View Full Version : How about some of MY OWN babies?

Laura's Babies
09-16-2007, 06:46 PM
Seems like since I been home I been giving everyone press time but my own babies. They were getting really mad about that, giving me that pitiful "WHAT about ME?" look...

OK babies, here you are! Thanks for posing so pretty for me and your PT admirers!

Beautiful Boo!

Sweet Amy

Wonderful sleek Samantha

And the in house clown GIZ! (in a basket again, what else?)
Eww, kind of tight Mom!

Lets see if this will make me fit...

Ahh, see, it DID!

See her purse in the background? She watches it like a HAWK, never far away from it making sure NOBODY else messes with it! That was the best idea I ever came up with and she STILL digs in it. Today I saw her, in one swoop, pull something out, throw it in the air from her mouth, swat it on it's way down and hit it across the kitchen.. All with no effort at all! Darn she is so much FUN!!!

09-16-2007, 07:04 PM
Awwww. How sweet! Chin scritchies for everyone!

09-16-2007, 07:10 PM
Hello to four beautiful babies!!!

09-16-2007, 07:14 PM


09-16-2007, 07:33 PM
What beautiful babies you have!!! My 4 are waiving at them!!! :D

Laura's Babies
09-16-2007, 08:20 PM
Dr.Goodnow? May I offer you a hand to help you up? You OK?

critter crazy
09-16-2007, 08:38 PM
What lovely kitties!!!!! They are all so gorgeous, and so lovely to see them all again.

So what is up with the "Giz Proofer" in the first pic with Boo. what is it?? curiosity os killing me!:D

Laura's Babies
09-16-2007, 09:35 PM
critter crazy.. I am laughing my butt off! That has been there for so long I don't even realize it is there anymore... OK, here's the story...

You know what a mischief maker she is... always borded, looking for something else to do/get into.. Well, when I was on the boat and my daughter checking on them, she told me she came over to find the self waterer top off and water all over the place.. She filled it, replaced it and left.... a few days later, she came back and found it like that again! I started laughing and said "THAT'S GIZ!!!!"

So, when I got off and came home, I am sitting here and I hear, thunk, thunk, goggle,goggle... I look and Giz is standing on the side of the feeding station, taking her paw and pulling on the water reservoir, trying to tip it over!! :rolleyes: She is smart enough to stand on the feeding station side, off the floor so when it tips and the water goes, SHE will not get wet!!!

I went to the shed, found some scraps of lumber and made that to keep her from dunking it over again... They HAVE to have water when I am at work and if she does that, they will have to go without until my daughter comes back over the next day... :rolleyes: Problem sloved! Right?... hummmm, you forget we are talking about Giz here.. The little snit has figured out how to get her paw in the cracks and TRY to tip over it still.. She tried and tried but it is a lot harder and I think she has given up/lost interest... for now... But we must remember, we are talking about Giz... :rolleyes: she bores easily!

critter crazy
09-16-2007, 09:39 PM
critter crazy.. I am laughing my butt off! That has been there for so long I don't even realize it is there anymore... OK, here's the story...

You know what a mischief maker she is... always borded, looking for something else to do/get into.. Well, when I was on the boat and my daughter checking on them, she told me she came over to find the self waterer top off and water all over the place.. She filled it, replaced it and left.... a few days later, she came back and found it like that again! I started laughing and said "THAT'S GIZ!!!!"

So, when I got off and came home, I am sitting here and I hear, thunk, thunk, goggle,goggle... I look and Giz is standing on the side of the feeding station, taking her paw and pulling on the water reservoir, trying to tip it over!! :rolleyes: She is smart enough to stand on the feeding station side, off the floor so when it tips and the water goes, SHE will not get wet!!!

I went to the shed, found some scraps of lumber and made that to keep her from dunking it over again... They HAVE to have water when I am at work and if she does that, they will have to go without until my daughter comes back over the next day... :rolleyes: Problem sloved! Right?... hummmm, you forget we are talking about Giz here.. The little snit has figured out how to get her paw in the cracks and TRY to tip over it still.. She tried and tried but it is a lot harder she I think she has given up/lost interest... for now... But we must remember, we are talking about Giz... :rolleyes: she bores easily!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! I am laughing my butt off!!! Giz sure keeps you on your toes!!! I am in love with that girl, mischief and all!! I am seriously thinking of Catnapping her!!:D

Laura's Babies
09-16-2007, 10:01 PM
Now do you see why I say she is such a hoot and the funniest cat I have ever met???!!!! :D I ADORE Her and all her antics!

Edit... anyone else would think she is sooooo bad and get mad with all the things she pulls... I think they are hilarious and enjoy them... I also understand, she just gets BORED!

critter crazy
09-16-2007, 10:04 PM
Now do you see why I say she is such a hoot and the funniest cat I have ever met???!!!! :D I ADORE Her and all her antics!

I would too!! How can you not love non-stop entertainment!!:D

Laura's Babies
09-16-2007, 10:10 PM
When my son and his wife came from Virginia, that was their first Giz experience. They were not here 24 hours before they understood... you hear something fall when you are in the other room.... THATS GIZ! You put anything on HER countertop, it is HERS and she WILL play with it... My son's wife bought this plastic thing that pushes your hair back out of your face and she would take it off and put it on Giz's counter... BHAM... across the counter, onto the floor it would go.. As they were leaving for the airport the morning they left, she came up here and put it on Giz's counter and said "That is Giz's! I am leaving it for her....." Giz has played with it many times, it is in her toy box... She is a toy FREAK!!! LOVES TOYS!!!

09-17-2007, 12:59 AM
All of your cats sure are gorgeous.:) I never knew that Giz was so funny and entertaining.:)

Laura's Babies
09-17-2007, 04:00 AM
Here she is digging in her purse! Rie got this one while I was gone with her cell phone.

Maya & Inka's mommy
09-17-2007, 06:34 AM
ROTFL !!!! What a hoot :)
What amuses me most is that Giz isn't at least impressed by the waterspray bottle :D LOL

09-17-2007, 08:13 AM
So great to see the gang! Boo is certainly a pretty "little" girl - gotta love her crooked ear :)

and Giz, I think she just wants to show everyone what a smart little girl she is.... those intelligent ones always have to show off their cleverness ;)

09-17-2007, 09:47 AM
<<waves>> Hi, Babies! Giz, what's in your purse?

Laura's Babies
09-17-2007, 12:03 PM
cassiesmom, Hi there! Giz here. I got all kinds of neat stuff in my purse. Meowmie found my stash of mice under the stove that had ran under there trying to get away from me where I couldn't get to them and she got them all out and put them in my purse for me so they are all safe and where I can find them. She put all my fuzzy wuzzy balls in there so I now know where they are. I feel like such a grown up lady now that I have my own purse to dig in (but I still like to dig in Ries whe she comes over, she has some neat stuff in there!)

I don't like anyone else digging in my purse so I watch it really close! Don't they know a purse is a ladies private place and it is not polite to go in someone elses purse? Rie gives me permission to dig in hers because she puts it on MY counter top. Do your lady cats have their own purse?

09-17-2007, 12:36 PM
Oh Laura, that is just hysterical, that Giz has her very own purse!!!! What an adorable idea and I KNOW she loves it!!! How cute!!!! :D

09-17-2007, 02:01 PM
Giz, I LOVE purses! My meowmom has kind of a square one and she knows to set it on the floor so I can explore it. I like to bat at the zipper pulls. If she puts a toy mousie on the edge of it, I can knock the mousie off the purse and onto the floor. Then I meow and she puts it back on the edge of the purse again. I can also tip it over and fish out whatever I can get my paws on. I really like pens, Chapstick, a tube of lipstick, and coins because those are the easiest to get out. My meowmom's purse has a little side pocket where she puts quarters for the laundry. It has its own zipper and yesterday she left the purse on its side with the coin pocket unzipped. Silly meowmom, I got hold of a quarter that was partway out and when she came back from the laundry, I was playing quarter hockey. Didn't work too well on the carpet though. My Grandmeowmom has a purse with a l-o-n-g strap and when she comes over to my house, she sets it on the table. So I hop up on the table to sniff / inspect it and then I play with the strap as it dangles over the side of the table. I love purses! My Grandpawpa brought us a canvas sack for tools and that too has a long strap to play with.

09-17-2007, 02:12 PM
;) How so All of Cutness & Adorable.. There is my favorite baby Amy.. Love them all.. Give them lots of Whisker Kisses & Huggss..

09-17-2007, 03:21 PM
How cute!

09-17-2007, 06:17 PM
The Found Cats Love Seeing All Thier Friends Again. They Really Love The Fact That Giz May Be About The Only Cat That They Have Heard Of That Has Her Own Purse!!!'
They Hope That Some Of The Big Mice That They Sent Are Still Stored There!!!!!!!!!!!

09-17-2007, 06:21 PM
Sooooo sweet, and SOOOOOO funny!

Laura's Babies
09-17-2007, 07:39 PM
Yes Gary! They still have their Canadian mouse even though it has been drowned several times and is beated up, they still love playing with that thing and act the same way they did when it was new!!

09-17-2007, 07:50 PM
They are all just too cute! I love Boo and Giz! My girl, Finae, loves purses too. She puts her mice in mine all the time (I never have a flip top purse anymore... :rolleyes: ). She also loves to dig out my emory boards and chew on them!!