View Full Version : Birth Announcement

09-20-2007, 02:21 PM
George and Gracie would like to introduce you to their new babies...not one, not two, not even 50...more like 80-100! (This may take a while, lol.)

Seriously, this little family is in one of my three aquariums (100 gallon, 30 gallon and 20 gallon), they're in the 20. These are my Bolivian Rams that I just got a little over two months ago maybe. I've never had them before and they're known for their picky water parameters. It's been a learning experience and admittingly, sometimes I've shirked the duties a day or two. The greatest compliment though, is when your result is babies!

BRs are South American Cichlids hailing from Brazil. They are very territorial, especially around spawning time and that's also when their brightest colors come out. The males might get as long as a whopping 2½", the females aren't as lucky and will not but they are stockier...giving them the "big momma" appearance, lol.

That's George up front and Gracie in the back. Under daddy, you can see some of the babies, kind of between the two front plants.

George doesn't want his babies online just yet but he'll never know, lol.
http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c261/MBtoo/MyFish/20g/th_DSCN7233.jpg (http://s29.photobucket.com/albums/c261/MBtoo/MyFish/20g/?action=view&current=DSCN7233.flv)


09-20-2007, 02:37 PM
That is such an awesome feeling isn't it to see those tiny little specks swimming around. I surely hope that you take pictures as they grow. The video is neat. Protective Daddy.

critter crazy
09-20-2007, 02:48 PM
Awsome!! That is so neat to watch all of those little fry swimming around the bottom of the tank!! Daddy sure dosent want you there, does he? Ha ha ha ha!! Thanks for sharing!:D

Blue Dragonfly
09-21-2007, 08:25 AM
that is amazing to watch. keep updating this thread. i wanna watch them grow up!

09-21-2007, 09:55 AM
Congratulations, George and Gracie, on the bouncing baby . . . er . . . FRY!

What an experience. And you don't have to separate the parents from the fry? They won't eat them, huh? Interestng to see, wonderful video too!

09-21-2007, 05:41 PM
Thank you everybody!

I do "natural selection" fish keeping so the fry will stay with the parents until they get too big for the tank. This promotes better parenting from George and Gracie in the future and as the fry become parents. I will certainly lose a lot this way, but it's as it would be in nature and it's the only way to go for me.

09-21-2007, 05:53 PM
I can't believe I missed this thread!
Gorgeous Rams. I'll admit that they're one of my favorites in the hobby.
Congratulations on the fry! I'd love it if you kept us updated on how the fry are doing as they grow. :)