring her Mom a present - while I just stood there gagging, knowing I had to deal with it.

10-03-2007, 01:28 PM
Good girl Livvy!
I do know the feeling. Any mouse dumb enough to come into my house with four cats, deserves what it gets. Surely the mice know they are here.

10-03-2007, 01:47 PM
Filou and Tigris say they are jealous. ;)

10-04-2007, 08:11 AM
Livvy...!!!:eek: Who knew you had it in you?!:p We're proud of you sweetheart, defending home and hearth with such stealth and cunning and for saving your Mom a trip to the dreaded hardware store! hehe Oliver, your Knight in Shining Armor is hanging his head in shame; he's such a chicken and leaves the "dirty deed" to Mom; we aim for catch and realease! :D

"Requiem for a Rodent...":D

Tora Oni
10-04-2007, 01:37 PM
Awesome Livvy, born huntress. Yeah, Stormy use to have fun back at the farm when he caught mice, he play with it catch, release, recapture then eventually he had his fun and it was time to bring his trophy to the door step, thankfully dead. One time I let him out for the night, he jumped after a mole and didn't come back till next morning with the mole, which was just about as big as he is.

Killearn Kitties
10-04-2007, 04:46 PM
I forgot to mention earlier, that most of the time our Samantha (although she is nicknamed "the mouse murderer") actually brings them into the house unharmed. As she did last night ... squeak squeak squeak went the mouse as we gently tried to herd it round the hall and out the front door. Samantha was not happy ...

10-04-2007, 08:14 PM
My mom and dad's one cat, who loves to be outdoors in the afternoon and early evenings, will regularly catch mice, chipmunks, birdies, bunnies and moles and lay them in front of my mom and dad's kitchen door. My dad always gives him tons of pets and tells him what a good hunter he is, lol! My mother, not so fond of the little things being offered up in homage of them, usually takes them across the field and buries them there.

My one cat that I had when I was younger, Corvette, she would catch baby bunnies and bring them to the door. She'd scratch at the door, I'd open it, see the bunny, yell out "Corvette!!! Put it down!" She'd meow at me and the bunny would hop off toward the end of the porch. Unfortunately, it usually didn't make it too far, and Corvette would go get it again. Sigh.

The only time they brought them in the house was when my mom and dad had Tazzer when he was about 9months old and he had gotten a chippy. My dad went to let him in the house, and here he had the chippy in his mouth, let it go, and that little sucker raced around and around the 1st floor of our house with Tazzer running right next to it. My mother wasn't home, thankfully, otherwise she would have had a heart attack. My father and I were just laughing ourselves silly because there wasn't much you could do until the cat caught the chippy or they ran out the door (which is what happened... run out the door).

Edwina's Secretary
10-04-2007, 11:15 PM
I forgot to mention earlier, that most of the time our Samantha (although she is nicknamed "the mouse murderer") actually brings them into the house unharmed. As she did last night ... squeak squeak squeak went the mouse as we gently tried to herd it round the hall and out the front door. Samantha was not happy ...

Mice really do squeak???? In the last month Eddie has brought two birds into the house. Quite alive. And drops them for "inspection" at which time they have "messed" on the floor out of shock and then begins the chase....to shoo them back to the outside world...

It's a cat thing... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

10-05-2007, 07:20 AM
Wow, don't we have talented, dedicated kitties on our hands!

Edwina's Secretary
10-05-2007, 10:52 AM
Clever girl, Livvy! It is good to keep your meowmie safe! :D

I remember when our Samantha was really young, Alec was trying to play with her with a toy mouse, but she just would not engage with it. In fact, she looked at it with utter disdain, then ran out of the catflap. A few minutes later she came running back in with this enormous creature in her jaws, as if to say "now this is a mouse!"

I have been giggling about this since I read it. However, I think what we have here is a failure to communicate.... Samantha misunderstood Alec. She thought he was shaking the stuffed mouse and telling her...."go get me a real one of these! And be quick about it!"

Misunderstandings like this lead to all sorts of mischief!

10-05-2007, 02:52 PM
...Misunderstandings like this lead to all sorts of mischief!


Killearn Kitties
10-05-2007, 04:52 PM
Oh, my poor misunderstood little Samantha! All this time, we have thought she had an evil streak ...

10-05-2007, 10:59 PM
{{{Samantha}}} at least we finally understand how brilliant you are, sweetheart.

10-06-2007, 01:41 PM
What a brave little girl you are, Livvy! Guarding your house and keeping things safe for Meowmie like that, you sure did a good job. A few years back Soncat went into his room to find Groucho sitting on his bed looking rather proud of himself. Apparently Groucho had caught a mouse and left it on Soncat's pillow as a gift. All Soncat could do was change the pillow case and dispose of Groucho's conquest.

10-06-2007, 11:59 PM
Wow, Groucho is SUCH a generous fellow.

(And speaking as a mere hooman, I sympathize entirely with SonCat. Yeowza!)