View Full Version : Getting Kicked Out... AND got another kitten... not by choice...PICS **

09-10-2007, 11:07 PM
So we all know that I have been hiding the fosters and some of my own cats for some time now. I rent and I knew it was only a matter of time. I am now caught, and I have 2 weeks to get rid of the fosters and 4 of my own cats...

I am looking for another place, and I think I found one, but I told the lady I had only 7 cats... (because 2 of mine hide anyways). Which means that at a minimum 3 fosters need to go...

I have called all the local shelters, we only have one no kill, and all are full. Animal control would be the only choice I would have, and I just cant do that. They would be put down that day...

I wish I could do something else for them, but if I stay where I currently am, I will have to give up almost all of them. Including my own. I cant do that.

My landlord is now raising my rent AND doing weekly checks.

If anyone knows someone who would foster them or possibly adopt them, please let me know ASAP. This is very urgent.

AND I had a baby kitten dumped on me early today, which I have nowhere to put her. She is 5-6 weeks old, tortie, and needs a home now also. She is very cute and friendly. She would have been put down if I did not take her. I believe she will be an easy adoption, but I do worry about the fosters. If I get caught with her, I will be out on my butt... No questions about it.

Thanks for reading. Katie and kitties

The kitten:




09-10-2007, 11:31 PM
I hope you have another place soon! Sounds like your landlord is a real jerk. From what I understand though, you DO have rights as a pet owner where you are so check on that and don't let yourself be pushed around!

Remus says "Hannah, please give your meowme headbumpies for me, as I know how hard it is to be harassed by a meanie landlord. We almost lost our home because of just little ol me! My paws are crossed that you and the fosters are all safe, and that your meowme works things out! Love, Remus Bear"

09-10-2007, 11:40 PM
Good luck finding a place that accepts all pets. As a fellow renter I understand just how hard it is. Down here they can only inspect once every six months. :)

09-10-2007, 11:59 PM
I'm sorry that this is happening to you.:( I hope that you'll be able to find homes for some of your fosters and the new baby kitten. I also hope that you'll find a much better place to live and get an animal lover for a landlord. Good luck.:)

I co-own my condo with my parents and we still have a lot of rules and regulations that we have to follow. According to the rules, I'm not supposed to have the number of cats that I do. I'd hate to get caught and have to give any of them up. So far no one has complained and I live on the 2nd floor so no one really sees them either.;)

09-11-2007, 12:51 AM
Yes this is so stressful... I hate even the thought of them being put down. I have put out numerous ads for adoption, noone has wanted them. They are all 1 yr or older :mad:

I have very high hopes for baby cat, because she is so young. Noone wants the bigger ones, as we all know.

My landlord allowed me to have 3 cats, and he knew about 5. He had no idea that I had 14 (currently 15). And he only saw 13 of them, and flipped out. In our lease it states that as long as he gives notice, he can come into my house, whether or not I am home. He will be coming weekly. I know that I am getting kicked out. I think that much is clear.

Remus, My meowmie says that we are in a real mess. She regrets ever taking in the fosters, because she cant find them homes. I feel bad for her, and I want to move outta this tiny place anyways. But it is hard to get a place that excepts kitties like us, esp. as many as we have! I say we could get rid of most of um, but meowmie says no. I love you Remus Bear! And I will meow more later. Kitty chirps and nose rubs, Hannah. ;)

09-11-2007, 07:20 AM
I'm so sorry to hear about you getting kicked out. I would hate to have my landlord come into my house every week.

09-11-2007, 09:10 AM
Katie, I am so sorry this is happening to you. After all you have done for all of the kitties you have saved. I wish I was close enough to help you. I have a friend in NC, I am going to email her and see if she, or anyone she knows, would be able to take one or more of the fosters. I will PM you if I have good news.
Hugs to you and all the kitties. :)

09-11-2007, 10:17 AM
I'm so sorry you're going through this. When I was renting before I bought this house, my landlord knew I had "a" cat. I had 4 when I first moved there, acquired 4 more plus was feeding and housing 27 outdoor cats. When I knew my landlord was coming, I put cats in the garage, basement, etc. because he seemed to be only interested in the main living quarters. Well, one time Boo, my blackie, got out and streaked by my landlord. He saw it and never said a word. If he had, I would've said "What cat?". He knew about Puddy and that was it. In fairness, though, it's tough being a landlord. He's an animal lover and he likes cats, too. But every time I brought a new cat into the house, peeing wars started up again. No matter how well you think you've cleaned it up and eliminated the odor, all it takes is someone who doesn't visit on a regular basis to walk in the door and immediately do the nose curl and you know you're in trouble. I wouldn't want a place ruined w/cat pee and vomit stains either if I was trying to rent it out again, so I can sympathize w/landlords. Fortunately, I had no problems in that regard but I do believe that my situation was the exception rather than the rule. Is there any way that you can tell your landlord that you're currently finding homes for the fosters that so he might be a little more lenient? After all, you did say he allowed you 3, knew about 5 but you pushed your luck and had 14. Understand that I'm not criticizing because I did the same thing. I'm merely asking if you think you can reason w/him if you tell him that you're working on finding homes for them. Good luck. I know how tough and stressful it all is.

09-11-2007, 10:23 AM

My apt complex thinks I have 3 cats (the limit is two). I actually have 4, however, Shortie hides whenever someone comes over so she's never seen. The women that work in the management office are all cat people, so they don't care.

I can understand how your landlord would freak out, but if your place is spotless, then what's the problem?? Is there some way he'd allow you to sign something holding you responsible for any and all damages done by the cats??

I once hit the "double digits", but I was living in a 2 bedroom apartment at the time and the back bedroom served as a "foster" room. My landlord didn't care as long as I paid my rent. It was great!! I made sure my place was impeccable so he had nothing to complain about. I actually had an air purifier that helped as well.

Good luck finding another place.

09-11-2007, 12:43 PM
I'm so sorry to hear this has happened Katie. I wish you and the cats the best of luck in finding new homes.

09-11-2007, 12:55 PM
I'm sorry, Katie! Good luck finding another place to rent before you have to give up your own babies! :(

09-11-2007, 08:37 PM
Did you try Best Friends Animal Sanctuary? It's unlikely they will take the cats in Utah, but they do maintain a network of rescuers and contacts around the country.

Their forum is huge and if you post there you might reach somebody who can really help. They have a section specifically for rescue where you list by state.

Good luck to you.

09-11-2007, 08:49 PM
I know how you feel. I rent & its hard to find an place to rent that accepts pets. I think the reason why is that people once accepted pets then one person that had pets trashed the place & left it like that so the landlord no longer accepts pets. Thats why anyone that rents and owns an pet needs to leave the place spotless so that other people with pets like everyone on here can live there. I hope that you can find another place and find an home for some of your fosters.:)

09-11-2007, 08:52 PM
Please do contact Best Friends....they are really well connected everywhere!


Check the "animal help" link under Animal Situations (below Adoptions)

(435) 644-2001

09-11-2007, 09:20 PM
Also, consider posting on CraigsList as soon as you read this. I found a very good home through CraigsList for kittens that I rescued last fall.

09-12-2007, 03:18 PM
I am bumping this post up to the top in hopes that someone will read it and be able to help katie out. I talked to her late last night and she was in tears because she doesn't know what to do. She has 15 cats right now, 6 of which are fosters that she hasn't been able to find homes for by asking around, putting ads in papers and on craig's list. She is getting kicked out of her place and has to get rid of the six fosters and maybe a couple of HER OWN cats. She is so upset and stressed out at the thought of having to take them to animal control to be killed after all the time that she has loved and taken care of them. But when her time is up that is what she is going to have to do unless she can find someone to help her out by either adopting one or two or fosteriing them and finding a home for them for her. She is sick at the thought of this because even though they are fosters she loves them like her own. I have offered to take Alvin for her the scaredy cat of the bunch whihc is another problem of how to get it from NC to KY. That would still leave 5 more to go. PLEASE PLEASE won't someone offer a home to one of these poor cats? This is absolutely killing Katie. She is running out of time so don't wait help out now!!!

09-12-2007, 05:27 PM
Oh My Goodness That Kittens A Dead Ringer For Recently Poofed Pouncer Karina.
I Am So Glad I Have A House, But Even In My Own Place I Had Animal Control Come Around To Inspect!!
Thank God My Cats Are Shy And I Got Away With 8.
It Would Have Been 7 If A Certain Joseph Had Not Thought That They Were Bringing Treats Like Helen From Animal Welfare Or Aunt Joan.
We Wish You Luck In Your Search For A Safe Haven.

09-12-2007, 06:39 PM

Please do contact Best Friends....they are really well connected everywhere!


Check the "animal help" link under Animal Situations (below Adoptions)

(435) 644-2001

If these folks can rescue from Bahrain, they can help Katie!!! They will know people near her.

The ONLY other option I would STRONGLY suggest is the local TV and radio station! And when they talk to her, she can mention that the shelters are FULL, which may help them also.

09-12-2007, 07:58 PM
Candace, I never have heard about this. I will call first thing tomorrow. A little hope is held out.

I keep my place VERY clean, and I have had plenty of people come into my house, and if they did not see that many cats, they would not have believed I had that many. I scoop potty pans atleast 2-3 times daily, I have 11 boxes. None of my kitties pee on anything. Only in the box. I keep this place as clean as I can. Only thing is I dont vaccum but twice weekly, because it petrifies the kitties.

I have already offered to get the carpets cleaned, and if he lets me stay, I will save money and help replace it if that is the issue. This carpet was stained when we got here. So I will do whatever it takes.

Craigslist never has given me any luck, but I am running another add tomorrow in my paper for the cats/kitten. They are all going to be free... No adoption costs. They come with all supplies. Hell I will even pay someone for adopting them! lol

I would have never gotten caught IF he came on the first like planned. He came the 2nd, at like 9pm.. I was in the shower and Rickie let him in. That is when this all came to a head...

Anyways I am going to call and post on best friends... Thank you all for reading all of this! Katie and kitties

09-12-2007, 08:00 PM
First of all, i need to know if you can get one cat transported to Georgia before i ask my parents about it.

09-12-2007, 08:02 PM
And Katie - phone your local TV station...talk to the nice receptionist. The stations love a human interest story like this, and it may help YOU and the crowded shelters.

When there is a crisis - suddenly lots of adopters appear...it's like they were on the fence and this pushed them over.

Just be sure the station respects your privacy....doesn't show the house # or anything. Interested people can contact you through the station - the station will arrange that! :)

09-12-2007, 08:07 PM
Reggie, I would drive as far as possible to get them to great new homes....

And Candace, This is the email I sent them....

Getting kicked out of my house, and in DESPERATE need of loving new homes for 5 cats....

I rent and I knew it was only a matter of time. I am now caught, and I have 2 weeks to get rid of the fosters and 4 of my own cats...

I am looking for another place, and I think I found one, but I told the lady I had only 7 cats... (because 2 of mine hide anyways). Which means that at a minimum 3-5 fosters need to go... ( I actually have 15 at the moment)

I have called all the local shelters, we only have one no kill, and all are full. Animal control would be the only choice I would have, and I just cant do that. They would be put down that day...

Do you know of anyone whom can help me? I would hate them to be abandoned and killed, esp. after all it took to get them saved and safe.

Thank you, Katie Layne
email: [email protected]

09-12-2007, 08:38 PM
I'm sorry that I can't be of help to you. My only suggestion is to not offer them for free. If you put even a small price, such as $5, you're more inclined to get people who are truly interested and not someone who wants them for research or to train fighting dogs. This is what the local shelters here told me when I was finding homes for the 27 outdoor cats that I had. Best of luck....

09-12-2007, 08:49 PM
Medusa is SO right.

Free to good home will attract all sorts of unwanted people, including research laboratories. Believe me, it would be best if you asked for an adoption fee, if for nothing else, to cover the vet costs. Labs will NOT pay for a research animal. Ask for $20.each.

Get the media involved. Human interest stories get to the hearts of the public. It's a great tool.

Also, if you can download a contract and ask them to sign it, at least you've covered all your bases.


I really wish I could help you. I live too far and my living space is cramped as it is. I've got a feral foster coming on Friday that needs to be socialized.

If there is anything I can do on my end, please let me know.

09-12-2007, 09:02 PM
I was asking a refundable 25.00 in the beginning, once they provided PROOF that they took the cats to the vet, then I would give the money back. I thought that was fair... BUT noone wanted to pay apparently.

I also still need a vet reference for all the cats to be adopted. I wont give them up without a reference. If they are adopted in state, I would like to bring them myself to the person adopting them, for a home check.

I am trying not to be overbearing and picky, but I just am so confused and upset right now. Besides getting them adopted, I need to start getting my stuff packed and find someone to go! I dont have very long, although I think I have around 25 days. I still get my 30 day notice he is required to give me.

09-12-2007, 09:03 PM
KATIE - I pm'd you.

Take every email address there, and copy and paste your wonderful email just as it is into the message part of the email.

Do you know how to use BCC? If you do, then use that to send to all the stations at once.


This MIGHT mean you will have offers for more homes than you thought. Charge a small amount, I agree with Medusa and Moosmom. At least it will help you screen potential owners. People can go to the shelter if you get too many calls. Think also about getting your cats down to a manageable number.

You can also do a pitch for Spay and Neuter! :)

Go check the PM and get typin', girl!

09-12-2007, 09:12 PM
How do you know the cats would "be put down immediately?" I learned from working at my animal care and control that there are often misconceptions as to how things work.

09-12-2007, 09:14 PM
When I called I was told that if they were owner turn ins, they would/could be put down within 24 hours.

If they were abandoned, then they would have 3 days....

Fayetteville is overrun with cats/kittens. They just dont have room to keep them alive.

Also, this Animal Control uses gas.. Not injections.

09-12-2007, 09:22 PM
Katie - your PM box is full! :)

09-12-2007, 09:24 PM
Not anymore ;)

09-12-2007, 09:28 PM
Katie - email ALL the email addys, ok? :)

09-13-2007, 08:06 AM
Please email Bendy; she's trying to get in touch. Best of luck!!

PS--Ace is in my face at the moment and sends his love and HUGE purrs.

09-13-2007, 11:34 PM
Katie, WOW. I am so sorry. We have not talked again in so long. I wish you would have called me. Please call me. I am sure I can help out one way or another. I am so sorry this is happening to you. I am going to PM you and maybe I can help. I am here for you girl.

09-14-2007, 10:16 AM
Katie, I'm so very sorry you are going through this and all because you just can't turn your back on a cat in need. I can't help in any practical way since I have a house full of fosters (3 adults and 14 kittens) as well as my own.

Where did you post on Best Friends? I didn't see anything that looked like it came from you on the animals in need forums. Have you gone to your state's community on the Best Friends site? You can contact the community manager and they can post a story for you. That will be your best bet at this point. Best Friends is rather overwhelmed at present because they've taken on two large sanctuaries that had failed and are having a hard time getting the hundreds of cats in them adopted. There are people on the B.F. network who should be able to help you, people who have contacts and may be able to persuade sanctuaries to shoe-horn in one more cat.

09-14-2007, 10:28 AM

Best Friends NC Link. I guess you have to log in to post? Worth it, though!

Laura's Babies
09-14-2007, 10:33 AM
This could happen to anyone of us anytime! It just isn't fair!!! You live your life, not hurting anybody and trying to help the underprivilaged kitties and someone comes along and turns your world upside down! This sucks!! How about trying to find someone to foster yours until you can make better living arrangements? If only each rescue orginazation could take just ONE of the fosters! It is society that allows these babies to breed and causes this problem to start with..... This just BURNS me up! :mad: I wish there was something I could do to help!

09-14-2007, 07:09 PM
Katie - I joined best Friends and posted most of your email in the Animals in Need section, along with a pic of three fosters you showed us a while back.

I hope you don't mind...I know you are busy and this whole situation is overwhelming!

Any repsonse from the TV folks?

hugs and prayers! :)

09-14-2007, 07:33 PM
I sent an email to my friend that lives in Reidsville NC. She is going to ask around at work and places to see if anyone wants a kitty. :)

09-16-2007, 02:55 PM
Hi everyone,
I just wanted to let you know that katie is busy looking for a place to move to and hasn't had much time to get to her mom's computer and post to update you. She has also been busy with trying to find places for the fosters. I talked to her last night and if all goes well she will be getting online and posting an update of what is going on. I have agreed to take Alvin but he needs to get neurtered and combo tested before he comes to me and also we need to figure out a way to get him to me. Can anyone help with that? I am in KY and Katie in NC.

09-16-2007, 03:16 PM
I hope she has some replies from people at Best Friends and from some media!

BF has her email addy...I hope someone wrote...

09-17-2007, 09:23 PM
Ok. I am SO sorry that I have not been over to post in a little while. I THINK that I have found a place for 2 of the foster boys (Andy and Amos) along with if I can get Alvin to Melissa. Then I will have 2 of the fosters and the kitten to find a home for.

Bendy (critters friend) offered to finish building her outside enclosure, and foster the boys until her or I can find alternate plans. I.E Furrever homes. It is not the most ideal situation, but she is the one that drove to my home to foster Ace when my grandfather passed away. She is VERY kind, and will provide for them the best she can. I cant believe her willingness to help... She might even take in orange boy outside if I can get him.

Melissa has agreed to take Alvin, since he is cat friendly and also so skittish, he would be a terribly hard adoption, and he would not do good in an outside enclosure.

The two other girls (AbiGail and AnnaBelle), are still in search of a new home. They have been fixed, all shots, and dewormed, along with ear mite treatment and flea treated. They are also combo tested negative.

So, soon in the future, I will have to start another fund raiser, because the only way I can get them fostered is to make sure they are atleast fixed. The 3 boys still need that. BUT Bendy can get it done MUCH cheaper where she is than at my vet.

I will update more later.. Still not sure where I am going to live.... I will find something.

And best friends have not emailed me back. I did exactly what Candace posted. Under adoptions. I will try again... BUT I am sure they probably get so many requests, it may take a few days longer.

Also, Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I am so glad that years ago I found this website, and have made such wonderful friends, who care so much about each other, and their pets. *HUGS* Katie and kitties

EDITED TO ADD: I emailed to this addy: [email protected]

09-17-2007, 09:37 PM
You just let me know when you need those donations. I will be glad to help. Of course I'd need your address again. So when you are ready, please PM me with the info. :D

09-17-2007, 10:46 PM
Katie - I know you are busy - any callbacks from the TV folks???

Maybe Bendy could bug them too!

AND your landlord! :D


09-18-2007, 12:09 AM
Katie - very glad to hear that you are finding places for some of your fosters. While Best Friends is the best, they do receive hundreds of requests every day and it's rare for a cat (dogs are usually luckier) to get help through their forums which don't see heavy traffic - at least that's what I've seen over the past year.

Have you tried 911 Pet Rescue? Here is their address: http://911petrescue.com/ipb/

Quite a number of their regulars and those who run the site are from the south and the east coast so they could offer you more immediate assistance.

You would love being in this room right now. I have nine 8-week old kittens racing all over the bed, leaping up onto my keyboard, crashing into the water bowl, skidding across the bathroom floor, it's hilarious.

Good luck on finding the right kind of place to live. Are you working as a vet tech again?

10-08-2007, 09:55 PM
Katie, an more news? It has been quite some time and I am worried.

10-08-2007, 09:58 PM
Yes I am moving out the 25th, I did get an extension. BUT Melissa will be taking Alvin, and Sasha will be taking 2 of the boys (andy and amos) along with outside orange boy.

That leaves me with 2 adult girls and one kitten. I am running a newspaper ad shortly. Craigslist has given me nothing, along with the rescues I have contacted..

Sorry I have not been updating regularly, I am so beyond stressed, and having to rehome and move and all if just a task.

Thank you all for caring, esp Tracy! *hugs* kt and kits

10-08-2007, 10:05 PM
Katie, Ya need to psot pics of the girls and the kitten again so peopel can see them.

10-08-2007, 10:20 PM
Sorry to hear about ure predicament! I know how hard it is to find a place that allows pets. Down here, it is SOOOO Much easier if you have cats. Dogs on the other hand.. 'specially ones over 25lbs are a rarity.. Unless you have at least 300 dollers per pet for Dep.

Good luck!

10-08-2007, 11:04 PM
yes, our rent will be up $450 MORE a month.... :rolleyes:
BUT we just dont have a choice!

10-08-2007, 11:14 PM
Katie - can you keep the 2 adult girls and the kitten? I thought you were able to have a certain number of pets.

Just wondering!