View Full Version : Digi isn't the wussy I thought she was !!

09-14-2007, 05:20 PM
I have accidently kicked her while walking & she didn't make a peep & wasn;t dazed at all. She got up & went back to playing.

A fast LOUD storm hit us & she acted like it was nothing.

Now she does cry here & there & always wants to be picked up.. Shes the biggest baby in teh world... So I thought she was going to be a wussy dog & be useless as a protector.

She showed me I was wrong today!

I got home & walked into a quiet house. I was FREAKED that she died or something, cause she always cries when I walk into the house.. I rush to her room & she was there standing up on the gate waiting for me to let her out. I took her outside & we walked across the parking lot. The second we touched the grass she pee'ed! Then we walked around & I started to gently kick this branch that fell out of the tree... Digi did NOT like that branch on my foot.. She puffed up & started bitting it where it was touching my foot :rolleyes:

Then a few mins ago, she saw her reflection in the door & she puffed up again to inspect the invador.. She realized it wasn't a threat & tried to play with it hahaha

Silly girl :P