View Full Version : Toys

09-16-2007, 05:58 AM
Well as you know Whisks birthday is coming up and I was wondering what toys your rodents like... I have got him some treats and stuff but I would also like to buy him a little toy.... at the moment he has a wheel, a play house, a wicker igloo and a wooden carrot to nibble on... he also has a hamter ball, lead and castle for when he is not in his cage...

So any ideas on toys I could get him?


09-16-2007, 07:18 AM
Bird toys with wood on them. And bells. Valintine LOVED to ring the bells, and then chew on the wood. It's also a harder wood than like paper towel rolls, so it also helps ware down their teeth.I try to avoid getting ones with beeds though.

You can see on in the backround here ((sorry, i resized it but it eouldn't work)):

And you can also see one here too after she chewed up the one above :D.
