View Full Version : Family in the Delivery Room

09-18-2007, 11:23 AM
OK I had no idea that you were allowed to have others in the delivery room with you. I thought it was just the momma and the "coach"

But apparently having the whole family in the room is very common these days. I had no idea. When we went on the hospital tour they were saying that they would call back to the room if anyone arrived to see us and we could let them know if they could come back or if they had to go to the waiting room. I jokingly said "So when you have to tell my mother in law she has to wait do you have restraints for that kind of thing?" lol The nurse said "Well you can have her in the delivery room if you want" I thought No thanks.... the ONLY person I want to be there in the room with me during the actual delivery is my husband and the Dr's lol NO ONE ELSE. I don't need everyone seeing me in all my glory lol.

but apparently some people have their whole family and sometimes friends in the room for the delivery. Who did you have in your delivery room?

a lady I know told me about one of her friends that had actually sent out INVITATIONS to her delivery to all her friends and family and it said on the card that they would call on the way to the hospital and they were invited to come and watch the delivery. WHOA that's a little too much for me lol

My Peanuts
09-18-2007, 11:41 AM
I don't have kids yet, but I plan on having my husband and my mom in the delivery room with me. I don't think my mother in law should see ALL of me! :p

09-18-2007, 11:49 AM
I remember visiting my SIL and Nephew about 15 minutes after she gave birth. She was still in the delivery section of the hospital and I could hear women screaming all over. That's as far as I've gotten....or ever want to get. :D

09-18-2007, 11:51 AM
I wanted to go into the "ABC" room, the alternate birth center but my labor was too painful and I had to have an epidural, the abc room was just for natural birth...it turned out to be a c-section so only my husband was there, my sister was upset she had gone through lamaze with us.

With my second I had my sister and my hubby, the abc was not an option for a vbac. My parents did come in during the labor process just not the actual birth.

My Peanuts
09-18-2007, 11:53 AM
OK, so maybe for some of the labor I wouldn't mind having other people in the room, but for the actual pushing, just my husband and my mom.

09-18-2007, 12:00 PM
OK, so maybe for some of the labor I wouldn't mind having other people in the room, but for the actual pushing, just my husband and my mom.
Yeah that's what I mean.... the actual birth part.

Yeah I could be in delivery for hours and hours and hours and hours.... it might be nice to have some people come in to visit and say hello and what not. but for the actual birth.... just my husband and my mom would be considered too (although she won't be there this time for the delivery)

09-18-2007, 12:01 PM
It has been almost 17 years since I gave birth to my one and only. Mine was an induced labor and my husband was there with me the whole time. My mom came in for a while, during labor, and I would have had her stay, if she wanted to, but I don't think I ever asked her to stay. But she was there to comfort me a lot of the time before Helen was born, and when the labor was over and we had our baby, my parents, my husband's parents and a good friend, were to see us. I am very, very modest. I ddin't want a crew of people in the room, witnessing the birth of my baby. No videos either. LOL!

I think each person is different, though, and you need to do what is most comfortable for you. It is not about other people, it is about you and your new baby.

Best wishes to you!

09-18-2007, 12:04 PM
LOL Logan.... yeah I already told hubby NO VIDEO during the delivery lol. he can take all the video and pictures he wants to afterwards but please keep my nether regions out of it lol.

09-18-2007, 12:37 PM
I've never been pregnant, but I'm with you- hubby and delivery team only, please! I think I would feel uncomfortable with a lot of people in the room.

I've actually seen/heard quite a few women in labor (not intentionally, I assure you!) just from working in the labor/delivery part of the hospital quite a bit when I worked there. It's definitely an intimate experience and totally up to the person how they want to experience it!

09-18-2007, 12:38 PM
Just a side note during the actual labor a marching band could march through and you really would not care! :D

09-18-2007, 12:47 PM
During my actual pushing I had my mom and my son's fathers mother in the room with me, because my sons father is a A$$%&le and wanted nothing to do with his son so instead he was out partying with his friends.. I was supose to have my sister instead of my ex's mom but then I thought about it and figured thats the closest to his father so let her join and then had my sister very upset with me... Although alot of friends and family saw me in labor and im sure I prolly scared them like crazy haha.

09-18-2007, 01:24 PM
Just a side note during the actual labor a marching band could march through and you really would not care! :D

LOL thanks for the heads up :p

09-18-2007, 01:53 PM
This will be my third and the only people I want there is my husband and of course doctors. Sorry but no kids or families or friends. I have a hard enough time when everyone visits the next day. We did have a dual who helped us in our room for my second childs birth but with how busy we have been this summer never got it arranged. So it will just be hubby and I.

The things I find a tad weird is people who film it all, and I mean ALL. No thanks. Pictures ok as long as nothing of my private areas are showing but toher then that nope.
Nicole & Sheena & Ajax

09-18-2007, 02:13 PM
The things I find a tad weird is people who film it all, and I mean ALL. No thanks. Pictures ok as long as nothing of my private areas are showing but toher then that nope.
Nicole & Sheena & Ajax

LOL agreed.

Why would I want to watch a film of my own torture? :D

Like I said.... I just want to see the end result.... I don't need to watch the in between parts. and I definitely don't want to end up in one of those "training" videos lol.

critter crazy
09-18-2007, 02:17 PM
Whe I had my son, I only had my husband with me, as I had to have an Emergency C-Section. But even if I had given birth Naturally I would have had only my hubby there anyways!:)

09-18-2007, 02:49 PM
Only my husband, my midwife, and her assistant were with me.

Just a side note during the actual labor a marching band could march through and you really would not care! :D
So true

09-18-2007, 05:46 PM
I watched my aunt give birth to my cousin, right there up close and all. It was amazing. She wants to come see me when I have kids. I guess I'm on the other end, it doesn't really bother me. I think watching the baby be born before your very own eyes is incredible, the miracle of life right there before you. Focusing on my nether regions out there for everyone is the least of my concerns, I would just hope for a healthy and safe delivery.

09-18-2007, 05:49 PM
When I have a baby the only person I want there is my mother. That's it!

09-18-2007, 06:06 PM
I love my family and my friends too but, I only wanted the Doc , Nurses
and most of all the anesthetic (near the end) :)

09-18-2007, 06:27 PM
I recently heard that you, um, *mess* yourself during labor. If I ever did decide to have kids then I would probably just be alone. :p Maybe my MIL.

09-18-2007, 07:57 PM
I love my family and my friends too but, I only wanted the Doc , Nurses
and most of all the anesthetic (near the end) :)

AMEN to that.... I already had my consult so that they dont' have to ask any questions... they can just give me the drugs when I tell them to lol

09-18-2007, 09:42 PM
I only had my hubby and the delivery team (doctor, L & D nurse, and baby nurse). The only extra person was a nursing student, and they did ask me before she came in. I would have been okay with my mom coming in, but once the pushing started, our baby arrived within half an hour, and it was early in the morning. My parents were still on the way to the hospital when she was born.

09-18-2007, 09:44 PM
had e1 there all 8 times

09-18-2007, 09:53 PM
I was with my sister when she had her first child. I even cut the cord. She didn't plan to have me there; Naomi was early and I just happened to be visiting when she went into labour. Her hubby was trying not to faint, so he was pretty much useless! Turned out he was pretty much useless at just about everything, but we didn't know that at the time! :rolleyes:

09-18-2007, 10:49 PM
I totally agree, and don't wake me up till the umbilical cord heals. I don't want anyone in the bathroom when I pee, same here.
I love my family and my friends too but, I only wanted the Doc , Nurses
and most of all the anesthetic (near the end) :)

09-19-2007, 01:16 AM
I was in the room when my nephew was born, I was only 19 and was terrified when my sister asked me to be her backup coach, her husband at the time was a you know what....anyway when I saw Timothy being born it was the most amazing and wonderful thing in the world, it was just my sister, me, the nurse and the dr, neither one of us would trade it for the world. I don't get everyone being in there at time of delivery, I would never have wanted that. For me I would have wanted just my husband, that is a very private and personal time for us.

09-19-2007, 06:01 AM
Just a side note during the actual labor a marching band could march through and you really would not care! :D

Isn't that the truth! :D :D :D

With my own two children it was just my husband, the doctor and me. :) By the time my daughter had my grandson in 2001 things had changed and you could have two other people in labor/delivery along with the husband. She picked me :) and her mother-in-law (her MIL is a nurse :) ). I was fortunate enough to also be in the room last year when my second grandson was born. :) It was beautiful and I wouldn't have missed it for the world. It was so much nicer to see the miracle of birth and not be the patient! :p

Pawsitive Thinking
09-19-2007, 06:38 AM
Me, hubby and the medical staff but to be honest I didn't want to be there :D

Maya & Inka's mommy
09-19-2007, 11:53 AM
My kids are adopted, so I have NEVER seen a delivery room. I hope that my daughter invites me ; this won't be in the near future though, cause she is only 18, has NO boyfriend, she wants to get a husband, house and job FIRST ;) :)

09-19-2007, 12:30 PM
I'm planning on just hubby in the delivery room, maybe my mom.

My kids are adopted, so I have NEVER seen a delivery room. I hope that my daughter invites me ; this won't be in the near future though, cause she is only 18, has NO boyfriend, she wants to get a husband, house and job FIRST ;) :)

Good plan on Indra's part there Lut, no need to go rushing into anything. Of course, if you let me move in to your apartment, you can help deliver congo! :D ;)

09-19-2007, 12:47 PM
Me, hubby and the medical staff but to be honest I didn't want to be there :D

LOL it's funny you mention that. i just had a mani/pedi last night and my nail polish is really red and sparkly. I said that it reminds me of the ruby slippers from the Wizard of Oz. then I came up with the brilliant idea that MAYBE just MAYBE if I am in the delivery room and things start getting tough I can just click my heels together and wish to be somewhere else lol. there's no place like home.... right? lol

but having lots of people in the delivery room won't really be an issue for us anyway as there won't be anyone there.

there is a chance my MIL might make it if I have a long labour but she is in Florida so we are calling her when we get to the hospital. My dad will be coming on the weekend and my mom isn't coming until October 4th. So really there won't be anyone to HAVE in the delivery room anyway. I just didn't even KNOW that you could have so many people in the room. I just thought you were only allowed yourself, the coach (whether it be husband, sister, mother, cousin, whoever) and then the Dr's. I didn't think an audience was even allowed in the delivery room.

09-19-2007, 02:47 PM
I recently heard that you, um, *mess* yourself during labor.
My husband watched every second of Nathan's birth from the second my midwife said "I can see his head" until he was all the way out. After Nathan was born I asked Justin if I "messed myself" but he didn't know. He said That there was so much "stuff" (fluids and blood) coming out down there that he wouldn't have noticed if I did. He said too that they had pads and things under me that they changed after every push so anything that came out was only there for a very short time. He said that though it all sounds gross it's too incredible to be the least bit gross.

09-19-2007, 04:31 PM
... Her hubby was trying not to faint, so he was pretty much useless! Turned out he was pretty much useless at just about everything, but we didn't know that at the time! :rolleyes:

yeah, but he did give you half the genetic material for a niece that you are crazy about as i recall. so some small early value as he peaked early :D

as for me, i never wanted kids, so i don't have any, however.....
many many years ago as a bottom of the rung xray tech, working midnights at my hospital, i had to do a film called a pelvimetry on a poor woman who was in hour 37 of labor. this was when ultrasound wasn't available 24/7. i got the 2 films and was running them in the darkroom when i heard the tenor of her screams change. i ran back into the xray room to find her student nurse trying to pull her back on to the stretcher screaming....the babys' head is here... from somewhere i got the strength to pull the student and patient over onto the cart, threw the door open and pushed the cart onto the waiting elevator ( i had locked it open when the patient came down from the floor) and hit the button. the doors closed and when they opened again all of us were in front of a small group of nurses and residents who jumped to the job at hand. i went back downstairs to continue my shaking. that night gave me a whole lotta resolve to never do anything like that again and to get off midnights as soon as possible.

09-19-2007, 09:47 PM
I've heard of people having everyone but the plumber in there. No, not me. First, I don't particulary relish the thought of my family member seeing THAT much of my body. Second, I think it would just be irritating and distracting. I'd end up screaming at someone, I'm sure.

I know people who have video taped the whole thing, then had basically a party later and invited a lot of people over to see it. Ummmm .... NO.

09-19-2007, 11:26 PM
joycenalex what a crazy story!

I just had my 1st 3 months ago and the hospital would not allow a bunch of people in the delivery room. They even suggested not having anyone in the waiting room since things tended to take so long, especially with a first birth.

I had my husband only. If I could do it over I would try to have a doula with me to be my coach, someone I had been working with. My husband is great but it was his first time too and we were both nervous and forgot what we learned in class. The nurse working that night was great but she had a different style than what I had learned and read about so I felt I was pushing in a more traditional way rather than some of the "newer" positions.

Pawsitive Thinking
09-20-2007, 07:31 AM
My kids are adopted, so I have NEVER seen a delivery room. I hope that my daughter invites me ; this won't be in the near future though, cause she is only 18, has NO boyfriend, she wants to get a husband, house and job FIRST ;) :)

I hope Katie doesn't invite me :eek:

09-20-2007, 10:43 AM
When I get ready to deliver there will be hubby, mom and Mil in the delivery room with me and the doctor.