View Full Version : Can you help me?

09-17-2007, 09:52 AM
Hi PT, my meowmie has be locked in a room with this stoopid thing on my head. She takes it off twice a day when she comes to feed me and give me a nasty pill (which she claims is for my own good -yeah right!).


and every day as she puts it back on, she says "Only a few more days"

Well, when is this torture gonna end?! I've been patient. I've given her head bumpies and made happy feet for her. And she still put this dreaded thing back on me.

Can you help free me?
Yours forever,

09-17-2007, 10:16 AM
Pouncer, I feel your pain, it's just the silliest thing to wear isn't it! :rolleyes: I don't blame you for looking angry! I had one of those on for 6 days, but they say it's for your own good, so all you can do is relax and be patient. I'm sure there'll be yummy treats waiting for you! ;)


Get better soon! :)

09-17-2007, 10:24 AM
Oh poor Pouncer! It won't be for much longer. We all only do what's best for our furbabies. Hoomans have to do things sometimes that they don't like, but it's for our own good. Your Meowmie will take that nasty thing off as soon as she can.

09-17-2007, 12:39 PM
Oh Pouncer, if it helps any, you still look as adorable as ever in it!!! ;)

09-17-2007, 12:49 PM
Oh Pouncer, if it helps any, you still look as adorable as ever in it!!! ;)

Here, here! :D

09-17-2007, 12:57 PM
Yes, you look adorable, especially with that cute 'help-me' face! :D

Won't be much longer, little guy - your Meowmie doesn't like you having to wear it either!

Laura's Babies
09-17-2007, 12:59 PM
Oh Puncer my boy! You look adoreable having your face framed with that stoopid thing. I promise, not much longer baby, soon! Real soon! In the meantime, take advantage of having your face framed and turn on the charm!!

09-17-2007, 01:06 PM
Oh Pouncer sweet boy- I love the expression on your face. I hope you'll be fine soon- finer than ever before.