View Full Version : NEED turtle INFO!!

09-28-2007, 07:17 PM
Okay, so I MIGHT be getting a turtle. It's a 50% chance. I 100% have my dad convinced, but my mom is a little harder. I asked them for a hedgehog, they said maybe but I know they aren't interested. :rolleyes: I asked them for a Green tree frog, but I hate bugs and that's what they eat, NO WAY will I ever own one sadly. But turtles are very docile creatures. I am interested in the species: Red-eared Slider. I want that or anything smaller. The current law here is you can't own one over 4 inches. PERFECTLY fine with me. I started this thread to ask some questions. Like what size tank, what type would be good for me, etc?

You guys don't know how hyped I am lol! :p

critter crazy
09-28-2007, 07:29 PM
Okay, so I MIGHT be getting a turtle. It's a 50% chance. I 100% have my dad convinced, but my mom is a little harder. I asked them for a hedgehog, they said maybe but I know they aren't interested. http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/rolleyes.gif I asked them for a Green tree frog, but I hate bugs and that's what they eat, NO WAY will I ever own one sadly. But turtles are very docile creatures. I am interested in the species: Red-eared Slider. I want that or anything smaller. The current law here is you can't own one over 4 inches. PERFECTLY fine with me. I started this thread to ask some questions. Like what size tank, what type would be good for me, etc?

You guys don't know how hyped I am lol!

Red ear sliders are fun turtles, but Make sure you get them young! As they have a tendancy to be mean if you dont! They are pretty easy t take care of, but are very messy,and require alot of cleaning. I had two RES in a 75 gallon tank, and that was plenty of room. Anything smaller to me seemed cruel, as they loved to swim around. You will need a heat lamp, and a dry place so they can sun-bath. You can feed them turtle food, feeder fish, and fresh veggies.

Heres a few pics of the ones I had


As far as other turtles go, I have no Idea, I Have only ever owned RES.:)

09-28-2007, 08:15 PM
Unfortunately, it is illegal to sell turtles in NJ. :( I am extremely disappointed. I don't know about any surrounding states. We ARE willing to go to New York to purchase ONE LEGALLY of course, or maybe PA, but I am not sure. My parents still feel bad for me, they know how excited I was, so we might just settle for a simple hermit crab or two. Much easier to care for, and I've had plenty of experience with these critters. But I really wanted the turtle... :(

09-28-2007, 11:47 PM
Sorry to hear about that. You did sound excited at first :( but the crabs would be easier to care for and less messy so you can look at it that way :)

I have owned both and the turtles can get so stinky so they have to be cleaned out like 'A LOT' anyway I use to have a few of the hermit crabs and they were pretty easy going. I liked them...but I wouldn't ever want anymore. I like fish better :D

09-29-2007, 06:40 AM
Sorry you are having a rough time finding a pet that everyone agrees on. I definately know how that feels(my mum is a very hard person to please).

Also, I'm not sure if I read your post wrong(its early in the morning. hehe), but it sounds like you want a turtle that doesn't get too big? RES typically grow to 10-12" with the proper care. Thats a pretty big chunk of turtle. :D

Anyway, I hope you have some luck soon! If you really don't want to settle for some crabs, just hold off for a bit and see if another animal catches your eye.

09-29-2007, 03:38 PM
Well its a good thing you didn't get a hedgehog, they are insectivores! Good luck with the perfect pet search though.

09-29-2007, 08:23 PM
Another problem with getting a turtle is finding a vet with any experience in treating one. Same with a hedgehog. If the animal gets sick you might have to drive hundreds of miles to find a vet who knows about these exotic pets.