View Full Version : More bathroom stories/observation.....

09-24-2007, 04:49 PM
I have been working around the Southland and have run into these situations...

I walked into a bathroom and was quite surprised by a voice from the stall that asked, "What are you doing?" I glanced at the pair of shoes under the partition and wondered if they looked 'political', after a second I realized the man was in the process of making a phone call and a good old number 2.


The man walking in circles in the bathroom is not cruising for a date, he's looking for better phone reception!
ANother case of thinking he was a politician!

I walked into a unisex bathroom in a bank building......there were two rooms instead of stalls....so theoretically, you can be in the can, walk out and use the sink standing next to a woman....

If I wanted to do that, I'd get married!


Some men don't take their health seriously,

I mentioned this in another thread, but........

DO NOT pull out your cell, Use your hands to do a number 1, then touch your cell phone then wash your hands......IT seems that the business/sales men are the biggest offenders.


Ever notice that some bathrooms have better toilet paper than you have at home?

Cinder & Smoke
09-24-2007, 05:05 PM
Ever notice that some bathrooms have better toilet paper than you have at home?


Maybe in the baffrooms where you have to PAY to sit down ...
but the average "Public" potty uses paper that would be well suited as SANDpaper!

09-24-2007, 05:25 PM

Maybe in the baffrooms where you have to PAY to sit down ...

PAY? :eek: :confused:

Out here it's free with every fill up!
But who can afford a full tank? ;)

09-24-2007, 06:07 PM
I do ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,once a Month......LOL

09-25-2007, 06:42 AM

Maybe in the baffrooms where you have to PAY to sit down ...
but the average "Public" potty uses paper that would be well suited as SANDpaper!

Oh, I have to tell this funny story I heard while waiting for my ASL class a couple years ago. These two guys were talking about the different grades of toilet paper and one of them said our school must use the "John Wayne" grade of paper. The other guy asked him what he meant and he said:

"You know, the John Wayne grade - it's rough, it's tough, and it don't take s*** of anybody!"
:D :eek: :D

(Sorry about the language but I couldn't help it - I thought it was so funny!)

Lady's Human
09-25-2007, 08:13 AM
Anyone complaining about TP in the US should go use a public latrine in Germany. Rough isn't the word.