View Full Version : Terrence is gone

Suki Wingy
09-11-2007, 09:35 PM
RIP Terr.
My ten year old sister's little gerbil passed tonight of wet tail. She's had him just over 2 years and we bought him as a young adult. He was completley healthy looking 48 hours ago. My sister's devastated. She's been screaming since last night when he went into shock. Terrence was her first pet of her own. I'm so glad he passed tonight because I could tell he was suffering and so we made an appointment for him to be PTS tomorrow but I was hoping I wouldn't have to take him.

I've offered to let her share Oslo and to move his cage up to her room but I'm already regretting it. I guess it would make her very happy and Oslo would get a lot more attention.

*sigh* such a small thing in this crazy world had so much pull on my sister. I keep remembering what my boss said when we tried to save a rejected kitten- "Things die all the time." :(

09-12-2007, 04:15 PM
I'm so sorry. I remember losing many a gerbil as a kid and each time was just as hard as the last. I agree with the "things die" as we do have to learn to deal with death, but its always sad when it happens. You sure did a nice thing for your sister with Oslo. I'm sure he enjoys the attention and your visits will be extra special now.

09-15-2007, 10:25 AM
I am so sorry about Terrence.He lived a wonderful life with you and your sister.
Rest in Peace Sweet Terrence. :(

09-15-2007, 07:19 PM
Ohh I'm so sorry about little Terrence, may he rest in peace! :(

But that's really nice of you to share Oslo with her while she gets over Terrence.