View Full Version : Food protective? Not in my house.

09-18-2007, 09:16 PM
Check out these pictures I just took of Ajax and Luca sharing a deer bone. Yup I said sharing. They are both perfectly happy to chew on it together. I have several photos of Sheena and Luca doing the same thing. I have never had to worry about any of my dogs being food protective. They will all share with the cats and ferrets too. And even let Dedrick grab a handful of kibble out of their dish to chop on when he was going through his dog food phase.

all three chewing the bone together










Hope you enjoyed my dogs that know how to share.
Nicole & Sheena & Ajax

09-18-2007, 09:45 PM
That's so sweet!

09-18-2007, 10:13 PM
That's not an unusual thing in domestic dogs or with wolves.
What would be unusual is if the adults were aggressive to ward the pup.
babies and young children have a baby smell the same as puppies. my dog's are also good with my cats.

just scroll down to near the bottom of page for the picture

critter crazy
09-18-2007, 10:20 PM
Awwww....how sweet! Yeah I dont allow food aggression either. There is no place for that in our home. Glad to see my kids werent the only ones who went through the Dog foos phase!!:p

09-18-2007, 10:35 PM
Aww, good dogs all! We never had more than one, but none of our dogs were food aggressive, my parents made sure of that with us kids around.

09-18-2007, 10:40 PM
Here is some I took a while ago of Sheena and Luca sharing a bone:




Heres one where Luca is sharing his supper with Peace

I had some of him sharing with the ferrets but I will have to look for them agian.
Nicole & Sheena & Ajax

09-18-2007, 10:59 PM
Awwwe, what sweethearts!

Would you say it was more how they were raised :D ...

Or their lines?

(I'm pretty sure it would be a combination, but i was just curious.)

09-18-2007, 11:01 PM
part of it I think is there temperment. but also their upbringing. When Luca first came to us he was skin and bone. Not a good start which was why he was at the rescue. She he was VERY food protective. And thought he had to protect all his food. Sheena taught him there was no need of that, add in a regular diet and my training where he was not allow to eat unless my hands and so on where in the dish and he quickly got over it.

But the biggest key to make him not food aggresvie with other animals was Sheena. Having another adult dog teach a younger one(Luca was 4 1/2 months old when we got him) helps a huge deal. She would share her food with him when he would finish his. So now Luca shares with all the animals.

And now both of them are teaching Ajax the same thing. If ther eis growling then I do step in. When Luca would growl I would disapline him and remove the bone, food, treat or whatever. So he learned that way too. Took about 3 or 4 months but he got over it with the combination of all of that.

Ajax has yet to growl or show any signs of being the least bit food protective.
Nicole & Sheena & Ajax

09-18-2007, 11:24 PM

That is so wonderful what you have done for these dogs!

Also it's wonderful that Ajax is going to be brought up in such a wonderful environment! It makes me happy knowing he's never going to know abuse or neglect. (assuming and hoping that he never runs away or gets stolen. Sorry... I'm a worry wart like that.)

09-19-2007, 08:04 AM
temperament is 50/50 with genetics and rearing. you can breed an awesome litter only to have an idiot owner screw the pup up, once pup leaves your home. Training is 100 % essential for ANY breed to ensure your animal is well mannered and behaved.
Most pet homes want a well mannered pup/dog.