View Full Version : Squeak Bites...Advice Please!

09-26-2007, 06:54 PM
Many of you have read threads and posts by myself concerning my "child" Squeak and her unusual behavior. I need some advice on a problem that has existed somewhat all her life, but has gotten worse with age. She can be the most loving cat, to me, at times, but then for no reason whatsoever she will bite. HARD!!! She is also easily agitated. She likes to lay in the bathroom sink of the mornings as I get ready for work, which usually goes fine until you start to wipe the counter. She will smack my hand and try to bite every time! I don't know if it's the wiping motion or what that aggravates her. I would greatly appreciate any advice on why she might be this way, and how I can break the habit of biting. I'm not even sure if it can be broken at ten years old.


09-26-2007, 06:57 PM
If she is older, she could be getting just a twinge of arthritis or something that would make her more physically sensitive and reactive.

Check with your vet - some glucosamine might help...even Omega 3 oil for cats, which is good for arthritis, and for the brain! :)

ETA: You might also want to contact Nancy Efrusy, a pet psychic in the USA. Read about the reading on Laura's "Boo" kitty in Cat General.

[email protected]

09-26-2007, 07:11 PM
Squeak doesn't like it when you wipe the counter if she is in the sink; so DON'T! :p See, that wasn't hard, was it? Now you know who runs the household HERE.

Seriously though. If you are using some cleanser, she may not like the smell. Otherwise, your hand moving in the wipe motion is like a little mouse running around, and her instincts kick in. OR she is napping in the sink you come over and interrupt her beauty sleep? How DARE you! snap! You have to try and get at things from her viewpoint. Not always easy. We just find it easier not to bother a sleeping kitty. :rolleyes:

09-26-2007, 07:30 PM
So - let sleeping kitties lie??? :p

09-26-2007, 08:08 PM
Honestly ask Jenn(jennluckenbach).....she gave me amazing advice over Jupiter. I thought I knew it all but Jenn really does.

09-26-2007, 08:55 PM
Catty1-She is older, but this has been going on since I received her at the age of four weeks. She seems to get around fine so I don't know about arthritis. I do have to take her in soon for a check-up, so I'll ask Dr. Walker if he thinks this could be a factor. I actually saw the thread about Boo. That woman must be AMAZING! :eek:

Freedom-She does this anytime. Sleeping, awake, it doesn't matter. She can be lying across the room and if she sees you scratch the bottom of your leg she will come over, swat you, hiss and leave. I truly have never seen another like her. When you pet her sometimes she complains loudly. She'll be fine at first, but when she's over it, she's over it.

Dr. Goodnow- I will check with Jen.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to read this and respond! :D

09-27-2007, 08:44 AM
My Dad's cat Miss Kitty (who looks like Squeak's long lost twin) will bite sometimes for no reason. With her I think it's over-stimulation. After my Dad spent a few days at my sister's a couple weeks ago Miss Kitty was very excited to see us when we took Dad home but got a bit too excited and bit Richard on the hand when he was petting her.

The first time she bit me was a few months after she showed up at the house and I pet her too far down her side - I didn't know she didn't like that. Luckily I was wearing a sweater with a shirt under it so the damage wasn't too bad but she bit a hole through both layers of clothing. The next time she bit me really hard was right after my Mom died. I think it was part of her grief.

Anyway, to finally get to my point, maybe Squeak gets over stimulated from the wiping motion. Does she only do it when you are moving your hand/arm? Does she do it when you pet her too much?

Hopefully your vet will have some insight on the matter.

09-27-2007, 09:11 AM
Jazzcat is right, it's over stimulation. The best way to curb biting is to say "NO!!!!!" very firmly and walk away. If that doesn't work, try a squirt bottle. But pay attention to her body language.

09-27-2007, 09:14 AM
My Puddy was like that since I first got her at 5 weeks old and if I dare to pet her whenever I feel like it and not when she comes to me, I'll get bitten. But she used to bite for whatever reason and whenever. A gentle tap on her nose w/the words "Be nice" or "No biting" in a soft yet firm voice always got her to stop. I didn't try to explain it; I just dealt w/it which is probably wrong but I figured cats are different just as people are. She doesn't do it much any more but every once in a while......

09-27-2007, 09:58 AM
Anyway, to finally get to my point, maybe Squeak gets over stimulated from the wiping motion. Does she only do it when you are moving your hand/arm? Does she do it when you pet her too much?

She does it when I'm wiping and just for NO reason. You know how she was when I was on the phone with you. She's like that most all the time. :rolleyes:

Medusa- I usually take my finger and place it on her nose firmly and tell her, "We DON'T bite", or "We DON'T act like that". SHe will tuck her head back and squint her eyes. I think she knows she's not supposed to act that way, but sometimes she just does. Maybe it is over stimulation, as Jazzcat said. Maybe a squirt gun would work, but then again this is the same cat that sticks her head in the shower to see what Mom is doing in there.

09-27-2007, 10:25 AM
Jazzcat is right, it's over stimulation. The best way to curb biting is to say "NO!!!!!" very firmly and walk away. If that doesn't work, try a squirt bottle. But pay attention to her body language.

uh huh I am still thinking about telling NO to Lex................. :p

09-27-2007, 03:19 PM
I was going to say that it is over stimulation too, but i have read Cat Fancy articles on biting which says thta some Cats treat You like another Cat, and start agressive play as they would would with another Cat!
I guess you just have to be a little cautious around Squeak, or pretend to bite her back!!!!