View Full Version : Feeling a little scared

09-26-2007, 11:43 AM
Ok so I am probably not the only new mommie or soon-to-be on here who is feeling so anxious, but I was wondering if anyone had advice for us.

I'm worried about being a good mommy and being able to do what my little one needs. I feel horrible because we can't decide between naming her Cadence or Anna, and that I don't have the high chair or swing put up not to mention I still have a ton of her clothes to wash and feel so overwhelmed because hubby and are still trying to sort through our stuff to make room for her.

Any advice?????

09-26-2007, 11:48 AM
BREATHE! You won't need a highchair for a newborn, you have plenty of time to do laundry, and you don't have to decide on a name until you see her. It's okay! You'll be a great mommy. If you weren't worried, I'd be worried for you!

09-26-2007, 11:49 AM

It's very normal to feel that way. The closer the day gets, the more your mind starts racing about everything that has to get done.

My doctor told me to take a tub with candles and music. Lay there till your skin wrinkles and RELAX!!! Have hubby massage your feet. It's gonna happen when it happens. ;)

You're in my prayers. :D

09-26-2007, 11:56 AM
Oh my GOSH girl you and I need to chat ;) I am right there with you. What if I don't have everything I need for a baby by the time he gets here? What if I just don't know what to do with the baby when he gets home? I feel like there's so much to be done, and I don't have time to get any of it done (and it doesn't help that when I do have the time I don't feel like doing much!). It amazes me that mothers all over just seem to know what to do.....I am so hoping instincts kick in when I get that little baby!

09-26-2007, 11:58 AM
We just picked our soon to be son's name last night. lol and I am less then 2 weeks away. We just set up all the stuff a couple of weeks ago. So you still have lots of time.

My biggest advice trust yourself and your instints. Listen to advice and then choose for yourself what you are comfortable with doing. It is amazing how everything sets itself right when that little one is placed in your arms.

Hugs to you.
Nicole & Sheena & Ajax

09-26-2007, 12:23 PM
Time to chill!

My daughter came home to a dresser drawer for a bed and didn't have a swing or high chair for a couple of months. She wore undershirts and diapers most of the time, so a couple of outfits for visiting was enough. Of course we expanded on her wardrobe and furniture in pretty short order, but at first it was mostly make-do. She survived quite well and has never held it against me.

Somehow new mothers figure out how to handle the situations as they arise. The fact that you are worried is proof that you will do well.

Now settle back and quit worrying about what you can't control. It'll all work out sooner or later.

09-26-2007, 01:06 PM
I was in the same boat, I think most are. I had the same worries and I still have worries, there will always be something worry about.

Really there aren't too many necessities. As long as you have a pack of diapers (or 2), a few onesies, and a few receiving blankets you'll be fine.

Don't worry about the highchair, you won't need it for months. The swing you may want though, but it's not a necessity. Don't worry about getting everything done. Your baby won't care if she has her own space. don't worry about the crib. I slept in a chair with Nathan on my chest for the first 2 weeks. don't worry about a changing table you can change her on a bed or blanket on the floor.

EDIT TO ADD: Don't worry about her name. My husband and I couldn't decide on a name either. It was going to be either Nathan or Christopher. Since we both liked both names I bowed out and gave my husband the task of choosing between the two names. He went back and forth many many times before deciding that this baby will be named Nathan.

My husband's parents had the hardest time with naming their kids. When my husband, Justin, was born they didn't have a name for him until they had to put something on the birth certificate. They then decided on "Justin". Justin has 2 sisters, Lindsay and Diana. Lindsay came home with the name "Melissa" a few weeks later they changed it too "Lindsay". Diana cane home with no name at all, her birth certificate just said "baby girl".