View Full Version : Introducing Digi

09-12-2007, 01:54 PM
I was NOT planning for a puppy or even a dog. But when I saw what was going on & the shape this pup was in, I took her right away. Please do not judge me for what Chad & Andrew did to Bear. I did my darnest to care for her & love her. She was NOT my dog, but they were horrible owners to her & I couldn't turn my back on her. I did my best with what I had :( I think my old Dog Max is enough proof I know how to care for a dog properly (ok I'm a little lost on this puppy care, but friends & people I trust have given me awesome advice & reminders) & that I love my dog to death & would never do anything to harm a dog.

Its a long story how I got Digi, but she was in a BAD enviroment & was passed around from person to person. She has a few sores all over her body(no idea how they got there), but they are healing great. I'm making sure she stays extra clean so they don't get infected & don't leave any scars. The dipstick who had her last shaved her (it was the only good thing he did for that puppy). He thought the puppy was a male, but when I looked her over, it was 100% female.

Shes about 6 weeks old & was taken from her mother too soon, it shows her past has effected her. She HAS to follow me everywhere in the house. If I go out of sight she screams bloody murder looking for me. When I stop walking she'll sit inbetween my feet or on my foot. She has calmed down a lot since I have had her, so I think she'll be just fine in a week or two. I have timed how long she cries for when I leave & it was 10-15mins & is now down to 5 mins.

Shes almost 100% paper trained & I'm sooo thankful for it!! When I get home from work, I rush her outside & she has pottied a couple times outside :D She really wants to PLEASE, so when she pees outside I get all happy & give her some loving.. Then shes all happy & poops too, so I get all happy about that too.. Then we run around the yard. I have to be careful because that puppy is FAST!!! I plan on training her for flyball as she'll be perfect for it! She loves to run & chase things. I might even teach her some cool frisbee tricks when she bigger! Then she can join my friends & I in our fun frisbee games.

She goes everywhere with me. I have a tote in my car that I lined with news paper & its buckled in. She seems to be alright with it, cries a little at first as she thinks I'm leaving her.. but after a few moments shes fine & goes to sleep or chews on a treat I gave her.

In 2 weekends shes going to the Ottawa area with me for the weekend, while my car gets fixed & we crash at my sisters place in Kingston.

Then some time in Oct Gio's sister is having a b-day party at the cottage (3hr drive) & Digi is coming to that too. I want her to be very fine in any situation, so being around a whole wack of loud people will get her use to crowds early. Shes NOT scared of loud noises at all. There was a crazy LOUD thunder storm that came out of no where last night & she was on the balcony with Joe & I & didn't flinch, she was sniffing & looking at us wondering what was going on. Shes not deaf as she comes when called (unless shes too busy playing & is ignoring me hehe).

Shes getting the hang of the leash really well & isn't scared of the traffic. Shes a little scared when people come towards us, but then she wants to play with them as they pass hehe silly thing

She is CRAZY smart!!!
So smart she scares me! How many 6 week old puppies do you know that are almost perfectly paper trained? Or can walk pretty darn good on a leash?

There are a lot of young puppies in the building this past week. I have met a few of them & they are causing a lot of problems already, with crying & peeing everywhere... I tell them that Digi is 95% paper trained & walks well on a leash & only cries for 5 mins when I leave, they are really impressed hehe

Digi is wearing a cat collar with a bell on it, as her neck is really tiny & she can be sooooo quiet I loose her hehe So the bell tells me where she is.

Shes just a wee thing thats going to get BIG. :eek:
She looks like a mix of:
German Sheapherd
Border Collie
Australian Sheapherd

I think she'll get to be about 60lbs when fully grown. Her growth might be stunted a little from being taken away too eary, all the stress of being passed around, & not being fed right, or at all. She just started eating a lot of food yesterday & drinking a lot too. I had to get the large dog bowls I have & I filled the ceramic one full of water & filled the metal one full of food

She looks thin for a puppy & is a lot smaller then the 6 week old lab pup in the building. Shes NOT amaciated, I checked her for that when I thought she looked thin.. she has fat on her bones, but not as much as I think she should have, but that could also be her breed, so only time will tell. She seems very healthy besides those sores. No coughing, no puking, no runs, not constipated, pottying plenty & is now moving around more. She seems to run, walk & clean her self just fine. So as far as I can tell, shes in fab shape :D

I'm already saving up for her first shots & her spay (wish she was a male, other wise I wouldn't have to rush so much, but she is a female, so she needs to be spayed on time).

I HATE HATE HATE the food she is on right now. But like I said I was NOT expecting to get a puppy so I was totally unprepaired, so shes on cheap nasty food right now. She'll have Merricks in 2 weeks as thats when I get paid next. So I have been adding meat to her food daily to make sure shes getting enough proteins as I know for a fact there is little to non in her kibble, grrr (please don't ask what brand I'm feeding, I'm upset enough about it) ... I'm letting her eat to her hearts content to fatten her up. Once I get the merricks, shes going to be eatting a proper amount of food & no more added meat, as Merricks is a great kibble. I know she likes Merricks as I had a little of it left over from Bear.

Oh, her full name is "Digital King" (King being my last name). I had to give her a geeky name casue well, I'm a geek! & I wanted it to be different. So I call her Digi for short as it suite a female better.

& heres what everyone has been waiting for, PICTURES!!!

Digi's first night at my place. She just LOVED Joe. Joe didn't know what to do with her hehe He tried to hide a smile, but Steph & I saw it & awwwwwed at him, which made him go red lol

Awww Joe left the chair

Her right front leg starts in black spots & then turns to tan spots hehe, her chest has black spots on it too. They didn't shave the tip of her tail, as they thought it was cute :rolleyes: Thats how long her fur is suppose to be.


You can see the spots well here

Look at her little tongue hehe

Taken this morning of Digi & I

09-12-2007, 02:04 PM
:confused: Why are you taking a 6 week old puppy out for walks?

Surley by 6 weeks she hasn't had all her nessisary puppy shots.

09-12-2007, 02:11 PM
Its the side walk infront of my building. There is going to be nothing different from the yard then the sidewalk. She doesn't go near other dogs. I pick her up & keep her away.

09-12-2007, 02:21 PM
I wish you and Digi the best of luck, and I hope to be able to watch her grow up :)

09-12-2007, 02:23 PM
I wish you and Digi the best of luck, and I hope to be able to watch her grow up :)

Thank you :)
I'm a photo nut, so there'll be many updates on my special little girl :D

09-12-2007, 03:28 PM

She is TOOO CUTE!! :D Good luck and have fun! :D Can't wait TOO long for more pictures now, though. Once you start, you can't stop! :D hehe!

09-12-2007, 03:41 PM

She is TOOO CUTE!! :D Good luck and have fun! :D Can't wait TOO long for more pictures now, though. Once you start, you can't stop! :D hehe!

One of these days I'm going to teach Digi some geeky things, like how to play the DS, how to type on the computer, get her to help me work on my computer, & maybe a little PS2 hehehe

She already has a thing for computer wires. She ran off with a spare computer power cable 2 nights ago. All Joe & I could do was laugh at her.. .She took it onto the balcony :rolleyes: Of course I took it away from her, so what did she do next? She tried to eat the cable to my extra monitor *slaps forehead*

Thats another reason she has a bell, so I can see what that little bugger is getting into heheh

But shes a true geeky dog lol

OOOO Suspenders & big glasses!!! I can sence a very angry Digi with that one lol

I'll make sure to take lots of pics of her in training lol

I played Nintendo with my old dog Max.. we played Monster Trucks.. he would hold the gas & I would stear hehehe

09-12-2007, 03:53 PM
She's adorable :) Congrats! I'll have to make sure I see you next may when I'm in toronto :D

I have the exact same bandana too haha.

09-12-2007, 03:55 PM
Oh Jess she's just adorable! Good luck with her, can't wait to watch her grow up :)

09-12-2007, 04:12 PM
She's Adorable :)

Pawsitive Thinking
09-12-2007, 04:12 PM
Aaawww she is lovely!! Hello little Digi :D

09-12-2007, 04:19 PM
She is absolutely adorable. Best of luck with her and I can't watch to watch her grow!!

Anita Cholaine
09-12-2007, 04:29 PM
Aww, she's GORGEOUS! :D Good luck with her!

09-12-2007, 06:02 PM
Hello, Digi! It's Nice To Meet You ;)

09-13-2007, 05:53 AM
OMG, she's too cute! I can't wait to see her all grown up!

Best of luck with her.

09-13-2007, 02:06 PM
She is adorable! Give her some puppy kisses for me! ;)

09-13-2007, 06:07 PM
I love her spots!!! Too cute!