View Full Version : mastiffs

09-23-2007, 01:44 PM
does anyone here know anyone with a mastiff or bull mastiff? does anyone here have one? We aren't getting one but my mom LOVES them and has always wanted one. I like them too, but never thought about getting one until she saw some in the paper a few weeks ago. We don't really need another dog right now, but just wondered what their personality was like. I have read about them in books and online but I just wanted to hear some of your stories and experiences with this wonderful breed of dog :) Maybe one day in the far off future we might like to add one to the family. I don't know for sure.. I've never 'myself' been to a shelter. I wish I had adopted a puppy/dog from there but I never had. I wouldn't trade the 3 wonderful dogs I have know for any other dog in the world, but I keep telling myself the 'next' dog I get is going to be one I can rescue from maybe getting pts or something. I know that must be a great feeling and then that dog will love you that so much for saving him/her. My mom and brothers have been to some shelters before though and they have all said they've never seen any full-blooded mastiffs. I wonder if the shelters don't get many in or something. Anyway if you have read all this thanks for listening to me talk on and on :D I still would like to know anything you know about this kind of dog!!!


09-23-2007, 03:15 PM
anna_66 has a mastiff. Bon is his name. Our beautiful BonBon boy. I'm sure she could tell you lots about the breed and give you some advice. If you think you are interested in one make sure you really do your research. You could also look for Rescue Orginizations specifically for Mastiffs. I'm sure they have some out there. Just do a google search.

I'll let Anna know about this thread or you could pm her.

09-23-2007, 04:29 PM
I LOVE Mastiffs, Neapolitian Mastiffs to be exact, closely follwed by the English. And then the French and Italian....LOL I'm hoping that once I get out of school and on my own two feet that I'll be able to purchase one. (So....ten years down the road. :cool: )

I've met some Mastiffs that have been boarded at work and I've loved each and every one. They are such big mushes, but they aren't kidding when they say they drool! They rub up against your pant leg and you have a nice drool spot there for a while. And their water dishes are always coated in drool as well. Yuk.

As awesome as the Mastiff personality is (loving, easy going, protective), without training they can be a HUGE handful. Max, a handsome reverse brindle Mastiff, has NO training. He weighs 120lbs and he pulls on a leash, jumps on you, and lunges at other dogs....some people may think it is cute when it is a five pound Chihuahua misbehaving, but when the dog is the size of a pony, it is just dangerous.

If you purchase a Mastiff from a breeder, make SURE that they screen for health problems and they are breeding well tempered dogs. Poorly bred Mastiffs can have tons of health problems (hip dysplasia being the major one) and if a Mastiff isn't socialized or bred properly, they can have temperment problems in either excessive shyness or excessive agression.
If you adopt from a shelter or rescue (Yay for you! :D ), they screen for temeperment problems, but since the dogs are from ill breeders, it will most likely have health problems sooner or later. However, that doesn't always hold true. We found my Labrador, Blackie, on the streets and he's 11 years old (will be 12 :eek: in Januaray) and he's fit as a fiddle.

It is rare to see Mastiffs in shelters, but that is because they are scooped up by rescues!

Here are a couple of links that may be helpful to you:
Do I really want a Mastiff? (http://mastiff.org/exhibit-hall/rescue/right.mv)
Mastiff breeder referral (http://mastiff.org/faq/breedref.mv)
Raising a Mastiff (http://mastiff.org/faq/rpups.mv)
Mastiff FAQs (http://www.glmr.org/faq.html) ->-> Very good!
Some rescue groups (http://www.glmr.org/links.html)
Stories about Mastiffs from Mastiff owners (http://sneakpeeks.typepad.com/mastiffs/)

Mastiffs are my favorite dogs....who could not love this face?!?
Pupper in the about picture weighs 165lbs and they said he could put on 10-15lbs more.

09-23-2007, 06:26 PM
I adore Dogue de bordeaux or French mastiffs! someday I want to own one, but they aren't in my top three to get when i'm on my own. lol Any dog needs training, but with suc large breeds time should not be wasted. I'm a fan of early training from day one with the NILIF method.

sweet pic huh?

is there a certain mastiff breed she likes more?

09-23-2007, 06:59 PM
I have a German mastiff, does that count? :D

I'm assuming you ment English Mastiff when you said 'Mastiff'. Both English Mastiffs and Bull Mastiffs are wonderful breeds. But of course it is very important that you do your research.

A lot of people admire Mastiffs for their appearence but are not ready to own such a giant dog. With a big dog comes bigger responsibilities. Bigger vet bills, bigger food bills..bigger everything! Training is very important to start at an early age. Trust me when I say, you do not want to be at the end of a 200lb untrained Mastiff's lead! But English Mastiffs are great dogs. Very loyal and sweet natured. They are very dedicated to their families, and are normally great with children.

As for bullmastiffs, (one of my most favorite breeds!!)...They are a shorter, more compact dog with a more muscular look..Usually weighing between 130-140. They also tend to be more high energy and can be a bit stubborn at times.
They are wonderful dogs. Very loyal and protective, and like the EM, they make wonderful family dogs and are usually good with children when properly socialized.

I think it would be very helpful for you to talk to reputable breeders, ask them questions, and lots of them! A good breeder will be more than willing to answer any and all questions that you may throw at them.

here are a couple websites you may want to check out as well.


09-23-2007, 11:29 PM
I'll let Anna know about this thread or you could pm her.

ok, thanks Robilee :)

09-23-2007, 11:31 PM
Here are a couple of links that may be helpful to you:
Do I really want a Mastiff? (http://mastiff.org/exhibit-hall/rescue/right.mv)
Mastiff breeder referral (http://mastiff.org/faq/breedref.mv)
Raising a Mastiff (http://mastiff.org/faq/rpups.mv)
Mastiff FAQs (http://www.glmr.org/faq.html) ->-> Very good!
Some rescue groups (http://www.glmr.org/links.html)
Stories about Mastiffs from Mastiff owners (http://sneakpeeks.typepad.com/mastiffs/)

Thankyou for the links blackrose. I'm going to send them to my mom's email for her to read

09-23-2007, 11:32 PM
I adore Dogue de bordeaux or French mastiffs! someday I want to own one, but they aren't in my top three to get when i'm on my own. lol Any dog needs training, but with suc large breeds time should not be wasted. I'm a fan of early training from day one with the NILIF method.

sweet pic huh?

is there a certain mastiff breed she likes more?

That picture is adorable! That dog looks very protective over the little baby.

I think she likes the bull mastiffs the best. That's the kind she always tlaks about getting someday.

09-23-2007, 11:37 PM
I have a German mastiff, does that count? :D

I'm assuming you ment English Mastiff when you said 'Mastiff'. Both English Mastiffs and Bull Mastiffs are wonderful breeds. But of course it is very important that you do your research.

A lot of people admire Mastiffs for their appearence but are not ready to own such a giant dog. With a big dog comes bigger responsibilities. Bigger vet bills, bigger food bills..bigger everything! Training is very important to start at an early age. Trust me when I say, you do not want to be at the end of a 200lb untrained Mastiff's lead! But English Mastiffs are great dogs. Very loyal and sweet natured. They are very dedicated to their families, and are normally great with children.

As for bullmastiffs, (one of my most favorite breeds!!)...They are a shorter, more compact dog with a more muscular look..Usually weighing between 130-140. They also tend to be more high energy and can be a bit stubborn at times.
They are wonderful dogs. Very loyal and protective, and like the EM, they make wonderful family dogs and are usually good with children when properly socialized.

I think it would be very helpful for you to talk to reputable breeders, ask them questions, and lots of them! A good breeder will be more than willing to answer any and all questions that you may throw at them.

here are a couple websites you may want to check out as well.


Thankyou for all that information danegirl! I don't think she's thinking about getting one 'right now' I'm sure she's talking like in a few years but all those web~sites are great.

And ofcourse your german mastiff counts! ;) I'd love to see pictures if you have any.

The only kind of mastiff dog I have ever been around was my friend's lab/mastiff mix. She was a dark brown dog with lav ears and a cute funny looking wrinkly face :D her name was Elsa but they didn't have her very long because she got stolen they think after they had only had her 2-3 years. Even though that was years ago I remember she was a sweet dog.


09-24-2007, 02:19 PM
My niece and her family have a bull mastiff. Her name is "Faith" and they call her "Faiffers". She may weigh close to 120 pounds, but she truly thinks she is a lap dog! Yep, she will climb right into your lap for a nap! Uh, once she is there, there is NO moving her until she is ready to be moved! :eek: :rolleyes:

My niece has 2 children, 9 and 6, and Faith is wonderful with them. She always has allowed them to lay on her, and when my great niece was smaller, she would sit on her. No problem with Faith!

What someone else had said about drooling is all too true with Faith! I am 5'2", and when she stands on her hind legs, she is taller than me! And when she is up there, she drools all over me and then leaves all kinds of hair mixed in with the drool! It truly is loving, but disgusting!

They bred her recently, and she had 6 pups. They have kept one, a male.

I wish I had some pictures to share, but I don't. I can just tell you that Faith is a great pet for the family, she eats A LOT, drools A LOT and sheds!

But she sure is a sweetie! :D ;)

09-24-2007, 03:44 PM
I have a pet duck named Faith ;)

Faith does sound like a sweetie! She sounds like everything anyone would want in a mastiff. I bet her pups were adorable!

10-10-2007, 07:31 AM
I still would like to know anything you know about this kind of dog!!!

I'm so sorry I haven't replied to this thread (I know...kinda late now :o) But I still thought I'd give you my take on the breed, well at least on my big boy!

On one side...

He's super drooly and we constantly have slingers all over the house and on us :eek:

My clothes are NEVER clean.

He weighs around 165 or so and if he steps on you...OUCH! it really hurts!

He's very stubborn and it's taken me three years to get him to learn to say (and he's still not great at it :o )

He's a bad shedder. Lots of little black hairs everywhere!

We feed RAW so it's much more expensive for him than a smaller dog.

Vet bills, they are much higher also.

But then on the up side...

He's super lovable and is totally my velcro dog! He loves to cuddle, loves kisses and just being with me is his favorite thing.

He is totally a people dog and loves everyone, well everyone that I approve of any way ;)

10-10-2007, 12:30 PM
LOL your dog sounds adorable! What is his name?

10-10-2007, 12:50 PM
;) Oh my Pics Please of your new baby.. Oh I have friends with Mastiffs && they are all so so adorable, calm & very loving.. They are great dogs..

10-13-2007, 07:00 AM
LOL your dog sounds adorable! What is his name?
Yes, he is quite adorable if I do say so myself;)
His name is Bon. Here's a few pictures of him.

10-13-2007, 04:16 PM
He is cute, and very HUGE look at that picture of him on the couch!!