View Full Version : Hey! Look at my new collar and leash! *6 pics*

09-26-2007, 08:53 PM
Hey it's Snow here and guess what! My mommy got me a new collar and a leash! I think it is beautiful. The collar is pink and the leash is red. Here are some pictures of me showing off my new collar. Please excuse all the baby toys, the baby likes to play.

Here I am!

Now some really good shots:

A couple more in the next post...

09-26-2007, 08:55 PM
Mommy walking me on my leash!

Finally, a close up

Hope you liked. Bye now!:D

09-26-2007, 08:57 PM
Snow what a pretty girl you are! Your leash and collar look so nice with your white fur. I bet you and Mommy will have all kinds of fun now that you can go for walks.

09-26-2007, 09:07 PM
Awwww, Snow! What a pretty pink collar! Do you like to walk with your leash?

09-27-2007, 09:51 AM
Snow you are all decked out and ready for action, now! What a smashing, stunning lady you are, and the new accessories show off your royal whiteness.

Dear Snow --

Sparkle here. You need to be wary of these hoomans who arrive bearing gifts! A few years ago, my Meowmie took me in to the vet, and he told her I was "obese." Eh, what does HE know about being a pugdy lady? A few days later, Meowmie shows me this new harness and leash. He he, what does she think I am, a DOG? Next thing I know, we are out walking around the apartment building and the parking lot (we were living in an apartment back then, not this nice house), once, sometimes twice per day! Then I went on a field trip to PetCo. That was nice; I tried out all the cat beds, found a snuggly one and refused to come out again.

By the way, now my vet thinks I am a svelte girl. Eh, what does HE know, right? Just be cautious, my dear!

09-27-2007, 03:01 PM
Hi everyone! It's Snow again.

So I went out for a walk today in the outside world. Mommy wanted me to walk off the property. No way! So many young humans, cars, loud noises and DOGS! *glup* I was safe where I was, in my safe home. Mommy let me stay out in the garden for a while and I ate some grass and sniffed the flowers. The baby (her name is Abigail. She is my Mommy's 20 month old sister) came out with me! We had tons of fun!

Dear Sparkle,
I agree with you! Those humans think we are dogs and I hate dogs! I would never want to be one. They are so dirty and disgusting animals. But Mommy loves dogs.
I'll give you some advice the next time you go to the vet. If they insult you, just give them a dirty look and ingnore them. Vets don't know anything! Why do we even have to visit them a lot in our life time? Bye now.


09-27-2007, 03:10 PM
Snow, your new collar & leash are lovely! They set off your beautiful fur perfectly.

Yes, it is scary outside...all those loud strange noises and those uncouth DOGS! Stay close to your meowmie!! :eek:

09-27-2007, 03:27 PM
Our Dad Used To Let Us Get Out, But Then We Got Lsot A Few Times And Now We Are Confined To Barracks,so To Speak.
This Is A Good Neighborhood To Walk In, Maybe You Have Some Nice Restauarnts In Your Neighborhood Where You Can Get A Snack.
You Look So Charming In Your New Collar!!!

09-27-2007, 05:45 PM
Kittygurl, I can't believe she ate some grass! One of my cats, it took many, MANY trips for him just to get used to the FEEL of grass under his pawsies! Of course, Chestnut doesn't like change AT ALL, it takes TIME. Now, 7 years later, he is the first one to the door when I call for them to come out (backyard is fenced, 3 or 4 come outside when we watch them.) It sounds like Snow really didn't mind TOO much about going outdoors; that is wonderful!

Just wanted to add, I had to switch to harnesses. They can slip out of the collars so easily if they get spooked. And forget the Figure 8 harness; spend the bit extra and get the H style harness, if you have to get one at all.-- Sandie