View Full Version : Dear Lacey and Ozzy,

09-24-2007, 05:19 PM
I wanted to thank you sharing your pictures with us of your new clothes, this is what happens when you share those pictures with hoomans. My Mommy was just so excited that my new winter clothes showed up today. She said this is my dressy shirt and I can wear it for holidays. This shirt wasn't too bad because I could move around easy, it was nice and thin.
This is my sleeveless hoodie, it wasn't too bad either as long as no one puts the hat on, I wasn't to keen on the hat.
This was okay too because it was nice and toasty...
See look at this ridiculous hat! Mommy says it will keep my ears warm in the winter.
I think out of the corner of my eye Jordan is laughing!!
Here is my new Bomber Jacket. This thing is bulky and hard to walk in so Mommy better plan on toting me!!
I'm telling you, that is a smirk on his face!!
Thank goodness that is all she bought!! I just had to show you what kind of torture I had to go through because of your cuteness. And I thought we were friends

09-24-2007, 05:27 PM
Those look great on you, Chopper! Thanks for sharing. :)

09-24-2007, 05:30 PM
Oh I just about forgot this one...this is a joke I look like a watermelon and I know Mommy and Jordan were laughing!!

09-24-2007, 05:42 PM
I can't stop awwwing at the screen! You look absolutley adorable, Chopper! I love it!

09-24-2007, 06:39 PM
Dear Chopper -

So sorry, aren't these hoomans odd? They don't know enough to grow their own fur and then they have to treat us as if WE didn't have anything on!They really like those hood things, we see you got one too. Those hoods CHASE ya! At least you look handsome in your things. Can we still be friends? It wasn't OUR idea to get the flashy box out and post pics on PT!

Lacey and Ozzy

You did get a nice selection, I LOVE the green sweater! And the bomber jacket, and the toasty hoodie and the classy shirt and . . . . He he he.

09-24-2007, 06:46 PM
Lacey and Ozzy. I kind of figured it wasn't your choice either. Hoomans are crazy!! I get a little quiver and mom goes dashing off for clothing!! All I need is a nice warm lap :) Mommy found that bomber jacket at the flea market---she was so excited she "just had to have it" :rolleyes: Good grief.

Of course we can still be friends, I know you were probably tortured too.


09-24-2007, 11:20 PM
Oh my gosh, where was the cuteness warning? ;) Chopper is adorable!