View Full Version : We call the big One Bitey!!!

critter crazy
09-12-2007, 10:11 PM
Ummmm.......Bagheera does not Like Duke!!! Poor Duke has been confined downstairs since the Fosters have been here. Tonight I decided since the kittens seem to like Duke okay, that I would attempt to allow duke upstairs some for some supervised visits. well so much for that!! Poor Duke didnt even get his face through the doorway before Bagheera came out of Nowhere, and chased him back down the stairs!! Poor guy didnt make it fast enough, and got a scratch on his nose!:eek:

Bagheera has been downstairs on her own, and has been around Duke, not close mind you, but she still didnt seem to mind his presence. I guess that maternal instinct realy does take over! I guess if I am going to try to get the cats used to a dogs presence in order to broaden their Adoption Options, I am gonna have to do it on a one on one basis!

Poor Duke!! he was so excited about being able to come upstairs with the kitties too!

09-12-2007, 10:20 PM
Awww, give Duke a kiss on that ouchie nose for me, please.
They will eventually get used to the dog. Taz hated Zoee for about a year. LOL Sorry, that is not good news for you I guess. But with the kittens, they will adapt quicker. Taz was already 10 when we got Zoee. And now Taz tolerates her. :)

critter crazy
09-13-2007, 12:29 PM
Awww, give Duke a kiss on that ouchie nose for me, please.
They will eventually get used to the dog. Taz hated Zoee for about a year. LOL Sorry, that is not good news for you I guess. But with the kittens, they will adapt quicker. Taz was already 10 when we got Zoee. And now Taz tolerates her. :)

Duke got lots of lovins last night. Cause well it was retty much my fault, I didnt think Bagheera would react that way. So we are just going to be doing the bonding on a one on one basis. I just want the kitties to have as many options as possible when it comes to adoption day!:)

09-13-2007, 07:28 PM
I Do Hope That They Can Learn To Tolerate Each Other Enough Not To Fight All The Time.
I Must Say That In All Honesty Iam Lucky To Have The Found Cats Basically Like Each Other As I Dont Know What I Would Do If A Real Cat War Ever Broke Out.