View Full Version : Big Bullies!

09-18-2007, 10:13 AM
Of my 15 cats only one is declawed(will NEVER do that again!), Stitches. He is picked on constantly by several of my other boys. All are neutered so I know it's not that. Stitch was always a sweet, layed-back kind of guy. Now he just seems so very sad. He spends most of the day outside now, but when my Big Mo (a huge Maine Coon) goes out he hunts Stitch down and corners him. Do you think they know that Stitch can't defend himself? Any thoughts? Also, he is the only one that they do this to.

09-18-2007, 10:23 AM
Just thinking about various bits I have read on PT...you may have to really show that you are the "Alpha Cat" and take charge.

It sounds like Big Mo gets things started...so a Time Out for Mo when he starts stalking Stitches would work - or the old spray water bottle. If Mo knows what "no" means, use that with him! :)

Failing all else - perhaps Nancy Efrusy the pet psychic can have a "chat" with Mo.

[email protected]

Good luck! I hope it's as simple as being a bit firm with Mo! (And rewarding him when he stops?)

Edwina's Secretary
09-18-2007, 11:14 AM
Edwina does not have her front claws. Eddie does. Edwina keeps Eddie VERY much in line. Sometimes all he is doing is breathing and she feels the need to remind him she is the boss. (Eddie is also half agains bigger than Edwina and younger to boot. :rolleyes: )

So, no. I don't think the declawing is the issue.

09-18-2007, 12:10 PM
Please remember, that since Stitch is front de-clawed and can't defend himself against Mo ... he also cannot protect himself outside!!!

09-18-2007, 01:49 PM
I am very aware that he can't defend himself outside. He was never suppose to go out but is quite an accomplished escape artist. Stitch is much, much happier outside now. We live in a semi-rural area and I worry when he is out. None of my cats are out after dark.
I have tried NO with Mo, but when he is in that attack mode I can't do anything with him. I will try the squirt bottle next time. I just don't understand why not just Mo, but the other boys pick on him.

09-18-2007, 02:39 PM
Like you I have one cat that came to be declawed and the other cats will pick on him (one in particular). Unfortunately this cat is deaf, so some of the standard approaches don't work to well. What I have learned, is that like little children, a "time out" works wonders. I pick up the attack cat and isolate him in a small powder room for about 10-15 minutes. When he comes his attention has moved on to something else and the fight is stopped.

I also put a collar with a bell on it to warn the declawed cat that the attack cat is coming. This also gives him time to move away.

I am sorry this is happening to Stitch. It is hard to watch one of our furry ones in that position.

09-18-2007, 05:05 PM
What I have learned, is that like little children, a "time out" works wonders. I pick up the attack cat and isolate him in a small powder room for about 10-15 minutes.

I've used this approach when I had 3 cats picking on Dusty who was much older and weaker than the other cats. It does seem to work short term.

Now that Dusty is gone one of her former torment-ers is now the torment-ee! So instead of Jack, Bear, and Cami picking on Dusty, I now have Jack, Bear & Pooky picking on Cami. *sigh* I think Dusty would be happy about it though. lol I still feel bad for any of my cats getting picked on.

09-18-2007, 05:20 PM
There seem to be certain cat who just get "picked on". :( I think it would happen with or without his claws. I would go with the TIME OUT route. Even if it doesn't prevent all the attacts, at least Stitches would getsome peace while Mo is in time out.

09-18-2007, 06:18 PM
I thank My Lucky Stars that the Found Cats all seem to get along well. Although when Pouncer Karina visited Miquelito used to jump out at her and growl and swat at her!!!
Maybe he was only playing as he does seem to miss her!