View Full Version : HORSES! haha can you critique me?

09-18-2007, 03:38 PM
I just realized I had a few videos of me riding and haven't yet asked for a critique. PLEASE don't yell at me about my position so much in the old jumping. pictures, they are almost a year old and I have gotten so much better.

Sorry theres so much of the dog, my mom got distracted lol. And this is no stirrups, and I hadn't cantered without stirrups since Streaker died (summer '06)

This is from mid-summer.

Two of me and Junior jumping one course, i cut it off taping the tape on accident hhaha.

The jumps are low, but whatever. haha. me and junior have jumped 3 feet together for sure (my trainer told me) and then I think i jumped a little higher once on him but i'm not sure because i was just guessing.

heres one of me riding junior over the summer, can sorry its a little blurry.
OH! I just found a bunch of me riding Rio a few weeks ago! haha forgot about these.
more in next post.

09-18-2007, 03:40 PM
Warm up jump (i always look really bad haha and it was my first time riding rio)
His head was SO low! It bugged me so bad bc the reins had to be so long! this is where his head was all lesson:
Blurry, my leg looks wierd, but better then the pictures im showing you after this. :]
more in yet ANOTHER post :]

09-18-2007, 03:41 PM
Uh oh...here are the really OLD embarrassing ones..to show how much I've improved:
the only things about my position have been told to me by my trainer. Please try to be nice, but don't hold back
sorry there were so many. say whatever you want about both me and the horses, but Casper and Rio and P.O's so I can't do anything about them and the rest are school horses. :]
