View Full Version : Swollen eye lid...what is it?

09-23-2007, 11:27 AM
Yesterday my eye started to swell a little on the bottom lid closest to my nose. Today it has gotten a little worse, and it sorta hurts. It's not like oh my god I'm going to die...but it's somewhat noticeable. I'm probably going to go to the pharmacist and see what they say, then probably to a walk in clinic. I hate walk in clinics cause it takes hours to see a doctor.

Anyway here are a couple pics. Sorry, they're pretty blurry so you might not see the swelling very good...
it's my right eye...

Oh yeah...my allergies have been driving me crazy lately so I had been scratching my eyes a little (I know, bad me D: ) so it's probably infected...if that's the case should I still go to the dr. anyway?

09-23-2007, 11:41 AM
I work for an eye doctor. It could be a build up waxey fluid or a stye. You might want to try hot compresses, if that does not relieve it somewhat make an app on Monday, they will get you right in with that. Please don't rub or scratch. It could be something called a chazlation. Going to a regular MD is a waste of time and money for they will only refer you to the ophthomologist anyway.

09-23-2007, 11:43 AM
might be a sty, don't mess with eyes, you can't see out of the pretty artifical ones, call your doctors service today, maybe they will tell you what to do or call a pharmacy (have the number ready too) with a perscription

09-23-2007, 11:51 AM
The regular dr office is closed and it takes like 2 weeks to get in anyway. I was going to go to a walkin clinic assuming it's open on sunday. Doctors are free here, it just takes a while to see them. I'm not touching it but it's really hard not to!

09-24-2007, 09:41 AM
Might be a stye. Try resting a warm wet wash cloth on it and see if that might help. That might get it to open itself up faster so it can drain.

4 Dog Mother
09-24-2007, 09:50 AM
Carl and I both get a lot of styes. And that's what it looks like to me. Use warm washclothes several times a day - it should break and an oozy white stuff will come out. Just keep using the warm wash clothes and it should clear up in a couple of days.

I get them a lot because I have allergies and I work in my garden alot. So I rub my eyes when I know I shouldn't with dirty hands. What a stye is is an infected hair follicle. The warm water draws out the infection. My son did have one that wouldn't break and we took him to an eye dr. He gave us the same "remedy".

09-24-2007, 02:03 PM
Yup! That's a stye. I had it last week!! It went away in a couple days with medication.

09-24-2007, 02:09 PM
I also herd putting a tea bag (wet of course) on it helps. It takes all the gross stuff out.

09-24-2007, 02:23 PM
I started getting styes more last year, and I think a lot of it came from not using my facial cleanser on my eyes. I tend to get an oily build up by my eye lashes, and I think the pores and/or follicles get blocked. I use a mild face cleanser, and always make sure I wash my eye area now too.

The warm compresses for the styes worked well too.

09-24-2007, 03:57 PM
The pharmacist told me the same thing. She told me to use a warm cloth or tea bags and gave me some polyspoirn it's not gone yet but it's feeling better.

09-25-2007, 05:33 AM
Hope it gets all better soon! Sties are no fun!

The pharmacist told me the same thing. She told me to use a warm cloth or tea bags and gave me some polyspoirn it's not gone yet but it's feeling better.

Each time i read the title of your thread i kept thinking it said "Swollen Eye Ball." :rolleyes: There's no hope for rehab of this IZ fan.

09-25-2007, 07:27 AM
The pharmacist told me the same thing. She told me to use a warm cloth or tea bags and gave me some polyspoirn it's not gone yet but it's feeling better.Yeah, I used to get those all the time when I was a kid. The tannin in the tea is supposed to help draw out the infection. It takes a few days to clear up. Glad you're feeling better!