View Full Version : What do I tell this client?

09-18-2007, 02:54 PM
Hi - as some of you know, I have left the job I was at.

Meanwhile, a very nice client has contacted me about two events, and the company I worked for sends stuff to sponsor the events. We have done this continually.

I was in touch with her last week, she was away...she emailed me today and finalized what was to be sent.

Do I tell her I am not with the company now and will hand this to a colleague(the boss, the only person left there)? Do I tell her there is only one person left? :rolleyes:

Shipping this stuff would mean I go to the office and I am not there.

I like this client, and hate to let them down...but I guess everything has to grind to a halt at some point.

09-18-2007, 05:00 PM
I'm a bit baffled with who contacted who about what. But if I get the gist of your question, then since it would require you to ship from an office you no longer work at, I'd be up front with the client and say 'I no longer work for this company however if you contact X at this number he can take care of you."

Good luck

Laura's Babies
09-18-2007, 05:05 PM
I would foward the email to the former so called "employer" and send her another one back and tell her you are no longer worrking there and have forwarded her email to So&so and that she should direct any further email to him....

09-18-2007, 06:44 PM
I would do as Catlady suggested; not Laura (sorry, Laura). There is no point in having any contact with the company, it will open the door (or the can of worms). Just advise the client you are no longer with the company and she should now contact Mr. X at (phone number, email address, or both).

I'm not clear as to how the client contacted you. You aren't in the office. she has your personal email address???? If not, WHY are you checking your work email? Just put on an automatic reply saying you are no longer working there and they should contact .... as above!

09-18-2007, 08:54 PM
Thanks, folks...I do have my work email here at home, and have it on as I did need to forward stuff to the boss.

Big changes have happened...the next issue will NOT happen, a new company is buying this one, etc. And the 'client' mentioned above has actually spoken with the boss-man a couple of times today.

I have applied for a one-month temporary job as basic reception at one of our local newspapers. I hope I get it...it will give me a break, some money, and a chance to see if the horrible situation I worked in turns into an entirely new company, where 'boss' will NOT be the office manager or running the show.

I can also see if there is some schooling I want to take, or other jobs that catch my eye.

Options open.

Thank you guys SO much for your input. :)

09-18-2007, 10:06 PM
Candace prayers and candles............I truly hope all will be well for you. Please let me know what if anything I can do.