View Full Version : Its that time of the year.. FLEAS.. Here is my friendly warning reminder!

09-27-2007, 12:33 PM
Digi has fleas & I have been bathing her in flea shampoo to help keep the numbers down & off her... The flea shampoo only works for a day or two & I'm NOT bathing her that much (its too unhealthy). So I went to PetsMart & bought a flea collar.

As many of us know Hartz products are poison.

So do your fur babies a favour & stay away from the Hartz products.

Here is just one of the many sites with very sad stories, dating as far back as 2002 & current.

CLICKY (http://www.hartzvictims.org/index.php)

Its very sad to know this product is still being sold in stores that we trust, like PetsMart (saw it there today).

My Peanuts
09-27-2007, 01:32 PM
I don't know about in Canada, but in the US, Frontline is about $12 and totally worth it.

09-27-2007, 01:40 PM
I don't know about in Canada, but in the US, Frontline is about $12 and totally worth it.

only 12.00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

I think any of the drops here are about 60.00!! Not counting that nasty Hartz stuff!!! It was 12.00 here :mad:

Where can I get frontline? as I didn't see any in PetsMart.

I'm going to PJ's Pet Store after work (OH HOW I HATE THAT STORE, as they sell Puppys from puppy mills), but they always have well stocked shelves unlike PetsMart, which are never stalked (it kinda made me mad today to go into a MASSIVE store with no selection cause they were out of everything!) :mad: :mad: :mad:

I'll see if I can find frontline.. Cause then I'll leave the flea collar in my car to rid my car of any fleas that are prob in there!
*looks at the flea she mashed into her desk*
Maybe I'll wear it HAHAHHA :p

Is there any flea drops/pills that also rid a dog of worms?? I plan on deworming Digi as she has tape worm, so if I can kill 2 birds with 1 stone, that would be awesome!!

09-27-2007, 02:05 PM
Frontline is only available at the county vet where I live, and I know we pay less than $20 for a three month supply for Wallace, Autumn has about half a year of Hartz to use up. We also get our flea shampoo at the vet, I think the brand is Adams. I've heard horror stories about giving over-the-counter dewormer. It's very hard to guage exactly how much to give and can be deadly if you overdose it. I wouldn't do it myself unless I had experience with the different medications and giving my own shots. I'd never use pills for dewormer. Have you tested for heartworms? I wouldn't wear that flea collar if I were you, you'll end up with some sort of infectious ring around your neck. Take a day outside of the home, pets in tow, and flea bomb the house. Spray the yard as well. Then bathe the animals who can be given flea baths before they reenter the home. That should do the trick for most of the fleas.

09-27-2007, 02:16 PM
Frontline is only available at the county vet where I live, and I know we pay less than $20 for a three month supply for Wallace, Autumn has about half a year of Hartz to use up. We also get our flea shampoo at the vet, I think the brand is Adams. I've heard horror stories about giving over-the-counter dewormer. It's very hard to guage exactly how much to give and can be deadly if you overdose it. I wouldn't do it myself unless I had experience with the different medications and giving my own shots. I'd never use pills for dewormer. Have you tested for heartworms? I wouldn't wear that flea collar if I were you, you'll end up with some sort of infectious ring around your neck. Take a day outside of the home, pets in tow, and flea bomb the house. Spray the yard as well. Then bathe the animals who can be given flea baths before they reenter the home. That should do the trick for most of the fleas.

I was totally joking about wearing the flea collar lol
Flea bombing the home wont work all that well, as I live in an apartment building & I cannot take my fish out for that long, nor my turtle as hes a protected species & I don't need more cops or the SPCA hounding me, then I have to educate them, then they'll learn I'm within the laws.. its never any fun at all, & I don't actually have a yard.

I'm positive there'll be fleas around for as long as I stay here, I just want to keep them mostly at bay.

But the whole point of my thread was to remind people about the dangers of Hartz products.

09-27-2007, 02:33 PM
I didn't think for one second you were actually going to wear it, I was just teasing you :p . I didn't think about the apartment aspect though. I do feel bad for people and their pets who live in areas where fleas are impossible to control. You're all welcome to come to WI, we'll have a big PT party. Ours don't even need flea meds, and we often forget a month or two out of the summer.

Lady's Human
09-27-2007, 02:33 PM
I'm positive there'll be fleas around for as long as I stay here, I just want to keep them mostly at bay.

That just doesn't strike me as healthy or safe for the rest of the complex.

I'd talk to the apt. owners and see if there's anything they can help with. I doubt the fleas will stay just in your apartment.

09-27-2007, 02:35 PM
Frontline isn't available in Canada (at least, it wasn't a couple years back when I asked a vet). :p Advantage seems to work on my guys. It's not too bad in price (I think I paid around $50-60ish for a 6 month supply).

My Peanuts
09-27-2007, 02:36 PM
only 12.00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

Where can I get frontline? as I didn't see any in PetsMart.


Frontline is from the vet. They will need to weigh Digi. It lasts about 1 or 2 months.

09-27-2007, 02:44 PM
That just doesn't strike me as healthy or safe for the rest of the complex.

I'd talk to the apt. owners and see if there's anything they can help with. I doubt the fleas will stay just in your apartment.

What I ment is that its too easy for a flea to hope out of my apt & live in the hall & hope into other peoples places... then by chance it might hop back out & infest my dog again.. + there are a lot of dogs in this building.. so I'm sure theres gonna be some of them that just don't care about their dogs at all & never treat the animals for fleas.. However everyone I've met so far are super nice & seem to love their dogs... What worries the most are the FILTHY building infront of my building & a couple others near buy.. OMG EWWW... I know there are cockroaches living in those buildings, so I'm sure there are a lot of fleas too.

Once I get Digi her puppy shots I can save up to get her something like Advantage.. I might buy a spray & spray both my doors, so that'll keep fleas from wanting to enter my place. But Fleas are not my main concern for Digi right now.. So keeping them at Bay will have to do & I think that flea collar & a flea bath will have to do, until then...

I'm already mad that I have to push her puppy shots back cause of this darn bladder infection... I knew I should have just fed her people food until I could afford good puppy food... blah... I'd rather her be a little fat then this bladder infection *bangs head on desk*

09-27-2007, 02:50 PM
Frontline isn't available in Canada (at least, it wasn't a couple years back when I asked a vet). :p Advantage seems to work on my guys. It's not too bad in price (I think I paid around $50-60ish for a 6 month supply).

For 6 months?? Thats not bad at all! I thought it was about 60.00 for a 4 month dose.. 6 months is a lot better!!

I cannot wait until I can afford that stuff.. Digi will be sooo happy :)

09-27-2007, 04:38 PM
Oh, I forgot to mention that diatomaceous earth worked really well for us when the foster cat brought fleas here. I found it at Rona in the insecticides section. It's very cheap and works! You just sprinkle it all over your carpets, let it sit for a while, then vacuum it up. The only downside is that it's messy and you have to make sure you and Digi don't inhale it.. but it's animal safe (in case she eats a little residue). Might be worth giving that a shot too :)

09-27-2007, 05:13 PM
Well King, you're preaching to the choir here, as I keep my dogs on
Advantage all year long. Hartgard too. No getting around it, puppies can
be expensive. :)

09-28-2007, 06:46 AM
Well King, you're preaching to the choir here, as I keep my dogs on
Advantage all year long. Hartgard too. No getting around it, puppies can
be expensive. :)

Maybe, but what about the new members that might not know, or the people that just read & never post?

Maybe they don't know that Hartz is poison & has killed thousands of pets. Don't they deserve to know?

09-28-2007, 06:49 AM
Oh, I forgot to mention that diatomaceous earth worked really well for us when the foster cat brought fleas here. I found it at Rona in the insecticides section. It's very cheap and works! You just sprinkle it all over your carpets, let it sit for a while, then vacuum it up. The only downside is that it's messy and you have to make sure you and Digi don't inhale it.. but it's animal safe (in case she eats a little residue). Might be worth giving that a shot too :)

No carpets here :)