View Full Version : Here is the Pet-Landlord letter in a local paper!

09-26-2007, 02:05 PM

09-26-2007, 02:20 PM
Well done Candace!

09-26-2007, 02:25 PM
I called a place where I used to work to talk to the "Mom" of the organization - and she then put me back to a clerk who was having "kitty trouble".

The clerk adopted a lovely cat from the HS - and told her landlady that she was placing her with a family member.

With her moving, and everyone being away and home at different times, it didn't happen (yet). Her landlady was fine - but the OWNERS came by a couple of days ago, and this gal had (foolishly, she admits) left all her drapes open. There is kitty, looking out and saying HI to the owners!

She will NOT give this cat up, she will move first. I gave her some suggestions, and told her to watch for this article in the paper.

Hopefully, even a simple registration and trial period could do in this case. Would be GREAT if the owner tried it with the one building!

Please prayers that some differences will be made, and kitties and doggies will find more homes!

09-26-2007, 02:26 PM
I love it. You wrote it? Good job. Everytime I applied for a new rental place my pets always had their own resume. It had vet info, contact info, references, training info and so on on it with a picture. This helped so much in getting places to rent that at the time were classed as non pet housing.
Nicole & Sheena & Ajax

09-26-2007, 02:51 PM
Very well written. Please let us know if there are follow up letters printed.

09-26-2007, 03:25 PM
Well Done Candace, And If Prospective Tenants Dont Agree, Then They Are Somewhat Remiss In Thier Care Of Thier Cat Companions!
Well Done!!!!

09-26-2007, 06:51 PM
That's wonderful, Candace. Well done! Thank you.


P.S., I also like your statement after the SPAY-NEUTER request: Those who want to see the “miracle of birth” should also see the “miracle of euthanasia.”

My response to someone who wants their cat to have "just one litter" so the children can see the "miracle of birth," is "Then in that case you should also take the children to the Humane Society later to watch the kittens being put to sleep because there are no homes for them, so they can also see the 'miracle of death.'"

09-27-2007, 05:25 PM
Bravo, Catty1 - if parents want children to experience the wonders of birth, maybe the family can look at a DVD together rather than their pet having babies.

09-27-2007, 08:38 PM
PAT - I didn't notice! Was that at the bottom of the article?

That is part of my SIGNATURE on my email! LOL!

Maybe they left it in on purpose, who knows!

I hope THAT smartens up a few idiots!