View Full Version : Maximum pets in household law....

09-14-2007, 04:13 PM
I have one thing to say about that

http://www.tailfeathersnetwork.com/image/emoticons/emote230.gif http://www.tailfeathersnetwork.com/image/emoticons/emote230.gif http://www.tailfeathersnetwork.com/image/emoticons/emote230.gif http://www.tailfeathersnetwork.com/image/emoticons/emote230.gif

I was soooo happy as here we didnīt had THAT rule..... so you could have how many pets you wanted, of course unless a neighbor complained then you could get a citation for contamination or something...... now, well in 15 days they are aproving a new "law" bs (pardon my french ;)) that allows you to have 3 pets per household........3 pets!!!

they havenīt specified 3 dogs or 3 cats, they just mentioned 3 pets...... hope itīs not overall, because if it is......... well...... I rather be an outlaw :D

and seeing I want a 3rd pup, and having my current birds Iīm way overboard as of now, but luckily where I live itīs sooooo quiet and peaceful that I should pass unnoticed........

and if it doesnīt well buhu... sorry for you...... Iīm not getting rid of anyone at anytime....

09-14-2007, 04:34 PM
I hate any kind of 'pets per household' laws! :mad: I have known many people who had one pet and did not properly care for it yet others, like myself, who have 4 or 5 pets and take great care of them.

09-14-2007, 04:38 PM
I could understand if it applied only to apartments, but not houses.
I definately would be against that kind of law.

09-14-2007, 05:22 PM
I'm not fond of laws like that. *sigh*
I can see the point if the animals weren't properly cared for, but for people who do give them proper care & attention, then I don't see the problem with having more than the specified number.
The city I live in(well, not actually in, we're just outside city limits) has a 4 pet limit. Though its not really inforced. I know someone who had over 10 dogs right in the middle of the city(they bred them), and all they ever got was a talk with the AC guy, but nothing was ever done.

09-14-2007, 05:30 PM
Vancouver has a 3 dog limit bylaw. My boyfriend wants to rescue a lab, and I want a Sheltie for showing/sports, Papillon for sports and one of Keeva's pups. We plan on getting them once we buy our house in a couple years.. LOL. *Slightly* over the limit, but even shelter workers are over the limit. :p It's complaint-driven so as long as you don't p/o neighbors, you're okay.

Some cities have kennel licenses.. maybe you guys have something like that?

09-14-2007, 06:27 PM
I think any existing animals over the limit would be 'grandfathered' in. You might want to check into that, as you took the house under the previous understanding.

09-14-2007, 06:36 PM
Yes, a law change like that, animals rights groups at least try to get the grandfather clause in, as Candace has mentioned. Don't assume that is in there, though.

We have antihoarding laws, which limit cats, dogs. It varies by city and town, it isnot a state rule. So in my city, max 3 dogs, no limit on cats. City next door: max 3 dogs, 5 cats. Over on the other side: no limits on either dogs or cats.

Because in some cities (not mine) they are anti hoarding laws, it does NOT matter if the animals are well cared for, see the vet regularly etc. If you have too many, Animal Control can make you get rid of them.

09-15-2007, 02:19 AM
Ugh! That is totally unfair!

One pet is too much for some people while some people could take care of the whole Ark and not sweat a drop.

I normally see these laws as too harsh and are against them. Some places limit people to total of two pets! :eek: I however don't see a problem with something like a 15 pet limit (any combination of dogs/cats) for city limits.

09-17-2007, 12:42 PM
as stated, if it were apartments or condos I would understand, but still protest..... but this is my house my own bought house..... not rental or anything...... anyway the law is not out there yet......

there should be kennel sort of licenses ...... I should look up into those IF the laws pulls through.....

and about the grandparent thing I have no clue what is that.... I understand it but I donīt think theyīll apply it here :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

09-17-2007, 12:53 PM
:confused: do goldfish count?
Only 3 pets? That seems a little strict for a whole area. The housing complex we are in only allows 2 pets per family.

09-17-2007, 03:34 PM
Ugh. If they would just enforce the animal cruelty and neglect laws they already have on the book, they wouldn't need no stinking limit law. :mad:

I take care of my three dogs, two cats, one bird, two ferrets, and four rodents better than my neighbor takes care of her two dogs.

If my animals aren't being a nuscience and are properly cared for, I'll have as many as I damn well please.

We live out in the middle of no where, so there aren't even any leash laws, let alone limit laws. The only limit we have out here is for livestock...you can't own more than so many cows, pigs, horses, whatever unless they are either a.) 4-H animals or b.) you have ALL of the neighbors' consent.

09-17-2007, 03:59 PM
Before you freak, these laws usually include dogs and cats, but not rodents, birds, reptiles, or fish. Our city has a 3 dog limit and 3 cat limit. The entire state has a 4 dog limit. Kennel permits are only too easy to get. The law is rarely enforced unless there is a complaint.

09-17-2007, 04:19 PM
I am in the minority here. I think laws like this are a good idea, it prevents pet hoarding and lack of care. I think three pets per household is too low, but if people who want to have more then the limit they could apply for special licences.

I have seen way too many people take on too many animals then they are able to.

09-17-2007, 04:39 PM
husky_mom - a "grandfather clause" means that you'd get to keep the animals you had before the law took effect, but not be able to add any new ones that woudl put you over the limit.

When Massachusetts raised the drinking age from 18 to 21, people who were 19 to 20 years old were "grandfathered in" so they could still go to bars, as they had already been allowed to legally for over a year, but anyone else had to wait until they actually turned 21. Does that help explain the concept?

09-17-2007, 10:38 PM

I am in the minority here. I think laws like this are a good idea, it prevents pet hoarding and lack of care. I think three pets per household is too low, but if people who want to have more then the limit they could apply for special licences.

I have seen way too many people take on too many animals then they are able to.

09-17-2007, 11:56 PM
I also agree with Jackie. There are very valid reasons for having a maximum pet limit, especially in city limits. It gives the authorities a law to fall back on in the case of hoarding, collecting, back yard breeding, etc. I have never heard of an ordinance regulating birds, mice, etc. It's dogs and cats.

If there is no law on the books, there is no way to eliminate bad situations. For example, our county has no noise ordinance on the books. So someone's dog is barking all night long, six feet from your bedroom window? Too bad. Someone is working on their car at 4 am, revving the motor and playing their boom box in the driveway? Nothing you can do. True story.

But, having worked with humane organizations and animal controls for decades, I can also tell you this for sure. If you don't give anyone any reason to complain about your animals, no one is ever going to know or care how many you have. Animal controls unanimously feel this way, as well. As overworked and understaffed as those organizations are, there is no way they are going to be going door to door doing inspections of your house, counting pets. If your animals are not noisy, not kept outside all the time, not abused or neglected, no one is going to know or care.

I know a LOT of people who live inside the city limits here who have far more pets than the ordinance allows, which is three. One of my good friends has three dogs and three cats, and one of my customers have six dogs, for example. But they are good pet owners and take good care of their animals. They are respectful neighbors. No one knows or cares.

09-18-2007, 12:48 AM
Here in Surrey, you can have a maximum of 2 dogs - cats, birds etc. have no limit on a property.