View Full Version : Help, Scarlett is Sick! *Pics*

Blue Dragonfly
09-19-2007, 08:15 AM
I have had Scarlett my axie for a few months now, and about 1 month ago i got my new girl olive. They get along great, but i have noticed a change in Scarlett over the past couple of days. She has got like a slight milky slime over her, which comes off a little when she brushes against things. Also today she has been really sluggish and she is getting skinner. Her tail is less of a fin now and more like a salamander tail, and her gills are curling the wrong way. i dont know what is wrong with her. i do everything for my babies, but the past couple of axies i have had dont seem to be surviving for much more than 6 months. What am i doing wrong??? I have read up on everything and created a suitable enviroment, but some ppl who dont even care about there axies have them for like 10 years. It is not fair. i will show you some pics i just took a couple of minutes ago. I have started her on salt baths today.

What do you guys think is going on? What can i do??? Help Please!!!

By the way, olive, the newer axie is fine so it is not something she gave her.

Here is some info on her enviroment, if it helps

How long has she had the Symptoms: About 3 days - That i can tell
What you have done to treat her: I started her on salt baths today
How long you have had her: About 3 months
Tank temperature: between 18.64 - 20.68 degrees Celcius
Water Readings: pH 6.9
Companions: One other female axie Olive - Around the same size.
Size of Tank: 50L
Added Chemicals: Only a water conditioner called Stress Coat by Aquarium Pharmaeuticals. It has Aloe Vera in it and Replaces slime coats, reduces electrolyte, promotes tissue regeneration, removes chlorine and neutralizes Chloramines. It is more expensive than the other ones in the store, but i went to an aquarium and this dude who specializes in axies and similar things said it was the best.
Food: Pellets, and an earth worm each about once every 1 or two weeks. Also frozen blood worms as treats.

The tank is cleaned about once a month. I bought them a little cave ornament and other places to hide. I have a lamp at the top, but it is not usually put on for very long. My room is quite dark as i have rollershutters, and they are left down when i am at uni or work. I have an undergravel filter and i just use the gravel vacuum thingy to suck out the junk at the bottom of the tank (under the gravel) every month when i clean it. Umm.. I always make sure any excess food is taken out of the tank. There are no other fish or anything in the tank. Ummm......I dont know what else to write. The tank is on my desk next to my computer. Would that do anything. The screen is not facing the tank though, so the light does not bother them. Please, any help you guys can give me would be great. If you have any other questions just post them here.

Thanks Again.




Blue Dragonfly
09-19-2007, 08:16 AM
oops, i should have put this in pet health. oh well, please help anyway.

09-19-2007, 08:54 PM
I am just going to give this a big BUMP! Maybe someone could help you.

Get better soon Scarlett

09-20-2007, 01:52 PM
How much air flow and surface movement is there?
How deep is the water?
How's the ammonia? Of the three, this is most important.
Always question everything

If all of these are good, I'd still suggest completely changing the water. Sometimes starting from scratch is the best way to eliminate issues. I know it'll break down your undergravel...you can get some Cycle to help with that. If you've tried everything else, it may be all that's left that you can do.

Maybe pull out the ornaments and replace them one by one once she's better so you can see if that might be it. Even though your other one is good, she might be having a harder time with it...kind of like us with our allergies, everybody's different.

Hope she's back to being Scarlett soon.

Blue Dragonfly
09-21-2007, 08:23 AM
i found a forum kinda like pet talk, except just for axolotls and salamanders etc. they have really helped. i just bought a new filter, apparentely undergravel isnt that good, and an ammonia tester. i got rid of all the gravel, cause they can swallow it. i have completely cleaned the tank. phew i have done almost everything possible. Even if scarlett doesn't survive, olive, the other girl will definitely have a long and happy life because of all the new things i have learned.