View Full Version : Prayers for Staci ~ *Screw's OUT* on 10/30/07 ~ Let the HEALING Begin!

Cinder & Smoke
09-24-2007, 06:25 PM
UppieDate @ 2:00 PM on Tuesday, October 30, 2007 ~

Outpatient Sir Jury completed to remove that pesky SCREW inna Footsie ---
Staci is headed to Mom's Recovery Clinic and a Trip to the Cabin in the Woods,
Michigan, for the rest of the week.

COMPLICATIONS have developed with Staci's foot - Additional Sir Jury is required and
will be done on Tuesday, October 30, 2007.
See Post # 97 on Tuesday, October 23, 2007 for the latest information.

<picks up Prayer Line> <dials God>

Hi God ~

Don't Furget ... Staci's FOOT Sir Jury is inna mornin!

Gosh, Tubby & Peanut say 6:00 AM is a lil *early* ... Hope da White Coat gotz both eyes open!

They'll fire up da Silver Klowd about 5-ish an pick You up ...
better lay out Your kleen Scrubbies, Halo Hat, an Booties tanite ...
Ohhhh - an don't furget to pack Your ScrewDriver! (Try to find a KLEEN wun!)

Gonna suggest You Guys fly past Staci's Howze an **HONK** da horn ...
dunno how oftin SHE getz up at 5-ish inna mornin!
You'ze all supposed ta *check in* at 6-a-klok atta Hoppsbittle ...
Gonna hope sumbuddie cooks up a pot-a-kawfee.

Aftur You *Zipp* da Screw in an stick on a Bandy-Aid ...
word hazzit da Patient is gettin Mom-napped down to the Mom & Dad Ranch for her R&R ...
Pleas don't let nunbuddie change da Plan ... soundz like a Gud Wun to us!

So, here's sum Prayers for a Successful "Screw Job" on Staci's Foot ...
and a FAST Recovery to 100%.

THANKS fur all Your Help, God!
Have a Safe Flight!

/s/ the Prayer Pups

09-24-2007, 06:56 PM
Good luck!!

Remember, I've had a pin and screw in my foot since I was 14. Foot surgery is a breeze.

You can do what I did and wake up part way through the procedure and scare the nurse half to death. ;) :o :D

Cinder & Smoke
09-24-2007, 09:00 PM
{el Bumpo}


She's gonna be in BED affore long ... let's all Pray QUICK!

Angus's Dad
09-24-2007, 09:19 PM
Good luck Staci!

09-24-2007, 09:34 PM
{el Bumpo}


She's gonna be in BED affore long ... let's all Pray QUICK!

Nah, just got off the phone with her - she's wound up now! jk lol

Stace, here's to a swift, painless surgery with lots of TLC from the furry caretakers. Hopefully you'll soon be able to drive that tractor around the 3-legged cows. ;)

{Love ya girlie!}

Cinder & Smoke
09-24-2007, 09:50 PM
Nah, just got off the phone with her - she's wound up now!

Ya got THAT right ... sleepie she's not! :rolleyes:

We'll crank up the Prayer Generator 'bout 8:00 AM ...

{{{Niterz}}} Staci!

09-24-2007, 10:16 PM
Thanks everyone! :D
my mom gave up the sleep fight shortly after phred called so she's zzzzz'ing away. uhhh well she was sleeping until a certain WHITE GRAND kitty landed on her chest!! :eek: I think that was a record of how fast they both can move!!
I'm headed there shortly.
I'll let someone know as soon as I'm co-herant! :)

09-24-2007, 10:21 PM
Best wishes, Staci. I will keep you in my prayers. Hope everything will go smoothly tomorrow and that they give you good pain meds! ;)

09-24-2007, 11:29 PM

Hope you heal well and pain-free as possible - and get spoiled at your parents' place.

I know my mom was a GODSEND after my Sir Jury!

Hugs and prayers!

09-24-2007, 11:31 PM
Staci~ I hope the surgery goes well and you'll be feeling better soon!

09-24-2007, 11:39 PM
Good Luck, Stace...Everything will turn out fine! Be careful on the crutches.

09-25-2007, 12:09 AM
Staci, I hope that your surgery goes smoothly and that you recover quickly too.:) Good luck.:)

09-25-2007, 12:17 AM
prayers and candles....................... hope it all goes well!

09-25-2007, 01:42 AM
Oh dear I didn't know you had to have Sir Jury :( You sound very brave! I know everything will be just fine. You're in my prayers for a full and speedy recovery.

Leslie & family

Killearn Kitties
09-25-2007, 03:24 AM
Hope all goes well and that you are up and about in no time.
Good luck!

Ginger's Mom
09-25-2007, 05:41 AM
Prayers and positive thoughts going out for you today, Staci.

09-25-2007, 06:00 AM
Thinking about you and saying a prayer for you Staci.


09-25-2007, 07:23 AM
Paws crossed and prayers said for a successful sir-jury & a quick recovery! Love ya, Staci!

09-25-2007, 07:45 AM
Thoughts and prayers for success this morning.

Cinder & Smoke
09-25-2007, 07:47 AM
<Herrow ... Sir Jury>

HI, is God there?

He's a lil busy rite now ... Thghtening up da Screw.

OK, we'll check back later ... give da Patient a PT {{{HUG}}}, paleeze.


Let's all say a Prayer fur Staci!


09-25-2007, 07:53 AM
Thinking of you Staci!!!

4 Dog Mother
09-25-2007, 08:08 AM
Thinking of you and praying for you this morning, Staci. Hope all goes well and you recover quickly. Love, your other mom

09-25-2007, 08:10 AM
Good luck!!! We'll hear from you in a bit I hope! :)

Cinder & Smoke
09-25-2007, 09:23 AM

Staci's Alive & the Foot's *Screwed*!

As in the Screw is now IN the Foot. ;)

She did a Kimmy - "HEY - I can :eek: FEEL you screwin my foot!"

She shudda asked for the Full Knock-Out package!

She sounded pretty *chipper* :) ...
as soon as breakfast is done, she and Mom are ready to
split da joint and go pick up the BRD/nurse; then head South
to the Mom & Dad Ranch.

Since M&D are 'puter-less :( ... we'll have to get uppie-dates via phone.

Now let's all say "THANKS, God!" ... and pray the Screw holds
and the busted foot heals up properly this time.

FEEL BETTER, Soon, Staci!!! ;)


09-25-2007, 09:46 AM
I wish at this point we could "fast forward" and have her running around.........

Get better fast Staci - we are going to miss you around here!!!

But you better be good and let the nurses take care of you.

09-25-2007, 09:54 AM
Thank God. And thanks for the update, Phred.

09-25-2007, 09:56 AM
Ouch! Not good to feel the screwing (:eek:that sounded kinda bad:p)

I'll give you a call tomorrow.

Thanks for the update Phred.

09-25-2007, 10:26 AM
So glad to hear it is over and all is okay.

Get well soon Staci!

09-25-2007, 11:05 AM
Anna66, you're PHUNNY :D :D Good and swift healing Stace.. love you dearly and don't try to push things along. Enjoy ( :confused: ) the spoiling while you can. Don't get discouraged because you are impatient to skip around ;)

09-25-2007, 11:05 AM

Hope to hear from you soon, via Phred!

THANK YOU, Phred - and thanks God for a good result! :)

Cinder & Smoke
09-25-2007, 11:30 AM
Noon-ish Report ...

They're OUT and crusing Upper Sandusky in search of a sammich for Mom ...
(shudda ordered "extra" on the b'fast tray, Staci.)

She still sounded *chipper* ... but getting VERY sleepie ... said she better not go in
to fetch the BRD ... the couch would call and it'd be all over for a while.
Mom was hoppin out to fetch the BRD and tell the Kats g-bye for a while.

Staci said her "Buddies" from midnight shift had her room all "spiffied" up prior to her arrival at 6 AM ...
K-Y Jelly on everything (toilet, bed controls, etc), various "medical devices" spread about,
veggie soup in the barf bowl ... only thing they forgot was to short-sheet the bed!

Another Buddie assisted with the Screw Job ... said Staci was a one-gal Comedy Club in the O.R. ~
Jabberin on about the BRD and crackin jokes with the Sir Jury Guy.
Till they started :eek: *DRILLIN* her foot ... she TOLD 'em she could feel it and it HURT! :(

"Give her sum'more STUFF" was suggested ... and she doesn't remember much after that. :cool:

She's now lost her "Boot" ... replaced with Ace wraps and a rigid SPLINT that
starts beyond her toes, runs under her foot, around the heel, and up to almost her knee. :eek:

Prolly designed to NOT be too swift to *hopp* around in ... "crutchin" required.

By now they're probably pretty close to the M&D Ranch ... Nappie-Tyme about due.
Hope she sleeps well and wakes up pain-FREE.


09-25-2007, 11:32 AM
So glad the surgery went ok, Staci, at least for the most part :eek:.

Keep us informed, Phred!


09-25-2007, 12:12 PM
I am so glad to hear this. Hope you are feeling much better Staci. :)

09-25-2007, 02:03 PM
Ow!!! I can't imagine having a screw put in my foot!! Hope it makes it heal better!

09-25-2007, 02:44 PM
Thanks for the update, Phred.

Thinking about ya, Stac! Do what you are told to do and you are going to be all better.

Love ya!

09-25-2007, 02:51 PM
Staci, I missed the first bit, but I'm glad to hear the surgery is over. Quite an extensive one it sounds. :eek: I hope everything will go smooth and you'll be able to walk again soon. Now get some sleep, and then get spoiled! :)

Big hugs - and take care!

09-25-2007, 03:05 PM
thanks for the uppydate, phred. i am not surprised the co workers got to her room (*snicker*). sleep sweet staci.

Cinder & Smoke
09-25-2007, 07:57 PM
8:30 PM Tuesday and All's Well ;)

I caught her between "wakin up" and "puttin her jammies on" ...
Almost made some sense out of what she was saying. :rolleyes:

Vicodin seems to work well ... she's a Happie, Sleepie, Drunk. :D
(And I guess pain-Free.)

So far she's *crutched* to the poddy room and the dinner table ...
next destination = the BED.
Dunno what's planned for tomorrow.

Say G-Nite, Staci!


09-25-2007, 10:40 PM
Glad to hear eveything went well Staci. I hope you're up and around in no time. :)

09-25-2007, 11:43 PM
Still thinkin' of ya Miss Staci - hopin' your sleepin' DOWNstairs and not UP! :eek:

09-25-2007, 11:57 PM
Glad your surgery went well....sorry for being able to feel it, that's scary.
Hope you are home with your kitties soon and able to get back on PT again. :D

09-26-2007, 12:00 AM
Sorry to hear about the screwed foot! Glad that the surgery is done and that you're in good humor; at least with the vicodin. I hope that the recovery goes by quick and somewhat easy!

09-26-2007, 04:58 AM
Thanks for keeping us informed, Phred. Good to hear that the fix is in and the healing can begin in earnest. And thanks, God, for taking care of our Staci.

4 Dog Mother
09-26-2007, 10:34 AM
Glad to hear that the surgery is over and things seem to be going well. Staci has such a sense of humor that I am sure that she kept that OR laughing. Get Well soon, Staci or a few of us may have to come a visitin'!

09-26-2007, 11:00 AM
I'm glad to hear that surgery went well and that she's painfree. I hope that she'll recover quickly.:)

09-26-2007, 11:22 AM
Glad to hear all went well and I was LOL at what they didn to her room!
That's great!!!

09-26-2007, 12:05 PM
You don't go to that much trouble with the KY jelly and the vegetable soup unless you love a co-worker to pieces.

And who wouldn't love our Staci?

Oh, sure hope the healing takes place fast!

Many big hugs Staci!♥♥♥

09-26-2007, 06:28 PM
Glad to hear all went well Staci! :)

Cinder & Smoke
09-26-2007, 07:23 PM

She's still "alive & sorta well"!

And she could actually TALK and be understood tonight!
She swore off the Vicodin in favor of Tylenol or something similar ...
much less *LOOPIE* and the foot doesn't hurt!
She said she went to bed at 10:00 PM last night --- and didn't wake up till 11:00 AM today!
Those were GOOD knock-out pills!

Tomorrow is a Big Day - the first adventure OUT into the world ...
* Visit with the KATS at her house, and
* Visit with the White Coat at his house/office

Rumor hazzit the ill-fitting splint will be exchanged for something "different" -
hopefully a more *comfortable* design.

A couple of *Bright Spots* reported >>>
* Some pretty Pozies from the Left Coast arrived by courier :)
* And a ringgy-ding from Miz Anna brightened her day!

If we're lucky - she'll hop on the 'puter tomorrow whilst she's saying Howdy
to the Kitty Tribe at the house and give us a First Person account of getting her foot *screwed*! :p
(Me BAD!)

Here's wishing for another quiet night and a good Doc Visit tomorrow!
Sleepie Tite!!

{{{Hugs}}} from ALL of us

09-26-2007, 09:40 PM
Night, Night, Staci. I'm glad you're doing well, but do what the doctor says please!!! Take it easy and get well soon!

Logan, Honey, Baby Mack, Ben and Butter

09-27-2007, 01:19 PM
we just popped in at my house to check on my kitties and I'm checking email/mail.

The surgery was under 2 hours. I felt a bit of the drilling I started sqirming and told them I could feel it and the CRNA said - you can feel him messing with your foot? I said it feels like someone shot me in the foot he said I'll give you some more stuff and the dr requested Lidocaine and I said "Thank you"! My incision is about 3 inches long. I have very little pain - it throbs a bit and today it might more b/c I've been up and around more today than that last 2 days.
We just had a dressing change today still have the same splint to protect any banging or tripping. The Dr. was in Findlay doing surgery at BVH and found out how far it is to his (home) office from my parents house and he made arrangements to meet me at his Findlay office on his way back to Fostoria. Can't beat that! ;)
Excitement of last nite was I was sleeping very well around 230am and felt something on my arm. First thought maybe it was a fly or a spider and then it felt really heavy. Well, the BRD is the only "animal" at their house and I knew it wasn't her,(b/c I wasn't suffocating!) so I flung whatever it was to the end of the bed and sat up- kicking the pillows off the bed. Flipped the cover onto the floor and sat there for a bit and then saw something crawling on the back of the loveseat and YELPED Keegan just looked at it cocking her head. Grabbed my crutches and Glasses. And flipped the light on and it was a MOUSE!!! Sooo I headed into my parents room and my mom met me at the door and I said "THERE'S A MOUSE IN HERE CRAWLING ON ME!" she (just woke up) and said "THERE'S A MOUSE IN HERE CRAWLING ON YOU?" I said "YES!" So long story short (after Mom repeating everything I said ;)) - we woke up my Dad and he uhhh disposed of it to Mouse heaven. I think it was on its way b/c it had gotten into poison in the basement and dad said it was a little one. I didn't really care b/c it was crawling on me. :eek: We aren't rodent lovers so no offense to those who are...

I'm still at my parents for a few days for away from internet and hopefully MICE for a few more days...

Thanks for all the well wishes and positive thoughts- THEY ARE WORKING! :

09-27-2007, 01:23 PM
Good luck Staci!
Be-A-ware of me -
especially on Vicodin! ;)

09-27-2007, 01:53 PM
Did anyone else notice that it is never dull at Staci's house - or her parents?;)

Cinder & Smoke
09-27-2007, 01:54 PM

I was sleeping very well around 2:30am and felt something on my arm.

First thought maybe it was a fly or a spider and then it felt really heavy.
Well, the BRD is the only "animal" at their house and I knew it wasn't her,
(b/c I wasn't suffocating!)
So I flung whatever it was to the end of the bed and sat up - kicking the pillows off the bed. ...

Grabbed my crutches and Glasses. And flipped the light on and it was a MOUSE!!!

Sooo I headed into my parents room ...
we woke up my Dad and he - uhhh - disposed of it to Mouse heaven.


Good ole DAD! ;)

So ... How many Mousie Traps did you & Mom buy today?
Mite be a good excuse to go to the Shelter and pick up a KAT!

From experience ... Boots da Kat many never have *CAUGHT* that many -
but his presence sure deterred them from staying very long!

Anybody wanna *bet* that Miz Staci sleeps with a NITE LITE on tonight?


09-27-2007, 04:06 PM
I don't know which episode I would dread more - the Sir Jury one or the Mouser one. Well, at least that last one got your heart a pumping and rushing some blood to all the extremities.

09-27-2007, 04:13 PM

Were you able to go back to sleep????
Holy Crap I wouldn't have been able to!!

Sending you extra special get well smooches from the pooches. :p

Cinder & Smoke
09-27-2007, 07:32 PM
:p What a difference a day without Vicodin makes!
Tonight, She actually made sense on the first run-through! :D

They're all gearing up for Tonight's Adventure ... Nite Lites at the ready;
Staci's gonna hunt for a Tennis Raquette ...
BRD is prolly gonna ask Gramps to grab his pillow & blankie and meet her in the Barn!

Splint change is scheduled for Tuesday ... dunno why she's considering a return
to HER Howze on Sunday - seems a bit premature ...
I'd be sticking around for the Home Cooked MEALS and free maid service at the M&D Ranch!

She sounds purdy **Chipper** and UP-beat!
Sez "Howdie!" to all the Pet Talk Gang and Furries!

... Happie Bed-Buddy tonight, Staci!



09-28-2007, 11:25 AM
Thanks for the uppydate, Phred. Sounds like all systems are recouping as they should, although I don't think I've recovered from the *mouse incident*.

Cinder & Smoke
09-28-2007, 07:58 PM

Miz Staci's still alive and reasonably well! :cool:

No Pain - the Tylenol still seems to work fine - Vicodin not needed.
Speech normal - sentences make sense! :p

She ventured out on the deck today - but the BRD wouldn't bring the Tennis Raquett up
from the yard - so tennie balls were not thrown / batted to said Dawg.

Word hazzit there were NO un-registered guests in or near the BigBed last night ...
Mouse Patrol (Dad) got to sleep through the night.
Maybe there WON'T be a KAT imported to the M&D Ranch.

PS: She HAS her cell-dinger with her ... feel free to call & spread Cheer! :D

/s/ Phred ;)

09-29-2007, 05:55 PM
hey - quick check in-
I MIGHT be home tomorrow nite for a nite or 2 -
as a trial run.
no pain in the foot area
more pain - in the rest of the body from sleeping in a strange bed....
thanks for the continued well wishes!

09-29-2007, 09:37 PM
Glad to hear you and your foot are feeling better!

Awe... you had a baby mouse cuddling with you?! Poor little thing, he probably just wanted to keep warm! :p ;) Be glad you aren't my neighbors across the street... they just trapped 36 squirrels in the house they just bought!! :eek: Apparently the old guy they bought it from didn't tell them about the visitors or the flying visitors either (bats!!!).

Cinder & Smoke
09-29-2007, 10:14 PM
I MIGHT be home tomorrow nite for a nite or 2 - as a trial run.

NO pain in the foot area, but more pain - in the rest of the body ---
from sleeping in a strange bed ....


"Solo" at Home ... Wonder what the Mom Person's gonna say about THAT!

Since Mom drives the Taxi ... not so sure the Trip Home is really gonna happen so soon! :p

If ya go --- **<WATCH>** dat Killer Back Step :eek:


09-29-2007, 10:57 PM
A big red dog told me that Staci's mom isn't the one that needs convincing ("your old enough to make your own decisions..."), it's Pop that wants his baby girl at home a little longer.

Hope you're feeling better and mouse free, Staci-roo! Miss ya!

09-30-2007, 05:39 PM
well I'm HOOMMEE!
might be temporary -
it might a trial run for a couple days.
I haven't much left the wheel chair since I got here.
Yup the killer back step -
but it wasn't MY STEP that got me. I was headed inside at my parents house and apparently instead going up the first step (it's higher than mine is)and hesitating I apparently swung on thru and SPLAT I went flat on my belly. I couldn't even catch myself b/c of the crutches. My mom screamed. Keegan was excited that I was down her level and dad attempted to grab my pants - but missed but that would have been one helluva wedgie. AND I probably wouldn't have brought him down with me.
I wasn't hurt other than my pride, I suppose. My mom announced that I wasn't GOING home. But I got teary eyed b/c I just really wanted to be in my HOME. With my things and my animals and my couch and my BED. Mostly my bed. B/c I thought the bed that I was sleeping on was going to KILL ME.
I had 2 nervous parents that left me with strict orders to have my phone on me at all times and to check in FREQUENTLY! :)
I certainly won't say I'm back in action but I'm back on the bench! :D

Cinder & Smoke
09-30-2007, 07:32 PM
She's gonna kill herself!

Well - I'm HOOMMEE! ... It might a trial run for a couple days.
I haven't much left the wheel chair since I got here.

Yup the killer back step -
but it wasn't MY STEP that got me.

I was headed inside at my parents house and apparently instead going up the first step
(it's higher than mine is) and hesitating,
I apparently swung on thru and SPLAT I went flat on my belly. :eek:
I couldn't even catch myself b/c of the crutches.

I had 2 nervous parents that left me with strict orders to have my phone on me at all times
and to check in FREQUENTLY! :)

I certainly won't say I'm back in action but I'm back on the bench! :D


Can Keegan dial 9-1-1 ?
With your *Oopsie* at the M&D Ranch ... I'm surprised Mom isn't camping on your couch!

TRY to stay OFF the Killer Steps!

Happie "comfortable" & "Mouse-FREE" BigBed!!


09-30-2007, 09:14 PM
It's amazing how being in your own bed can make you feel so much better! I'm the same way... I hate leaving my kitties, even if it's only for a few nights.

09-30-2007, 09:18 PM
Welcome Home Staci! Hope you sleep good tonight:D

09-30-2007, 11:59 PM
Glad to hear you are back home Staci. Watch those steps!! ;)

10-01-2007, 01:53 PM
i just saw the trip and splat post. girlfriend, how many times has your mom/dad called you? and please, do not do anything else to get yourself on the funniest videos shows. monster wedgies indeed!

10-01-2007, 02:41 PM
I'm doing just fine...
My mom called me at 10 after 10 this morning and I was just waking up. My dad said - she won't be awake yet - she's in her OWN bed! :)
he was right.
I slept the best I had since Tues nite under vicodin induced sleep! :)
Foot doesn't hurt. I think Keegan is put off a bit b/c at least at my parents house she didn't have to get out of the way of the wheelchair all the time. :)

Cinder & Smoke
10-02-2007, 11:15 AM
Tuesday ~~~ It's Doctor Day!

Mom-Taxi should be pullin in and *honkin* da horn for the Passenger.

They're headed off to the White Coat's Lab (just around the corner) for
an exam and hopefully a change to a more "comfortable" splint.

Then it's off to Wally's World for some "supplies" ...
then Who Knows What may be next.

Keegan will probably enjoy the quiet time -
no chance of getting her Tail *smushed* by a wreckless Wheelcahir Driver!

They're still investigating yesterday's :eek: Run-Over Tail accident ... trying to determine
if the *smushed* Tail was caused by Careless Tail Placement ~~~
or Bad Chair-Drivin by the impaired Crutcher.

HAPPIE Day Out, Staci!

10-02-2007, 03:41 PM
I'm voting for the careless tail placement. ;)
visted Dr.
had a dressing change only. Am still in the original splint. Which is fine. (I think it bothers Phred more than me b/c he keeps telling me to tell the dr to change it ;)) It doesn't bother me b/c it helps me catch my balance. Next week will be dressing change and possible cast or maybe a splint. He said it depends on how good of a girl I am! :eek: I may be in a body cast then! ;)
Anything to keep me off of it.
But things are still progressing. The screw is about 2-3 inches long and goes across the fracture site, to pull it together. :)

10-02-2007, 03:55 PM
Glad to hear the screw is still in place!

Does the BRD needs a splint on her tail now?! :p

10-02-2007, 04:15 PM
Glad to hear the screw is still in place!

Does the BRD needs a splint on her tail now?! :p
not a splint but some ROGAINE might be good! ;)

Cinder & Smoke
10-05-2007, 11:26 PM
A 'Crutchin' she will go ...

I'm pretty sure Today (Saturday, October 6th) is the Day of the Wedding
(NOT Staci's - a Friend's wedding).

And I think Our Patient is gong to be her own Taxi Driver, and Crutcher.

Wish her luck in finding a close-to-the-door parking space;
as well as NO Killer Steps 'tween the car and her seat!

Happie Crutchin, and have **Phunn**!

/s/ Me

10-06-2007, 07:19 AM
Whew, finally catching up on the adventures of your foot, Staci... :eek: :D Be careful at the wedding today - and no "Chicken Dance" at the reception for you ;) -- have a great time!

(Dont know if you guys do the Chicken Dance but I'm told it's a tradition at a lot of weddings)

10-07-2007, 03:30 PM
yupper - well it was my uncle's (mom's brother) wedding, and I was just a spectator.
I had a chauffer. (DAD - who was an usher)

I'm able to drive, with my crutches in the front seat. I'm still hobbling along. Very little to no pain. Unless I come down on it which I did in the bathroom last nite (at the reception) b/c the floor was all wet. :mad:
Pat - there was no dancing. My uncle isn't into that stuff. ;) It was his second wedding and the bride's first. They just had a cd player playing in the background for noise. :)
I see the Dr on Tuesday so I'll let ya know what I find out! :D

Cinder & Smoke
10-07-2007, 03:57 PM
Very little to no pain.
Unless I come down on it which I did ... (at the reception) b/c the floor was all wet. :mad:


Ask Doc if he has a splint with a Rain Tread on the bottom!

10-07-2007, 05:04 PM

Ask Doc if he has a splint with a Rain Tread on the bottom!
or automatic dryers on the bottom of my crutches! :)

Cinder & Smoke
10-09-2007, 01:26 PM
Well ...

It's Doctor Day ... have we been there yet?

How'd ya make out?

New X-Ray *snappie* taken? ... How's the "mending" coming along?

Did'ja get any new Stuff?? ... Splints, Guards, Wraps, Sox, Boots, non-skid Crutches,
maybe a Motorized Walker? Or a Skegway / Segway / :confused: / Two-Wheeled Power Scooter -
You'd be the Terror of Wally'sMart! :p

Most (or at least some) Kidding aside - we hope your Footsie *IS* getting Better!!


10-09-2007, 03:13 PM
stitches out -
re-wrapped with same splint.
I may make an appt with him on Friday to have a different splint/cast type thing. He wants me to be able to flex my ankle more now that the tendon is on its way to healing.
no xrays
now he's saying 5 weeks (total) non-weight bearing... *sigh*
so that means 3 more weeks instead of 2
date to return to work 11-6-07.... :)

Killearn Kitties
10-09-2007, 03:18 PM
Glad to hear things are moving along. Five more weeks of hopping? :eek:

10-09-2007, 03:19 PM
UGH...5 more weeks :o Poor you.
I bet your really looking forward to 11-6-07!!!!!

10-09-2007, 03:26 PM
not 5 more weeks - 5 weeks total so that means 3 more weeks instead of 2! :D

Killearn Kitties
10-09-2007, 03:42 PM
Oh, well things are looking up already, in that case!! :D :D

Cinder & Smoke
10-10-2007, 07:49 AM
Now he's saying 5 weeks (total) non-weight bearing... *sigh*
so that means 3 more weeks instead of 2.


You're going to need to take the Krutches into the Tyre Shoppe for a re-tread job ...
Ya GOTTA have a lotta miles on those Tips by now! :p

Hope it's Feelin Better!

Daisy and Delilah
10-10-2007, 10:57 AM
Staci, I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Take it easy.

10-10-2007, 11:03 AM
You must be going stir-crazy! I hope you are taking it as easy as you can.


Cinder & Smoke
10-10-2007, 11:09 AM
You must be going stir-crazy!
I hope you are taking it as easy as you can.


The "silence" says she's "Out Krutchin" somewhere! :)

Not sure she understands "taking it easy"!


10-10-2007, 12:00 PM

The "silence" says she's "Out Krutchin" somewhere! :)

Not sure she understands "taking it easy"!

that's the pot calling the kettle black!

well I'm sitting alot pushing myself in the wheelchair-
reading a lot
and my mom brought over a puzzle I'm putting together.
I know how to crochet but I'm not inspired - wouldn't mind learning to knit but no one to teach me-
and besides I tried crocheting once with 2 cats and I spent more time with batting their paws off me... and with Kloe and her claws I came away bloody!I'm actually getting ready to head to the drs Findlay office and he's going to change my splint- to something different.
so i'll check in later this evening

10-10-2007, 05:52 PM
well I have the same type of splint on - its just smaller. Doesn't cover my toes and doesn't go quite as far as my knee. So now I have to learn to walk all over again! I was using the part that was passed my toes to balance but now that it isn't there its just my toes...
and the beat goes on....
on 10-19-07 (day before my beday)
my dad is having hernia surgery at my hospital. My mom is gonna need a vacation! :eek:

10-14-2007, 08:12 AM
Hey, where ya been? Haven't heard from you in a few days so I was beginning to wonder!

10-14-2007, 12:43 PM
Hey, where ya been? Haven't heard from you in a few days so I was beginning to wonder!
I'm doing fine-
still crutching- and wheeling around my house.
very little pain -
not supposed to see dr until 23rd.
haven't heard from me?
i emailed you at your yahoo address.
:confused: :D

Daisy and Delilah
10-14-2007, 10:31 PM
Staci, I just wanted you to know I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Take it easy and get back to your normal self soon. Best wishes to your Dad. You guys have really been through it haven't you? :(

10-14-2007, 10:49 PM
Thanks Terry! :D
I miss your emails! :D ;)

10-14-2007, 10:55 PM
Good to hear you're doing well. Just watch out for tails when you're wheeling around the house. ;) :D

10-23-2007, 04:42 PM
It's been a very very emotional day for me.
When my dad had surgery on Friday I had my xrays taken, I didn't think that the screw looked right, but a few people told me that a little knowledge is dangerous and to not worry and to let the Dr look at the xrays. So today we went to the Dr and I knew from the look on his face that I was right. Either the screw has moved OR it wasn't put in the right place to begin with. (at this point does it really matter?) So after spending most of the day in tears, and now I have a screaming migraine and am exhausted. To make a long story short ( I hope) I am scheduled to see an orthopedic surgeon for a 2nd opinion on Friday. I am scheduled on Tuesday the 30th to have the pin removed b/c where it is it will only cause me problems and is doing nothing for the fracture. My fellow co-workers (several of them) think that the fracture is a non union type fracture which is livable. People live with these kind of fractures everyday. I got several hugs and shed a lot of tears while at the hospital. I have talked with the HR dept and they are going to allow me to request a medical leave of abscence for about 3-4 weeks. This means that I will use my remaining sick time, vacation time, and holiday time. Until its gone or I come back to work. They don't want me coming back too soon after the screw removal b/c of infection. This also means that I'll still get my full wages, I'll just have to pay full price for my medical benefits during that time which instead of $90 a month it is $450 a month! :eek: But as long as I can keep my job, I'll take it.
So I'm going to find something to eat and curl up with a kitty or two, hopefully to get rid of this migraine.
so please keep the good thoughts coming- I'm gonna need them!!!


10-23-2007, 04:59 PM
Aw, Staci, I'm so sorry to hear things have gone downhill. You were doing so well! Good thing you got it looked at. that's great about work making arrangements so you can have the time off you need to heal properly.
If I was still in Findlay, I'd drive down & deliver this in person -
but I guess this will have to do!
Take care, girlfriend!

10-23-2007, 04:59 PM
Oh Staci. :( (((Hugs))) I am so sorry to hear the bad news. While I'm
glad you will have the time to cover expenses, it really sucks that you have to use all of it. (I had a hernia surgery that basically had to be re-done
after 6 weeks trying to heal & used every day I had)

I really hope they can fix you up 100%, and soon. :)

Cinder & Smoke
10-23-2007, 05:31 PM
I had my x rays taken, ... I didn't think that the screw looked right ...

So today we went to the Dr and I knew from the look on his face that I was right.
Either the screw has moved OR it wasn't put in the right place to begin with.

I am scheduled to see an orthopedic surgeon for a 2nd opinion on Friday.

I am scheduled on Tuesday the 30th to have the pin removed
b/c where it is it will only cause me problems and is doing nothing for the fracture.

GOOD GRIEF!! :mad:

Do you have any recourse for the failure of the procedures done so far?

Is the 2nd Opinion Doc a truly DIS-interested and independent person?
I'd certainly want to avoid a Doc who either "knows" anyone involved so far;
or who has ties to the Hospital --- get a real 2nd opinion - not a re-hash of the current thinking.

Is Friday to Monday enough time to actually examine all the facts and to verify
that the screw should come out? If anything else needs to be done to the foot,
ONE operation to remove/reposition/fix-it would be better than two procedures.
What IS the "rush" to remove the screw?

How 'bout the Cleveland Clinic - Sports Medicine Group??
They've got some great folks who work on the occasional high-value sporty types ...
you deserve the SAME treatment - ask for it!

SO SORRIE this has turned into a REALLY *bad* dream ...
Purrayers that things start to get Better - SOONLY!!


10-23-2007, 06:00 PM
OH Staci... :(


I hope, like Phred suggested, that they could do the two procedures at the same time.

And IF the screw was put in wrong to begin with, I think someone besides you should be paying your full medical while you recuperate!

Aw, hon - cuddle with your kitties, I hope your head feels better (try an antihistamine; if you have been crying a lot the sinuses make your head hurt more).

PRAYERS that all works out fine.

10-23-2007, 06:37 PM
GOOD GRIEF!! :mad:

Do you have any recourse for the failure of the procedures done so far?

your what hurts?

Is the 2nd Opinion Doc a truly DIS-interested and independent person? the first doc is a PODIATRIST - the 2nd doc is a ORTHOPEADIC SURGEON. I certainly hope he isn't DISinterested, I'd like him to take an interest in my welfare.

I'd certainly want to avoid a Doc who either "knows" anyone involved so far;
or who has ties to the Hospital --- get a real 2nd opinion - not a re-hash of the current thinking.
well he's known and worked with me for as long as he's been coming to my hospital and I'll trust what he says. We will explain what we found out and ask him what HE thinks needs to be done.

Is Friday to Monday enough time to actually examine all the facts and to verify
that the screw should come out? If anything else needs to be done to the foot,
ONE operation to remove/reposition/fix-it would be better than two procedures.
What IS the "rush" to remove the screw? Looking at the position of the screw YES it needs to come out - it can only hinder me at this point. One wrong move and it could come thru the skin, now if it were your foot what would you do? The longer the screw is in, the more bone that grows around it so that when it does finally come out- it would take that bone growth with it. Not an ideal situation.

How 'bout the Cleveland Clinic - Sports Medicine Group??
They've got some great folks who work on the occasional high-value sporty types ...
you deserve the SAME treatment - ask for it! funny this sounds like me telling YOU to find another hospital/dr to treat you and you didn't do it. I am saving 50% off my bill having procedures done at my hospital. And at my hospital is where I'll stay. Thanks.

SO SORRIE this has turned into a REALLY *bad* dream ...
Purrayers that things start to get Better - SOONLY!!

thank you..... :) your concern is appreciated, and keep in mind that I know these people, work with these people, and have some medical knowledge under my belt. And a mouth that I do know how to use, you ought to know that.....

Cinder & Smoke
10-23-2007, 06:48 PM
your what hurts?

Funny, this sounds like me telling YOU to find another hospital/dr to treat you and you didn't do it.

Ooooh-K ... feel free to disregard all those thoughts.


10-23-2007, 06:58 PM
Ooooh-K ... feel free to disregard all those thoughts.

the your what hurts comment is in reference to
I don't understand the wording of the question.
I'm not disregarding anything.
I'm sorry if I sound like a &itch but I've been on an emotional roller coaster today, sorry I can't be nice.
But you have to admit that it is just like deja' vue b/c I kept telling YOU to find other doctors and hospitals, and for whatever reason, you couldn't/wouldn't either.
It's hard to listen to others when the stubborness factor is so strong on both ends.... :)

10-24-2007, 12:56 AM
Staci, I'm sorry to hear that things aren't going well for you.:( I sure hope that the doctors will be able to help you and that you'll heal up quickly. Please take care. (((HUGS)))

10-24-2007, 06:07 AM
Oh man, this REALLY sucks Staci:( I can't imagine how your feeling right now. I wish I could be there to give you a great BIG (((HUG))), hope this works for nowhttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v43/anna66/HugsThanks/c115.gif

I'll give you a call later, k?
Love ya

4 Dog Mother
10-24-2007, 09:13 AM
I'm so sorry Staci, that you have to go through more surgery etc. I know how upset you had to be when you got the news. If it would make you feel better, I could send my grandkids over or a couple of dogs over. With all the commotion, you won't have time to think about what has to happen but I can't promise that the noise won't make the headache come back!

10-24-2007, 09:54 AM
Staci, I'm so sorry this has been such an ordeal for you!!! What a pain in, well the foot I guess! Lots of good thoughts coming your way!

10-24-2007, 04:07 PM
Oh No Staci! I'm so sorry.

{{hugs}} to you.

10-24-2007, 04:57 PM
Staci - I'm so very sorry things have turned out like this. So frustrating, and so much time wasted - right?

Keeping fingers crossed, and prayers being sent for a quick and better outcome with your new doctor.

10-24-2007, 11:48 PM
Thanks! I feel better today - tho I'm still bummed about it of course.
But as Anna told me on the phone - I've always had a screw loose!!! ;)Thanks Phred for changing the title. :)

10-25-2007, 05:00 AM
I'm sorry you have to go through this. :( I'll keep you in my prayers, that your foot is all fixed up properly soon.

Ginger's Mom
10-25-2007, 05:55 AM
Yes, thanks for changing the title, I may have missed this development otherwise. Staci, I am so sorry to hear that things have turned out this way. I hope that Tuesday's procedure can clear everything up, and that the pain heals quickly.

Daisy and Delilah
10-25-2007, 06:33 AM
This really stinks, Staci. What a horrible thing to have to go through. I hope you get some relief soon and the new surgery works miracles.

I would be emotional too :( And......seriously depressed :(

Get better!!!!! {{{{{HUGS}}}}}

10-25-2007, 11:34 AM
Thanks! I feel better today - tho I'm still bummed about it of course.
But as Anna told me on the phone - I've always had a screw loose!!! ;)

Hey, that's what friends are for, right Anna? :D Staci, I am glad you feel
a little better today. Hang in there. ((Hugs)) :)

10-25-2007, 11:40 AM
Staci - when they take the old screw out, have them save it for you.

I had a plate and screws in my right ankle for a few years. When they were removed, I put the plate on my key ring (it's still there), and had a pair of earrings made with 2 of the screws. Unfortunately, that metal (titanium?) is difficult to bond with other metals, and one short drop to a counter top knocked it loose. So the screws are gone, but the plate lives on!!

10-26-2007, 06:25 PM
well I went to the second opinion today and confirmed what I thought. I'm just going to have the screw taken out and let it heal on its own if it ever does. I'll be put in the walking boot for a few weeks and then back to the regular routine. (weight bearing promotes bone growth)

10-26-2007, 06:30 PM
Staci, I'm sorry you are having so much trouble with your foot! I fractured mine in 2 places a few years ago. My regular doctor totally missed the fractures. It was 3 or 4 months before he found the first one, then he referred me to a foot doctor! :rolleyes: He discovered a 2nd fracture and put me in a full cast for 6 weeks. This was after I had worn a boot for several months already! Anyway, after the cast came off, into another boot. Still in pain! Long story short, I had a bone fragment floating around in there and had to have surgery. Another 6 weeks on crutches again! In all it was a year long event. I didn't think I would ever be able to walk again without a limp!

I hope that you can get your foot taken care of soon!!!


Cinder & Smoke
10-29-2007, 11:09 PM
WHEN is a secret ... but sometime Today, Tuesday, October 29, 2007 -
Our Miz Staci is going to get picked up by Mom and delivered to the Hospital in Upper Sandy ...

Doc will remover the Screw from her footsie and put a new Zipper in;
then prolly do a wrap job over a splint.

When she recovers from the knock-out cocktail ...
Mom/Bus Driver/Head Nurse will haul The Patient and the BRD (Big Red dawg)
off to the M&M Recovery Center & Mouse Sanctuary till Wednesday.

Wednesday the Bus Driver will load BOTH "Patients" (Staci AND Dad) + BRD in da Bus and
head north to the Remote Recovery Cabin inna Woods in Michigan.
NO Phone - NO Internet - "spotty" cell phone reception --- Peace & Quiet!

Return south to civilization will be sometime over the weekend.

Sooooo ... say a few PT Purrayers for a successful De-Screwing;
and a comfortable (mouse-free) stay in the Cabin!

{{{HUGS}}} ;)


10-29-2007, 11:11 PM
930 is surgery time I have to be there @ 630

I'll try to post a coherant update afterward when we stop to get my dog.

THANKS for the prayers and good thoughts! :D
it wouldn't be a secret if you checked your email! ;) he he he

10-29-2007, 11:14 PM
Guess this means we can't kid you about having a screw loose anymore, huh?

Good luck m'dear! Hugs and prayers across the miles!

10-29-2007, 11:42 PM
Staci, I hope that everything goes well tomorrow and that you have a speedy recovery.:)

10-30-2007, 12:15 AM
Thoughts for you through the week. Enjoy the peace and quiet of the cabin. :)

10-30-2007, 01:01 AM
Absolutely no screws loose for our girl!! Take that out of my foot!!!

Staci - many hugs and lots of support - for yet another round of stuff to deal with!

I will be thinking about you. Enjoy the peace and quiet and I will be saying a prayer or two that all goes well for you.

xxoo Mom #2

10-30-2007, 04:24 AM
I'll be thinking about you today, Staci.

Love ya!

10-30-2007, 05:16 AM
its about a quarter after 6 and we are headed out the door.

thanks for the well wishes! keep 'em coming please! I'm gonna need them!!

Daisy and Delilah
10-30-2007, 05:56 AM
Thoughts and prayers going out for you Staci. Get better fast and....take it easy.....get some rest..... :)

Ginger's Mom
10-30-2007, 06:05 AM
Prayers and good thoughts going out for you, Staci.

10-30-2007, 07:45 AM
Thinking of you Staci.
Sending you {{{hugs}}}

Phred, I was LMAO at this: :D
M&M Recovery Center & Mouse Sanctuary :D

10-30-2007, 07:56 AM
Good Luck today Staci!

10-30-2007, 08:25 AM
Oops, a little late but I'm sending out well wishes to you girlfriend:D

10-30-2007, 08:44 AM
Thanks for the updates, Phred. Staci, prayers going out for you for a successful operation today. Hope your recovery is smooth -- all treats, no more tricks! :)

10-30-2007, 11:56 AM
Staci, hoping that the operation is over by now and the problems resolved. I'm presuming you won't have to stay there very long.

10-30-2007, 12:10 PM
well I was home around 1230 not near as loopy as I was before altho I could still take a nice nap!!
I had quite a bit of pain during the procedure, my co-worker finally said something to the dr and he numbed it up again - the shot felt about like 4-5 bee stings all at once!! :eek:
I asked the dr if he was mad at me and he said he thought I was a tough woman I could take it and I said not when someone is unscrewing something out of my foot!
he wants me to be non weight bearing for 6 weeks. but I can go back to work in a couple weeks on light duty... mom said we may be doing our own thing! :eek:
i'll probably check in tomorrow but then after that I'll be txting zippy and she can give updates.

Cinder & Smoke
10-30-2007, 12:22 PM
well I was home around 1230 not near as loopy as I was before ...
altho I could still take a nice nap!!

I can go back to work in a couple weeks on light duty ...
mom said we may be doing our own thing! :eek: ... :rolleyes:

I think I detect some lingering Loopyness!

:confused: "We may be doing our own thing"?????

Has Dad decided to stay home with the Meese in peace & quiet?

Are you sobering up at YOUR House or following The Plan at M&M's with
the Lonesome Mice?

Happie Trip up North!!


10-30-2007, 12:32 PM
(((Hugs))) Staci. Take it as easy as possible & heal up quick. :)

Daisy and Delilah
10-30-2007, 12:45 PM
{{{{{{{STACI}}}}}}} :) Take it easy and feel better!!! :D

10-30-2007, 01:25 PM
Glad to hear everything went well Staci!!

{{{HUGS}}} and sending you wishes for a speedy and FULL recovery!

10-30-2007, 01:57 PM
sleep sweet staci, and pray tell...what will be your 'light duty' ?

10-30-2007, 03:36 PM
Just got Stace's text. She's feeling kinda nauseas from a bad headache prob. caused by the pain and then the sedation. Please send some prayers her way....its hard for her to be given these orders to be off work for 6 weeks, AGAIN. She's fearful, as anyone else would be here, of having her job in trouble or the very least them being mad at her...

Lots of prayers, good thoughts and vibes being sent your way my sweet...

Love ya,
Kelly & Kits


10-30-2007, 04:16 PM
Sure hope you feel better soon Staci.

10-30-2007, 05:57 PM
Oh my gosh... and here I thought things would be going better after the other surgery. I lose track of all these threads! I can't imagine being awake while a doctor is taking a screw out of my foot, actually, removing a screw from anywhere on my body!!

It's sad that you have to be afraid of losing your job because of a surgery that didn't work correctly or as it was supposed to. It's not your fault for goodness sake! Like you need more stress when you are supposed to be recovering!

Cinder & Smoke
10-30-2007, 09:41 PM
I checked with The Patient about 8:40 PM ...

She was rather *alert* but suffering bouts of :eek: pain, throbbing, and aching ...
She'll take a Vicodin just before she settles in wiffa Mouse ... too soon and she'll
never make it to the bed! (And Mr. Mouse will be lonesome!) :p

The Bus Driver/Head Nurse has a prior engagement tomorrow ... going to Columbus to do -
get this - CHRISTMAS Shoppin! On Halloween???

Northbound Cabin Bus leaves about 4:00 PM Thursday after Mrs. Santa's sleigh returns ...
and Dad *IS* going along.

Purrayers needed for a restful and pain-FREE night; and a Safe Trip North tomorrow.

Oh, and God ~ Can you ask da Mouse to NOT *snore* too loud tanite?


{{{Huggz}}} for The Patient!

10-30-2007, 10:28 PM
{{{{{hugs}}}}} Staci.

I think 'light duty' should be mashing whipped cream pies into the faces of colleagues who are mad that you are not back at work (wait til you get back, though! :D )

Kelly and Phred - thanks SO much for the uppydates. :)

10-31-2007, 05:19 AM
I'm really sorry to hear you were feeling so bad yesterday. I'm really hoping that today will be much better.

Another 6 weeks hu? Well if that doesn't just suck :(

Love ya girl

10-31-2007, 11:01 AM
Doh! Lemme clear something up. Stace's co-workers aren't mad at her for not being there. They are being very sweet and supportive...I was saying that anyone in this situation would feel like their co-workers would loose patience.

Stace works with some good people, like she said, she's had one of them in surgery with her, looking out for her and wishing her well. I just wanted to offer some thought on what else Stace is going through, not "just" all these foot problems.

Hugs, Kelly :)

Stace, I'll call you at lunch or after work to check on you, sweetie. Get well and get rest. ((gentle hugs))

10-31-2007, 11:07 AM
I'm sorry to hear about the pain you are in. :( I hope you feel better soon!

10-31-2007, 11:10 AM
I think I detect some lingering Loopyness!

:confused: "We may be doing our own thing"?????

Has Dad decided to stay home with the Meese in peace & quiet?

Are you sobering up at YOUR House or following The Plan at M&M's with
the Lonesome Mice?

Happie Trip up North!!

I think you read too much into the doing our own thing. Has nothing to do with Michigan.
Our 'own thing' is b/c the ortho said I could be back on my foot within a couple weeks. Podiatrist said off for 6 weeks b/c we are starting over. Mom said 'we may do our own thing.'
like a happy medium after 3 weeks.
still in a lot of pain -
from back of hip to foot. Took 2 7.5 mg vicodin's to ease it. moving slowly and surely.
:) we will be out of email/some cell phone range starting tonite. So I'll be txting zippy and graciously agreed to update after this point!
Thanks for the continued prayers and well wishes! Keep em coming - i'm gonna need them! :D

10-31-2007, 11:12 AM
Oh my gosh... and here I thought things would be going better after the other surgery. I lose track of all these threads! I can't imagine being awake while a doctor is taking a screw out of my foot, actually, removing a screw from anywhere on my body!!

It's sad that you have to be afraid of losing your job because of a surgery that didn't work correctly or as it was supposed to. It's not your fault for goodness sake! Like you need more stress when you are supposed to be recovering!
Thanks for clearing that up Kel.
no one is mad at me. They want me better so I can come back to work. They MISS me.
My friend (co-worker) was mad at the surgeon/anesthist b/c they didn't take care of my pain while I was in surgery and I asked the surgeon if he was mad at me b/c he was allowing my pain.
:) no worries :D

10-31-2007, 11:29 AM
None of this sounds like much "phun" to me...............I hope you can get the pain under control and it eases soon. Lots of shock going on with that ankle for sure!

Big hugs to you and I hope you feel better soon.

10-31-2007, 12:54 PM
You poor thing, did you have this type of pain after the last surgery?? Owie, bone pain...surgical pain too...is horrid. I hope you feel better soon, honey. If there's anything I can do, let me know.

Hey, any luck on that paperwork we were discussing? From the hospital or either of your MDs offices?? Let me know if I can do anything on my end to help...I'll make phone calls or do whatever to help. Just say the word.

Kelly :)

Cinder & Smoke
10-31-2007, 06:32 PM
"Captain Dad" is Flyin the Bus, Mom's co-pilot, Staci's watchin TV, BRD is sound asleep ...
estimated to be 50 Miles and an Hour away from the Cabin in Michigan.
Dinner still to be decided upon - the cookies & crackers are gone.
RAIN for the last half hour ... might be SNOWmobile Tyme before they head back home.

Staci reports The Foot is getting "throbby" --- but it's been riding around ALL day!
She & Dad ran errands; visited da KATS at Staci's; made an emergency purchase of
a Nephew/GrandKid Halloween costume - with delivery before the party ...
and that was all before 2:00!
Mrs. Santa got back early and they all departed for Michigan at 3:00 PM.

Staci is "armed" with Books, DVDs and VCR tapes --- a "quiet" week is planned!

11-01-2007, 07:55 AM
I got a text about 7.40 last night but didn't find it until a couple hours later. And because my internet doesn't seem to be too reliable lately, I'm just now posting that Miz Staci arrived safely at the cottage.

Heal quickly and quietly, Miz Staci!

Daisy and Delilah
11-01-2007, 10:48 AM
Hope you're taking it easy Staci!! Get well! :)

11-01-2007, 11:57 AM
Thinking about you this morning, Staci. I hope your pain is under control and you can have a good quiet rest.

11-03-2007, 02:56 PM
I just sent Stace a text message to see how she's doing. Will let you know if/when I get a response...I know she's in an area lacking in cell range/coverage.

Just thinking about you, Stace. I hope the pain is gone or getting close to being gone soon...and that you are doing well.

Love ya, Kelly :)


11-03-2007, 04:43 PM
meanwhile back at the ranch....
we are home. had a nice restful end of the week.
now I'm just muddling thru my emails.
pain finally went away thurs morning when I awoke with virtually no pain.
trip home was uneventful I watched MONK and CSI... :D

11-06-2007, 04:35 PM
Saw the dr today. Got the Bandage changed. Incision looks good.
No pain -
STILL wants me off it for 6 weeks. Pretty adamant about it. :(
But I told him I intend to go back to work in 4 weeks (from Surgery date) with restrictions. Which means wherever I'll be I'll be crutching or wheeling my way around the hospital.
I just can't believe this is STILL going on....
:( :confused:

Cinder & Smoke
11-06-2007, 08:57 PM
Saw the Doc today.
* Got the Bandage changed.
* Incision looks good.
* No pain -

STILL wants me off it for 6 weeks.
* Pretty adamant about it. :(
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

But I told him I intend to go back to work in 4 weeks ...

Wanna take *bets* on who wins this argument?

A Crutchin she did go ...
A Crutchin she did go ...
Hi-Ho and Merrie-O ...
A Crutchin she Did GOooooo!

Daisy and Delilah
11-07-2007, 07:40 AM
Take it from an old lady of experience, Staci. Don't overdo it!! If the doc says 6 weeks, take it. Going back to work always seems okay in your head until you get there. After you're there, it turns into you trying to do more and more and more so your co-workers won't have such a heavy load. I know that's the way I am and I end up regretting it. Take it easy and feel better!! You don't want to re-injure the foot. :)

11-14-2007, 11:36 PM
Stitches out on Tuesday. Still on crutches for another month. :rolleyes:
Going back to work with restrictions on the 26th. Which means that they couldn't find any place for me in the rest of the hospital but my department agreed to be able to use me. I originally had thought I would be working day shift but I'll actually be working 3-7pm everyday, and a health fair on a Saturday. I don't care I'll take it! the 4 hours will help me transition into working full days I think - I've been off so long I am sure I'll be worn out going back to work!!
So that's my update! :)

11-15-2007, 05:52 AM
It's so good to hear that the pain is going away, yeah! This really turned into quite an ordeal. Still sending you lots of prayers & healing vibes :D ...a big ole belly rub for the BRD!

Cinder & Smoke
11-15-2007, 10:11 AM
Stitches out on Tuesday.

Still on crutches for another month. :rolleyes:

Ya don't need the Zipper any more, huh?

But another MONTH of *crutchin*?
How many MILEs do you have on that pair o' Sticks?

Better look into getting a new set of SNOW-Tread Tips ... winter be comin! :cool:

Happie *Crutchin* ... Hope the Footsie is feeling a LOT Better!


11-16-2007, 04:15 PM
Hey honey,

GREAT news that you get to return to work in a way that you'll be able to ease into it. I know docs have thier 'by the book rules', but you know your body more than anyone else...do what YOU feel is right.

I wish you lots of luck and will be praying when you go back to work on the 26th. :)

Kelly :)


Cinder & Smoke
11-24-2007, 09:00 PM

Poor Baby!

We should all send a Prayer that Miz Staci has a quiet and pain-free
"First Day back at WORK" on Monday - (Monday, November 26, 2007).

Hopefully the Hospital will find something challenging to the mind but not the body -
'specially da FOOT. ;)

Have a GOOD Day on Monday, Staci!


11-24-2007, 09:21 PM
Good to hear your foot is getting better, good luck 'easing' back into work! :)

11-24-2007, 10:41 PM
thanks! :)
I'm starting out slow, only 4 hours a day for the first couple weeks.

choc puppy - I LOL'ed at your siggie! :D

Cinder & Smoke
11-26-2007, 06:42 PM
Tis Monday, November 26, 2007 ... Staci's First Day back to Work ...

Did'ja make it back home in one piece?
How'd the day go?

Flop in a chair, rest da Foot ... and tell us all about it!

11-26-2007, 07:04 PM
well it was uneventful.
Lots of "oh your BACK!" and "Hey stranger(s)".
I did paperwork that needs to be done but sometimes you are just too busy for it. It wasn't real busy for me but that's ok.
Seeing Dr tomorrow. Will find out what HE thinks... :eek:

11-27-2007, 08:30 AM
So it was your first day back at work hu?

I was just thinking about you last night and wondering when you would be going back.
Are you doing a desk job for now or back on your regular job?

Let us know what the doc says!

11-27-2007, 09:07 AM
:) Well its probably a good thing all was quiet. How did your foot feel at the end of the day?

11-27-2007, 01:44 PM
Thanks! :)
Well, saw the dr today and the xray I had taken last week is showing healing on the top and side but when you look at the side view it isn't really. :rolleyes:
So he told me light duty for another 4 weeks and told him no way!
(smoke crack much?) b/c I have to be up and full time in 3 weeks and that means off crutches. And I'm in a wedding on Dec 29th and that means NO crutches!! It's ridiculous that this has taken this long.
0 I told him the Ortho said I should stay off it for 2-3 weeks and then go about my life. He didn't like me bringing that up.. :mad: But handled it well. Said that sometimes these kind of fractures are underestimated.
So basically I'm going to be light duty with light weight bearing for 3 more weeks and then working my way OFF the crutches.
Another xray and see him in a month.....

11-27-2007, 04:59 PM
Thanks! :)
Well, saw the dr today and the xray I had taken last week is showing healing on the top and side but when you look at the side view it isn't really. :rolleyes:
So he told me light duty for another 4 weeks and told him no way!
(smoke crack much?) b/c I have to be up and full time in 3 weeks and that means off crutches. And I'm in a wedding on Dec 29th and that means NO crutches!! It's ridiculous that this has taken this long.
0 I told him the Ortho said I should stay off it for 2-3 weeks and then go about my life. He didn't like me bringing that up.. :mad: But handled it well. Said that sometimes these kind of fractures are underestimated.
So basically I'm going to be light duty with light weight bearing for 3 more weeks and then working my way OFF the crutches.
Another xray and see him in a month.....


I'm glad you are able to keep your sense of humor through all of this. :D
Hang in there just a little bit longer if you can.Still praying for a complete
recovery. (((Hugs)))