View Full Version : Kudos to Petmate customer service

09-18-2007, 12:18 PM
As some of you know last winter I bought one of those Petmate water fountains for the kitties and they loved it. So a couple months ago I bought the larger dog sized one because they were draining the smaller one too fast.

Well this morning when I went to refill the resevoir the little tip that allows the water to flow down to the bowl broke off!!! Yikes! :eek: I've never had that happen with the other one, but this one is heavier and I think I didn't have it straight when I pulled it out to fill it.

So I go online to try and find a replacement part and the only parts available on their website are the pump and filters. Uh oh. So I Google around and find that other people have had this happen and just ended up buying whole new fountain! Oh boy, I'm not buying a whole new one because one little stick broke off.

So I call their customer service 800 number and after a very short time on hold I got a friendly lady who spoke English. (No offence to those of you with accents, but with my hearing I don't understand most accents very well especially on the phone) Anyways I explained what happened and what was broke and she immediately took my name and address and said they would ship me out a new piece today, free of charge!! :D :D

Just wanted to share that info in case anyone else ever breaks that part off, or needs any other help from Petmate.

09-18-2007, 02:37 PM
Nice to know!

09-18-2007, 06:39 PM
Thats nice to know there a Company that realizes how valuable customer good will is.

09-19-2007, 04:44 AM
Wow, wish I had known that a while back; I dropped the reservoir in my sink and broke the little piece. Luckily, my very handy husband managed to drill a tiny hole in the long piece, put a pin in it and glued it together again.

They really are a good company to deal with. A year or two ago I had a problem with some filters and they shipped me new ones immediately.

Why aren't ALL companies like this??? :confused:

09-19-2007, 07:06 PM
Wow, wish I had known that a while back; I dropped the reservoir in my sink and broke the little piece. Luckily, my very handy husband managed to drill a tiny hole in the long piece, put a pin in it and glued it together again.

Why aren't ALL companies like this??? :confused:

That's why I wanted to post this in case anyone else broke that part off.

My hubby is trying to figure out some way of repairing the broken one so we'll have a spare in case that ever happens again.

I do wish all companies were this helpful.