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View Full Version : Pet Suggestions for Landlords - feedback please! Crosspost

09-14-2007, 02:35 PM

09-14-2007, 03:33 PM
Wow I am glad I own!

09-14-2007, 06:15 PM
I own a condo, as do many folks...and the management board has a say in whether the building is a no-animal building or not.

Even folks who completely own their own homes can get in trouble with neighbours....dogs that bark all night, etc. And remember the trouble Catsindenver got into feeding a feral colony...the town was ready to remove some of her own cats and take the ferals away!

Glad you are in a good situation, caseysmom - but owning one's own home is, unfortunately, not always a guarantee of no pet hassles. :(

09-14-2007, 08:02 PM
I didn't mean it condescendingly for anyone who doesn't own I just think it would be hard to have to go through all those stipulations.

09-14-2007, 08:28 PM
Ditto that. Our landlords are a bit more understanding re pets in apartments. I must admit to knowing some people who do have the attitude "who cares, I don't own the place". And the landlords will think all pets are the same. Very unfair. Fotunately we own too.

09-14-2007, 10:43 PM
Whether you own or rent, people should be respectful, pets or no pets. I own my condo and I just got a voicemail from the property manager about a complaint about my dog's barking "all day". I know who complained and it is the very neighbour who has all night parties and his friends smoke in the hallways (which is against the law). So it's okay for them to play loud music and scream like hyenas all night, weekdays or weekends but my dog can't bark during normal hours? I know I posted this in another thread but I just talked to another neighbour who is home all day and I asked her if my dog barked all day. She said only when I leave for a little bit and when I come back. She says it's not bothersome. And she is on the other side of my condo. Sometimes it's not the landlord you have to worry about, it's the neigbhours. However, in an apartment building, people are not so careful about being considerate to others and about the mess pets may create. When you own a condo for example, they can still take you to court and force you to get rid of your pet. I've known people who have had to get their dogs debarked because they were taken to court. But I also know people who've been taken to court and they live in a detached house.

09-15-2007, 09:56 AM
caseysmom, I didn't think you were being at all condescending....I just meant that owning is not always a guarantee of no pet trouble (from other people ;) ), but it sure is a lot better than living in a building where people are stacked together!

As Steven Wright said, "Why do they call them apartments when they're all stuck together?" :)