View Full Version : "Burnt Toast" smell????

09-13-2007, 03:10 PM
Can anyone tell me if there is a drug that smells like burnt toast? Does pot smell like that? Does something else smell like that? My daughter just visited me and my whole house smelled like burnt toast the whole time. I doubt if she really burned toast before she came, that it would smell that strongly. She does smoke, but she didn't smell like that this time. :confused:

09-13-2007, 03:23 PM
Kim do you have migraines? I often sense that smell and have a metallic taste soon before a migraine.

09-13-2007, 03:24 PM
Pot smells sweet, like nothing I've ever smelled before. Almost nauseatingly sweet.

09-13-2007, 03:28 PM
Debbie, the smell left when she left! Who knows, maybe she did burn toast! :p Oh, and I did get your PM, just have been too lazy to respond yet.


09-13-2007, 04:32 PM
:cool: I just googled burnt toast smell and found lots of weird references...seems that this is common with migraines....and other weird things :cool:

are you sure you don't get migraines triggered by your oldest daughter??

...or, as you said, maybe she really did burn some toast as that smoky smell would cling to her clothing I would think.

09-13-2007, 05:00 PM
:cool: I just googled burnt toast smell and found lots of weird references...seems that this is common with migraines....and other weird things :cool:

are you sure you don't get migraines triggered by your oldest daughter??

...or, as you said, maybe she really did burn some toast as that smoky smell would cling to her clothing I would think.

Well I do have a sinus thing going on today, but so far no bad headache. I get headaches every now and then, but have never called them migraines. The smell went away after she left though, so maybe she really did have burnt toast smell on her! LOL!

Thanks, Deb!

09-13-2007, 05:02 PM
If you want to duplicate the smell of pot, burn a bay leaf. I spent enough times in bands to know the smell (yes, twice, and I did inhale....sue me), and when someone showed me the bay leaf trick, I was amazed!

09-13-2007, 05:08 PM
Pot smoke smells almost like caramel corn to me - the difference is that it gives me a blinding headache - I normally never get headaches. It doesn't smell anything like burnt toast. I went to Mass Art, so I have "creds" on drug smells - nothing that I know of smells like burnt toast except burnt toast!

09-13-2007, 06:40 PM
Hopefully its not something worse than pot, how has she been doing?

09-13-2007, 06:41 PM
Pot smells disgusting, How anyone can volentaraly (sp) have that stuff is really beyond me.

Never heard of the reference to burnt toast and migraines though.

09-13-2007, 06:43 PM
I would say pot almost smells skunky in a way not really like burnt toast. so maybe she just burned toast! ha

09-13-2007, 06:53 PM
OK, everyone, thanks so much! She just quit yet another job and other things that she had to say upset me, so I guess I jumped to conclusions. Chances are she probably did burn toast! ;)

09-13-2007, 09:42 PM
Pot has a very distinct aroma. A pungent sweet smell that sticks to the clothing. It's like no other smell. Trust me. Like Catty1, I've also tried it and did inhale. :p


With all due respect, knowing your daughter's past history with drug use, I wouldn't dismiss it. Give her the benefit of the doubt, but keep your eyes open.



09-13-2007, 10:06 PM
Gotta agree with the sweet smell that pot gives off. It's a definite unique smell. One kid comes to school smelling like it every now and then... my one friend also had neighbors who were frequent users, and whenever you had her window open, you could smell it.

I actually didn't mind the smell before, I thought it smelled pretty good, actually. I don't smoke, and don't do drugs, cause anything like that would cause me to lose my teaching certificate, but I was around it when I was younger (my brother is still a user now that he's out of the Navy and no longer working for the TSA and can do it and not get tested and caught -- I know, just who you wanted working for the Transportation and Safety Administration, right?? I have no idea how they had actually hand picked him before he left the Navy).

09-14-2007, 01:00 AM
Wow, that is the closest i have ever smelled anything smell like pot. Yes, i JUST went and tried the bay leaf thing when i read your post. The leaf only smelled like it twice, the rest it smelled like a burning leaf, but it's quite windy out... BUT i did smell it! lol. (It was a bad bay leaf though... very yellowish. I didn't want to wast a good one.)

If you want to duplicate the smell of pot, burn a bay leaf. I spent enough times in bands to know the smell (yes, twice, and I did inhale....sue me), and when someone showed me the bay leaf trick, I was amazed!

09-14-2007, 01:02 AM
Just a wild thought here... but could you just ask her what it was? Tell her it's been driving you nuts trying to identify the smell.

OK, everyone, thanks so much! She just quit yet another job and other things that she had to say upset me, so I guess I jumped to conclusions. Chances are she probably did burn toast! ;)

09-14-2007, 01:50 PM
I started to say something several times while she was here, but couldn't get a word in. You'd have to know my daughter to understand that. By the time I had a chance to say something, I just asked her to leave. Oh well, just was curious, as I wasn't sure what it smelled like.


09-14-2007, 02:13 PM
I started to say something several times while she was here, but couldn't get a word in. You'd have to know my daughter to understand that. By the time I had a chance to say something, I just asked her to leave. Oh well, just was curious, as I wasn't sure what it smelled like.


I was typing out a long post on pot smells that I have noticed over the months.

There is a skunky/pee kind, a sweet kind (for whatever reason I like it), a smokey kind & burnt leaves kind... To my understanding of pot (My friend is on it for medical reasons, so he was teaching me stuff about it.. & no I don't use it) the burnt leaves smell really is burnt leaves. The dealer mixed pot with dry leaves & twigs. To my understanding this causes you to smoke more as you try to get high, but in the end it just makes you sick, becuase your not smoking pure pot.

so it very well could have been pot, just bad pot. Also if your not use to smelling it might smell different to you as your trying to identfy what that smell is.

09-14-2007, 02:28 PM
If the job she quit was at a restaurant - that could explain both the smell and leaving the job! :rolleyes:

HUGS to you, Kim.