View Full Version : Soft claws??

08-01-2002, 11:44 AM
Anyone ever use these? I can't belive they have what looks like a Lee press on nail for cats! Are they bad for cats? I know NOT to declaw and kitty hasn't tried to scratch any furniture yet. I'm thinking that as long as you keep your cat's nails trimed your furniture shouldn't suffer too much right?

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-01-2002, 11:50 AM
I believe Marius (Wolflady's [aka Karen] white kitty) has these. Hopefully she'll see this and let us know how they work.:)

08-01-2002, 11:51 AM
My kids are trained to a scratching post.

If you start early, it will solve your problems. That, and clipping their nails....gotta start NOW!

If you want more info, let me know.


08-01-2002, 12:00 PM
How did you train your kitty to the scratch post? A treat for every time they show interest and scratch it? I have a sisal rope one now, but he's shows no interest in it. What is better or do cats prefer more..the sisal rope posts or the carpet posts? I'd hate to use a squirt bottle to discourage him from scratching the sofa. He's just starting to trust me and I'd hate to freak him out by squirting him...Any tips?

08-01-2002, 12:05 PM
You could try rubbing the scratching post with catnip or spray it with catnip-spray (available in petstores).
Although I once read that it only works for older cats, because kitties can't smell it yet.
Good luck!

08-01-2002, 03:18 PM
I found the link....I just sent it to a person here at work who's kitty is hurting the furnature and carpet...I am seriously thinking of getting these for our cats too....

Wolflady (Karen), how does Marius like these?

08-01-2002, 03:34 PM
Hi Chinadoll!! Yes, I'm the soft paws marketing person here at Pet Talk! LOL LOL JK, but my Marius wears them and they're the greatest!! Since my hubby has a declawed cat, I didn't want Marius to have an 'upper paw' so to speak over Scooter while they played. Plus, no matter how hard I try to get him to use the post, he always scratches the carpet under my door and the furniture. He does use his post and his 'scratch pads' and log, but he also loves carpet.
Also, since I'm not home as much as I'd like to be to enforce the post behavior, the soft paws are a great alternative. As long as you can handle your cat's paws without him/her getting upset, it will be really easy for you. I always clip my Marius's claws before reapplying any lost soft paws caps. What I usually do is get out how ever many caps I need to put on his feet and fill them with a little bit of the nail glue. Then, I just pop them over his nails one at a time. Your cat can still retract his/her claws just fine. The cap is just a smooth sheath that fits over the nail. Once your cat gets used to them, they last about a month (which is about how long it is between the time that a cat sheds its claw). Marius wears them just fine, and I've never had any problems! He's such a trooper! LOL LOL

Let me know if you have any more questions about the nail caps!! If all else fails with training your cat to a post, the caps are a good choice as an alternative. I have included a pic of my Marius proudly displaying his patriotic colors!


Edwina's Secretary
08-01-2002, 03:47 PM
Edwina is jealous. She says Marius has a better manicurist than she does...:rolleyes:

08-01-2002, 03:59 PM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
Edwina is jealous. She says Marius has a better manicurist than she does...:rolleyes:


08-01-2002, 07:08 PM
Look at how handsom Marius is in his soft claws!!! I want to see if Noah and Noel will tolerate them....hmmmm...can I get the vet to do it for me? ;)

08-02-2002, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
Look at how handsom Marius is in his soft claws!!! I want to see if Noah and Noel will tolerate them....hmmmm...can I get the vet to do it for me? ;)

LOL LOL Maybe with a small bribe....;)


08-02-2002, 02:31 PM
I clipped Scout's nails last night. I wrapped him in a towel and took one paw at a time. He wasn't to crazy about it, but he submitted to the *torture*! He wasn't wrapped up so he couldn't move...in fact he got his front leg free free and stuck in paw in my face to push me away. He must not have been too mad though becuase he didn't have his claws extended when he pushed my face away.

Boy did his nails need to be clipped. They don't look like they can do nearly as much damage now. we did start with the scratch post last night...made me realize I need a much larger one so he can reach up to stretch and scratch. So I went on-line and searched for scratch post larger than 2 feet tall. Geez are they a bit pricey! Where did y'all get your scratch post or did anyone make anything home made?

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-02-2002, 02:47 PM
Ouch! Kitten claws and teeth are the worst! Tubby was downright wicked with his. :rolleyes: Thank goodness he's past that stage - well past it I might add. ;) :D

08-02-2002, 03:08 PM
Talking about kitten teeth! I had a real big fright when Knorretje was a couple of months old and I found one of her teeth while cleaning the carpet. Called the vet in a panic and his assistent calmly explained that it's completely normal for kittens to loose they're milk-teeth and get grown-up ones, just like humans!
I keep the tiny tooth with her kitty-passport, it's so cute! Everytime I see it I remember that my big stripey pillow was once a very small ball of fur.:)

08-02-2002, 03:24 PM
You can make them. Some cats like just a log to scratch....although the scraps of wood aren't fun to clean up. You just need sisal (rope), glue, something to wrap the rope around...and then a stand of some sort. I get mine at Petsmart....or any pet store. They are expensive, but think about how much a sofa costs. They last forever too. Like I said, I have a few around now.......so they (the cats) have no excuse for not scratching on them.

Also, if you clip the kitten's nails when he is sleepy, he will probably be much more cooperative. In between clipping, keep touching his paws so he won't be so surprised when you bring out those clippers. My guys are so good with it now that I can even do their back claws, all by myself....

I found that by stuffing the cats down a sleeve in a heavy sweat shirt and then dealing with them that way was is a bit better than a towel. "The sausage" method!

Good luck. Keep those clippers out. You should also try to brush his teeth...another money saver in the long run!

They are like kids......

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: