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09-28-2007, 02:06 PM
On wednesday Oct. 3rd, I'll have my colonoscopy done. I have to take some pills and drink some liquid the day before. I just wanted to get this done as soon as possible. I'm a little nervous about the doctor finding something. I hope not. I can use PT support!

09-28-2007, 02:06 PM
Bleeech - we'll be thinking of you!

09-28-2007, 02:15 PM
Bleeech - we'll be thinking of you!
Karen, that's exactly the word I would use!

09-28-2007, 05:03 PM
When I read your post title, I thought you were getting married. :eek:

Good luck with your procedure. :)

09-28-2007, 05:30 PM
I've had one. The only words of advice I have for you is on the day before, don't go any further than 5 ft from the toilet!!!

Really, the preparation is worse that the procedure. They give you something to relax and believe me....you will go "far far away" and wake up when it's all over.

It's a good test to have. On mine they found and removed some pre-cancer polyps...they even showed them to me (I asked to see them). :eek: Don't be nervous. Just look forward to the drugs. ;)

09-28-2007, 05:56 PM
Big brother you know i will be there in spirit holding your hand through this procedure, i will be thinking of you dear friend and hoping with all my heart all will be ok, have faith, i am sure you will be fine,best of luck matey.keep us posted please, HUGS.

09-28-2007, 06:03 PM
I attended a Rotary meeting and one of our members spoke about his procedure.

He promised all of his buddies that he would throw them a huge party if they would all go have colonoscopies on the same day. Just a good preventative measure for men.

What was funny about it is that his buddies agreed and they were all on their cell phones talking to each other the day before "after" they had taken the liquids. All of them were in their bathrooms!!!!!!
Slick is right - stay very very close to home base...............and good luck!

They all agreed that the worst part was the day before.

Laura's Babies
09-28-2007, 06:22 PM
I have had them and will have another in a year or so. They SAVE lives! Scared now? What about if you don't have it done and you find out to late that you put it off to long like my brother did..... It cost him his life... such a waste of a great life!

09-28-2007, 06:33 PM
Big brother you know i will be there in spirit holding your hand through this procedure, i will be thinking of you dear friend and hoping with all my heart all will be ok, have faith, i am sure you will be fine,best of luck matey.keep us posted please, HUGS.
Carole, I know you will be there in spirit to hold my hand and comfort me. I be with you in spirit when you go through your tests. {{{{HUGS}}}} to you, Sis, and prayers.

09-29-2007, 10:25 AM
Believe it or not, my boss wants me to work a few hours wednesday before my colonoscopy! I wish I would've taken the whole day, but I think working will wear me out before the test. Aren't bosses wonderful!

09-29-2007, 12:00 PM
David I have had one too and, believe me, hearing the words "all looks just fine" from your doctor will be worth it. I had a couple of polyps removed at the time and, for me, it was well worth the long night in the bathroom. :o I hope you have lots of good reading material. :) Actually, working right up until you have to drink *the stuff* will take your mind off of what is to come!

09-29-2007, 08:17 PM
We'll be thinking of you , David P, on Oct. 3rd.

Like Slick noted. and my Sister told me the same thing.

They will give you something that will take you " far, far away" :o

You know, where troubles melt like lemon drops.................... :cool:

Yes, we will all be holding your hand in Spirit, you will be just fine~~~~ :o

09-29-2007, 10:08 PM
David it might actually be helpful that you have to work beforehand, as it will keep your mind off it some, i know you would rather not, but i find hanging around waiting for it the worst, as i will be doing tues morn for my tests, my hubby is coming home and taking me and will be with me so that is very re-assuring, remember i will be thinking of you and there in spirit holding your hand along with everyone else lol, if you find your hand rather sore afterwards you will know why, all the tight squeezing its gonna get lol, take care my friend, and i sure hope all will be well. :)

09-30-2007, 01:29 AM
We'll be thinking of you , David P, on Oct. 3rd.

Like Slick noted. and my Sister told me the same thing.

They will give you something that will take you " far, far away" :o

You know, where troubles melt like lemon drops.................... :cool:

Yes, we will all be holding your hand in Spirit, you will be just fine~~~~ :o
Dorothy, when I'm in Oz on wednesday, I'll look up the tin man, scarecrow, and the cowardly lion and tell them about you!

09-30-2007, 05:11 AM
i've installed a padded toilet seat and stocked up on magazines. did anyone from your doctors' suggest a low residue diet- low fiber- for a few days before you start the prep? mine is booked for the 15th, so i'll be very interested in hearing about your experiences. huge hugs, and i'm handholding you in cyberspace. regards, joyce in columbus

09-30-2007, 08:12 AM
i've installed a padded toilet seat and stocked up on magazines. did anyone from your doctors' suggest a low residue diet- low fiber- for a few days before you start the prep? mine is booked for the 15th, so i'll be very interested in hearing about your experiences. huge hugs, and i'm handholding you in cyberspace. regards, joyce in columbus
Joyce, I don't have a padded toilet seat, but I plan to have my portable dvd player in with me (I'll watch anything but Flushed Away!). Te girl didn't mention a low-residue, low fiber diet to me, but starting tonight she told me to stop taking my Coumadin until after the test. I'll handhold your hand, Joyce for your test, also!

Daisy and Delilah
09-30-2007, 08:19 AM
{{{{{DAVID}}}}} You'll do just great with it David!! It's a breeze except for the prep :( When it's over you'll feel like a new man :)

09-30-2007, 08:02 PM
my boss wants me to WORK a few hours before the test, but I have a funny feeling I'll still have to be near a toilet. I'll see how it goes (ahem!) on wednesday. If so, I'll call in that day.

09-30-2007, 08:16 PM
Oh dear David , i never thought about that, makes it somewhat difficult,the toilet will be your best friend for a while mate, you take care now, and I am getting nervous myself, my procedure is tomorrow, eek, at least I don't have much in the way of preparation mate, just drinking a litre of water,I am practicing today, but it is not going well lol,if you get my drift, too many trips you know where, ha what a subject, keep us up to date with your posts won't you? hugs :)

09-30-2007, 08:46 PM
Oh dear David , i never thought about that, makes it somewhat difficult,the toilet will be your best friend for a while mate, you take care now, and I am getting nervous myself, my procedure is tomorrow, eek, at least I don't have much in the way of preparation mate, just drinking a litre of water,I am practicing today, but it is not going well lol,if you get my drift, too many trips you know where, ha what a subject, keep us up to date with your posts won't you? hugs :)
Carole, I'll be there with you in spirit to hold your hand and you might feel three sets of paws from Nikki, Daisy, and Marigold there with you too. Carole. you will be in my prayers for tomorrow. I'm glad we can talk each other through our tests this week.

09-30-2007, 09:19 PM
Thanks my dear friend, yep it sure is good to have someone to relate to and talk about our fears isn't it? if you believe in anything enough it will happen, so i am told, so yep i will feel your spirit with me as you will with me. :)

09-30-2007, 11:12 PM
David, have you thought about inviting your boss to take this test with you?

I mean it is an excellent preventative measure.

Then "he" could work a few hours too along with you.

Sorry, I just couldn't refuse to write this.

10-01-2007, 04:46 AM
David, have you thought about inviting your boss to take this test with you?

I mean it is an excellent preventative measure.

Then "he" could work a few hours too along with you.

Sorry, I just couldn't refuse to write this.
Now, Gini don't give me any ideas! LOL! Maybe I'll order the same medicine and let HIM live in the bathroom! I think if I died, he'd say, "Before you die, cut this area for me!" BTW Gini, Carole and I have been giving each other encouragement to get through our tests.

10-01-2007, 06:22 AM
david, if he does the prep, would he still be able to be that kind of a boss? since they're won't be anything there, just a hollow shell? :)

10-01-2007, 09:25 AM
david, if he does the prep, would he still be able to be that kind of a boss? since they're won't be anything there, just a hollow shell? :)

:D :D :D

10-01-2007, 03:08 PM
Today I explained more to my boss about what I will be going through in the next two days and he apologized to me and he said he didn't fully realize what was involved. I'm glad he did and I don't have to work on wednesday. That's one worry out of the way!

10-01-2007, 03:53 PM
I was sure your boss never had the procedure!

10-01-2007, 04:26 PM
Good luck David. All fingers and cat paws crossed here for you.

10-01-2007, 05:04 PM
Thank you Connie for the encouragement and I want to thank everyone also for making this a little less nerve-wracking for me. PTers are the greatest! I appreciate all of your thoughts and prayers.

10-14-2007, 10:35 AM
okay david, tomorrow at one pm it's my turn, i need handholding :) brenda,from work, will take me and stay to bring my drugged self home. i have my prep waiting to start after this post. :eek: :rolleyes: i made turkey soup for dinner tomorrow. see you tomorrow!

10-14-2007, 02:01 PM
okay david, tomorrow at one pm it's my turn, i need handholding :) brenda,from work, will take me and stay to bring my drugged self home. i have my prep waiting to start after this post. :eek: :rolleyes: i made turkey soup for dinner tomorrow. see you tomorrow!
Tomorrow, you'll have plenty of Pittsburgh thoughts and prayers coming your way and you might feel two big hands holding yours. I'll also have three cats with paws crossed for you tomorrow. Hang in there and you'll do just fine. You're getting the hard part done today. Think of me when you enjoy that turkey soup tomorrow, you'll be HUNGRY!! Good luck with the results.

10-15-2007, 06:45 AM
i'm caffine deprived, hungry and have a growly intestinal tract. 11:30 can't come soon enough. :( in short, i'm grumpy.

10-15-2007, 02:08 PM
i'm home, i'm fine, it was a breeze, and i'm waiting for the microwave to finish warming my lunch. thanks for the hand holding david. you're an angel.

10-15-2007, 04:57 PM
i'm home, i'm fine, it was a breeze, and i'm waiting for the microwave to finish warming my lunch. thanks for the hand holding david. you're an angel.
Joyce, it sounds like you received a good report from the doctor. I'm glad I was able help you through this and give you moral support.

smokey the elder
10-16-2007, 02:03 PM
For all you brave folks going through this, take heart! It's working. The stats on cancer deaths came out yesterday and they're dropping by 2% a year, thanks in part to people putting up with these obnoxious tests. Good for you!