View Full Version : Coincidence or More??

critter crazy
09-10-2007, 10:31 PM
Having Bagheera in the house(foster kitty) Has brought up some memories of my RB Philly kitty from about 9yrs ago. Philly was a Black DSH who my hubby brought home to me, at 8 weeks of age. Hubby was a recruiter for the Army, and one of his enlistments, a yung girl, who had a huge passion for cats, and devoted her life to them, Gave Philly to my hubby, to give to me as a birthday present.

I fell in love wit this cat from day one. She was the proverbial cuddle kitty!! She loved to sleep with me every night! Always in the crook of my neck. She was a smart kitty too!! I was able to teach her many commands, she would sit, lay down, and come when she was called, I called her my Puppy kitty!! She also never met a door she couldnt open. Which is one of the reasons she is now a RB kitty. She had escaped from the house numerous times, but she would always coe running when I called her name.

Well one September night, she didnt come running!! began to panic, and called hubby home, cause my Heart kitty was missing!! As hubby and I searched all oer for our beloved Philly, we recieved a phone call. The young girl who had given us our Beloved Philly was in a horrendous accident, and her parents wanted our help. As painful as it was for me to leave, not knowing where my Philly was, i felt that this girls family had more pain than I could imagine, so I left to go help. Un-Known to as, as we drove to the scene, the young girl was dead. She had died instantly, and was ponounced at the scene.

Her parents were just beside themselves. They called us out, to help them find her cat. She had always taken her kitty with her wherever she went, and they couldnt find the cat! It was their only link to their daughter left. So we spent hours at teh crash scene calling for this cat, who we had no Idea was alive, urt, or had just ran away due to fright. We didnt find the kitty, and finally agve up the search around 3 am. Hubby and I drove home, and immediately began to search for our own lost kitty, to no Avail! We finally gave in, and crashed into bed around 6 am.

Two days after the accident, we got a call from the parents of the girl. They found the cat! The cat had somehow managed to walk away without so much of a scratch from the accident! She was found two days later, after a worker, heard meows comming from the wrecked car. The cat had managed to get herself wedged in the dash of the car! But she was alive and safe!

A few days later, itbecame evident that this girl had commited suicide. two weeks before she had Increased her life insurance, left it all to her parents, and quit the Military. She drove head on into a oncoming car, to end her life. It was later discoverd in her letters, tat she couldnt take the military life, as she couldnt live without being around her cats. I am sure there was more to this, but this is just what was told to me.

The purpose of this story, was we never found my heart kitty Philly, and to us it was just so strange that she dissapeared on the Exact same night, that this girl died, almost at the exact same time this girl Took her own Life! Everytime I think of this, I just get Goosbumps! Do you think it was just Coincidence?? Or do you think there was some force, guiding our kitty to be a guide for this girl?? I believe her own cat stayed on this earth, as a connection to this girls parents, and our kitty sacrifeced herself, to guide this young girl to heaven.

Sorry this has been so long, I just had to share, and get your Views.
Sorry the tears are flowing heavily now.

09-11-2007, 01:01 PM
WOW, what a story! I do believe that God uses many things in our world to comfort us. I certainly believe that the girl's kitty was spared on purpose for her grieving parents. It is very strange how the kitty she had given you also disappeared the night she committed suicide. Some things we may never know!
