View Full Version : Fosters Update and Prayers needed

critter crazy
09-17-2007, 03:10 PM
I had to call Ruth today(shelter Director) to find out if the kitties will be staying here with us, or going back to the shelter, as they just turned 9 weeks old Today. Well Ruth answered the phone, and she didnt sound very good, so I asked what was wrong. The Shelter has had an Outbreak of Distemper, and they have lost over 10 kittens so far, she is just torn up, as the majoriy of them, she has bottle fed herself, she just broke down on the phone, and we both had a good cry together:( So needless to say, the Fosters will be here for a while yet, at least 2 more weeks, possibly longer. They have to completely Dissenfect the shelter, from top to bottom.

If you could, please say a prayer for all the kitties lost so far, and Pray that we dont lose anymore!!

Poor little babies! At least they knew love, even if for just a short time. RIP Little ones:(

09-17-2007, 05:28 PM
OMG, poor Ruth and those kitties!!!!!! Prayers that the outbreak stops and no more kitties die! :(

Laura's Babies
09-17-2007, 05:34 PM
That is what I do not like about shelters! Outbreaks like this can steal the life right of of all of them just because they were there... That happened at the shelter I helped out at.. I told the manager, I smelled distemper in the cat room and she thought I was crazy and asked if I'd found any dead... I hadn't. The next day 2 were dead, the day after a Mama that had just given birth was so sick she couldn't move. I never went back.. I couldn't watch the rest of them die... Distemper has a distinct smell and although I hadn't smelled it in years, I reconized it immediately.

09-17-2007, 05:47 PM
Those Kittens Are All Eternal Angels Now And Have Been Adopted By The Pet Angels, They Now Have Wings Of Silver And Gold.
And Because Thier Lives Were Cut So Short On Earth They Will Have That Much More Fun In Pet Heaven And On The Road With The Pet Angel Army.
Ruth Is Such A Good Person And She Will Have Some Many Little Faces Loving Her For The Care That She Gave Them.
One Fine Day!!!!!!

09-17-2007, 06:29 PM
That is so sad for those kitties. I hope they don't lose anymore kittens.

Stuff like that is why my boss requires vaccinations to be current before animals stay for surgeries. Some people want to argue that with us saying they just don't see it as necessary just for a spay/neuter. They just don't understand that they could be putting more than just their own pet's health at risk, it could cause other people's animals to get sick and even cause us to have to close our doors to disinfect also. I wish they understood better.

critter crazy
09-17-2007, 07:54 PM
The biggest issue, Is that that they were Vaccinated!! Ruth is just beside herself, she dosent know what went wrong! It shouldnt have happened! The reason I Chose this place to foster, above the rest, was because of how well the place was managed,and how well the cats were cared for. Such sad news.

09-18-2007, 12:33 AM
I'm so sorry to hear this.:( I hope that they'll be able to disinfect everything so that no more cats or kittens will get this terrible disease.:(

09-18-2007, 12:36 AM
Magie as you know my heart and prayers with you! and yours!

09-18-2007, 05:10 AM
Oh the poor little mites, that is such sad news. I will pray for these little ones and for the staff at the shelter that they get rid of the distemper soon and everything returns to normal. Bless them all.

09-18-2007, 08:02 AM
How terrrible for all! It is part of the shelter set up hat once any infection enters, it spreads rapidly. Distemper, kennel cough, URIs for cats. Often the same happens in school rooms with colds and flu. Prayers for everyone!

The fosters with you are fotunate to have volunteers like you helping out!

critter crazy
09-18-2007, 09:05 AM
How terrrible for all! It is part of the shelter set up hat once any infection enters, it spreads rapidly. Distemper, kennel cough, URIs for cats. Often the same happens in school rooms with colds and flu. Prayers for everyone!

The fosters with you are fotunate to have volunteers like you helping out!

Dont I know it! I am so happy that I have been able to help, even if it is just a little bit. I am happy that Bagheera and the kids are here and safe. We might of had a rough time with URI's here, but that is nothing like what they could have had.

Thanks for all the Prayers everyone, they are definitely needed!