View Full Version : Dukes Twin!!

critter crazy
09-14-2007, 08:53 PM
Just browsing through Petfinder, I came across this gorgeous girl! It is like they took a picture of my dog!!:eek:
this is gwen
http://photocache.petfinder.com/fotos/NY474/NY474.7921052-1-pn.jpg (javascript:void(window.open('http://www.petfinder.com/photoView/photoView.cgi?petid=7921052','Photo1','height=660, width=778,left=20,top=100,screenx=200,screeny=100, scrollbars=yes')))

and of course my boy Duke!

09-14-2007, 08:56 PM
Wow! I think Duke needs a girlfriend. ;)

Love that shot of Duke, too. He's a handsome kid.

09-15-2007, 10:48 AM
Yes! Duke's twin forsure!
Is she close to you? ;)

critter crazy
09-15-2007, 11:58 AM
Yes! Duke's twin forsure!
Is she close to you? ;)
Yes she is close to me. As much as I would love to go and get her, we just arent in a place to add another dog right now. I am also thinking that our next dog should be a smaller dog as well. We have done the Two large dogs in the house before, and well it just isnt much fun!:) I hope she does go to a great ome, she sure is pretty!

Suki Wingy
09-15-2007, 04:36 PM
If they are the same age they could be littermates! (Even though littermates can look quite different from eachother)

critter crazy
09-15-2007, 04:59 PM
If they are the same age they could be littermates! (Even though littermates can look quite different from eachother)

they guestimate her to be around 1-2 yrs old, and Duke is 2 yrs old, so it is possible! Course now I feel bad!! Just the thought that they could be littermates, makes me want to rush over and get her!!:eek:

critter crazy
09-15-2007, 05:41 PM
Uggghhhhh...what am I doing??? I just sent an e-mail to the Place where gwen is. Inquiring about her history, and also asking if sh gets along with dogs, kids, and cats! gosh, I just cannot stop looking at her pic!! I also sent them a pic of Duke!! He he he he he he!:D

09-15-2007, 07:21 PM
Haha! I found a couple of Shiney clones too,

Hope that dog on petfinder gets a home as good as Duke! :)

09-15-2007, 09:17 PM
Wow! She does look just like Duke! Couple a cuties!

critter crazy
09-15-2007, 11:09 PM
well the lady e-mailed me back. Gwen is actually from Ohio. So No relation to Duke.

She has never been around kids or cats.

The lady said the two dogs could be book ends tho!:D

09-16-2007, 01:58 PM
Awwww...they are twins! :) Too bad they aren't releted. You could of had a family reunion! :D