View Full Version : Sorry... Haven't been here for a while :(

08-02-2002, 05:28 AM
I haven't been to Pet Talk in ages now (more than a week since my last post). Sorry :( I don't really have a good excuse other than the fact that I've just been having a lot of bad stuff going on lately. My grandpa is getting worse (he has leukemia), I'm fighting with my boyfriend all the time and I don't even know if he loves me anymore, I'm starting school again soon in a completely new class in and in a new school alltogether and I've had some really bad harrassment problems lately from some nasty people who have been going and flaming down my guestbook with the most horrible comments. All in all I've been pretty down and depressed and I haven't been online much.

I've missed you guys alot though, so I decided to pull myself together and stop feeling sorry for myself, after all; nothing good ever comes from self-pity... So anyways, sorry for being gone so long and for whining in the forums, I just wanted to let you guys know why I haven't been around.

I'm gonna go and try to catch up now, but I won't be able to reply to everything that's been said since I've been gone obviously, so sorry in advance if I don't respond to a topic I normally would!

It's nice to be back :) *hugs everyone*

Former User
08-02-2002, 05:32 AM
Ugh, I'm sorry to hear all that! What jerks those are who have been harrasing you! :mad:
Glad to have yuo back though, missed ya girl! Quite a lot has happened while you were away, so you have a lot of catching up to do. I hope yu feel better soon and everything would go okay!
I'll be thinking of yur grandpa and wishing all the best for him! And for you and your boyfriend, fighting is no nice! Try to make up okay? Life is too precious and short for fighting!


08-02-2002, 05:38 AM
Thanks Niina :) *hugs*

08-02-2002, 05:53 AM
I had just thought yesterday, "Where's Ann?", and here you are this morning. I hope things get better for you. No better place than Pet Talk for you to come to get cheered up. Good luck with the new school.

Logan :)

08-02-2002, 06:05 AM

Speak of the devil huh ;)

Thanks :)

08-02-2002, 07:38 AM
Ann, sorry to hear that you have had a bad, bad week. Yikes.

Chin up, we all love you! Things will improve, I promise!

This hasn't been the most quiet week here at Pet Talk, as you will find out reading the threads, but we survived and will continue to chat about our Pets and our escapades in life.

So sorry that folks are posting nasty stuff to your guest book. What gives with some people? Boredom?

Welcome back Ann!:D

08-02-2002, 07:43 AM
Oh Ann - so sorry you're having a bad time. You're incredibly loved here - wish I could give you a great big hug sweetie. Hang in there and remember - YOU"RE LOVED ALOT and were glad you're here!!!!

08-02-2002, 07:49 AM
Aw, you guys are too sweet :)

Thank you so much :)

Edwina's Secretary
08-02-2002, 08:32 AM

THAT explains it! I had been trying to send you a PM as I was worried -- having not "seen" you about lately.

Glad you're back....

08-02-2002, 08:45 AM
Oh, so THAT'S what you've been trying to send me! When I went online this morning I got two emails from Pet Talk saying you had tried messaging but my inbox was full. In a way that's what spurred me to drop by, so thanks :)

08-02-2002, 08:47 AM
oh ann - how horrible for you. just try and ignore those jerks - 'cos thars what they are. your better than them and they know it - the sad people.
my heart goes out to you having to watch your grandpa suffer - that's a whole crock of s*** (sorry) for you to handle - hang on sweetheart.
you know you can always find shoulders aplenty here on p.t. and we don't mind you having a whine - 'cos we're all family.

love lynne

08-02-2002, 08:48 AM
Oh, Ann, it's good to have you back! I've really missed you:p

I understand about drama in your life, as I've had alot in mine the last few weeks. I hope things are getting better and continue to get better for you.
We will be thinking of your grandpa, it's hard to see them like that.
Glad you could pull yourself together and come back!

Anna & the gang:D

08-02-2002, 08:56 AM
Awwwwww, what a sweet picture Anna! And to think you made that all for me :D

*gives Lynne and Anna a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig hug*

08-02-2002, 09:18 AM
Originally posted by Ann
Awwwwww, what a sweet picture Anna! And to think you made that all for me :D

ohhh, like it was so professional! (not!!)

08-02-2002, 09:24 AM
So what if it wasn't "professional"? It came from the heart and THAT'S what makes it special!


08-02-2002, 09:47 AM
Sorry you have been going through alot lately. Glad you're back.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-02-2002, 10:44 AM
Hi Ann :) I had noticed you weren't around, but with it being summer and people on vacation all the time, it's not unusual for someone to be gone for a bit, but I did notice your absence. Sorry to hear you're having such a rough time though. It's no fun watching/caring for a sick loved one and that tends to put everything into perspective for me - family and friends are what it's all about in this world, not things or possessions. I'm sure you're Grandpa knows you all love him and that makes a world of difference. I'm not sure this will be popular advice, but as for your boyfriend, I hope you can work it out, but you are young yet, and I don't know what it's like in Sweden, but here in the states there are a lot of fish in the sea, shall we say? ;) I just know that when I was young I wasted a lot of time on someone that wasn't worth it all in the end, and I hate it when I see young girls making that same mistake. You are a wonderful caring person, and he should be glad to have you. And if he's not, and he doesn't appreciate what he's got, I know there is someone out there who will. I know sometimes it's hard, but you have to believe in yourself and don't waste time on all those losers who email you bad things in your guestbook. Just keep being a good person and caring for your friends and family and everything will work out. I have a saying that everything works out for the best, even if you can't see it at the time. So things might look bleak right now, but I'm sure they'll get better soon.

And Pet Talk is the best place in the world to be if you're depressed and sad. How can you be sad after looking at all the cute new kittens we've seen in the last few days. And looking at all the wonderful pictures of our regular kitties like C&K and Graemer, Miley and their wonderful story of adopting Gabe. These things can only be a pick-me-up. So spend some time here (you might want to skip the sad stories for now so they don't bring you down again) and hope you're spirits are back to normal soon. Tubby sends head bumpies and Peanut is offereing her tummy for a tummy rub to help you feel better. :)

08-02-2002, 12:00 PM
Glad you are back. I hope things start looking up for you now! Prayers said for Grandpa.

08-02-2002, 10:30 PM
Dear Ann,

Sometimes it really seems like too much bad piles up. It's really hard to handle. So sorry that you are going through such a bad patch right now. {{{Ann}}

I'll be remembering your grandfather in my prayers. Hang in there.


08-03-2002, 02:05 AM
Ann, I was also wondering where you were. I'm sorry that you've been having so many problems. I hope you're able to work some of them out. I'm also sorry to hear about your grandpa. I'll say a prayer for him tonight. I'm glad your back. This place will cheer you up. :)

08-03-2002, 05:21 AM
Thanks so much everyone :) And you're all right, Pet Talk sure is the place to go to be cheered up!!!

*gives Tubby some head bumpies in return and Peanut a tummy rub* I gotta say... The picture you posted a while back of "parade float Peanut" still ocassionaly pops up in my head and it always leaves me with a cramp in my tummy from laughing too much :D

08-04-2002, 10:47 AM
http://www.gifanimations.com/animation3/messages/welcome/welcome_018.gif BACK TO PET TALK!
Sorry to hear you are going through such a bad time. It's very hard to see a loved one in pain. My thoughts are with you and your family.
As for the pathetic people who can't find anything better to do with their time than harass you, tell the to GET A LIFE.:mad: Imagine how sad their lives have to be when they feel that is something to do. You are a wonderful young woman, with lots of love to give, as your pets well know. Hope you can find solace in their company and in our frienship at Pet Talk. If good wishes come through, we send you many for your deliverance from all your current problems.

Aspen and Misty
08-04-2002, 04:47 PM
Ann I know just how you feel. All last year I was herassed by kids in my school so I am going to a new school this year. I am so nerves. It is very nerve racking. My grandfather died last year of a disease (I forget what though). And I had to watch him suffer threw it for almost 20 years. We loved him dearly but when he passed it was for the best. Trust me he knows you love him.

08-05-2002, 07:25 AM
Thanks Albea and Aspen and Misty :)
