View Full Version : Hello, Note for Everyone ..

09-09-2007, 05:53 PM
my PMs had to be paused for now, and I can't respond to any of them right now. it's getting full anyway, only one more PM available - 249.

first of all, bash is last thing I need. reasons I am making this thread; there's too many PMs to reply individually about this and so this way, NO-ONE can say differently than what I say or said and a last warning. nothing about me should be a sercet.

this also is to say, apology for not been responding, and to those who have been PMing just to get the answers, please stop. what I did not post is when I decide what or what not to share with who. it seems people, and especially one person here who couldn't keep things between us and now I can't really trust anyone to PM anymore as it is the only way for me to communicate with others.. not on phone where no one records the conversation and pass out to whoever "they" trust.. this really sucks.

I bottle pretty (very) much inside as much as I could but the little leftover portion of my life privacy has been constantly violated by a few "friends" here. fool me once, shame on me but twice? you. I tried.


and for those who have been emailing, I just got to read all of them - just at this hour. I had another surgery on my knee because of the fell and am back in coverage where I can receive and send texts. I will try to get them back to you as soon as I can, not tonight - sorry to worry you.

ok, I don't have anything more to say, and I hope everyone will understand this and not take this personally as I did; we lived a different life. no need to respond, this is just for everyone to know and if you don't get your response back by end of this week, you know why. also, if you want to email me, PM karen - she should ask me first.

thank you for reading this.

09-09-2007, 05:59 PM
What a good dog you are, Nana.

09-09-2007, 06:04 PM
Yes, if anyone wants Gina's email address, PM me, I'll email her and ask, then I will get back to you with her emaill address if she okays it, and with a message if she doesn't.

09-09-2007, 06:09 PM
I am so confused.

09-09-2007, 06:12 PM
I am so confused.
ummm yea - agreed

09-09-2007, 06:15 PM
I am very confuzzled???:confused:

09-09-2007, 06:31 PM
Hang in there Gina, things can only get better! :)

09-09-2007, 06:32 PM
does this mean she's leaving PT or????

09-09-2007, 06:44 PM
I have not been on Pet Talk as much as I'd like to so won't even try and figure this one out. I'm always confused. :confused: :rolleyes:

09-09-2007, 06:45 PM
I haven't been on here long enough to remember who Dragonfly is but it looks like she's asking for some down time and privacy, so let's all just give her this and hope she rejoins us when she feels she's ready.

09-09-2007, 07:07 PM
ummm yea - agreed

Yawn......... me too I guess. :p

Scooter's Mom
09-09-2007, 07:35 PM
I haven't emailed or PM'd - I'm sorry. So many things have happened here, too. Please hang in there. I hope you begin healing since you had to have a 2nd surgery... I hope your ark is alright, too. Sending healing thoughts your way.


09-09-2007, 07:45 PM
Well, I'm not confused nor am I the least bit surprized. As my mother always taught me, if you don't have anything NICE to say, don't. So I won't!! :p

09-09-2007, 08:17 PM
For the confused: Gina posted this basically to say, please don't PM her - her box is 1 short of being full. She's got to go through and do some saving, deletinge etc., but that can wait until she's in a spot with a better connection. As you may recall, she accesses Pet Talk through her Sidekick, so always relies on a wireless connection, which is better in some places than others.

For now, if you want to contact Gina, PM me, and I will email Gina and ask her, and if she says okay, I will give you her email address.

That clearer?

09-09-2007, 11:04 PM
That clearer?

Well, I'm not confused nor am I the least bit surprized. As my mother always taught me, if you don't have anything NICE to say, don't. So I won't!! what she said.

09-09-2007, 11:33 PM
I'm still confused about thing but it's none of my business. Goodluck Gina with whatever. I hope things get better (it sounds like things aren't great??)

:) :)

Cinder & Smoke
09-10-2007, 10:48 AM
my PMs had to be paused for now,
and I can't respond to any of them right now.

nothing about me should be a sercet.

... and to those who have been PMing just to get the answers, please stop.

I decide what or what not to share with who.
it seems people ... here who couldn't keep things between us

and now I can't really trust anyone to PM anymore
as it is the only way for me to communicate with others ...

the little leftover portion of my life privacy
has been constantly violated by a few "friends" here.


Could someone translate a few of these conflicting thoughts?

In the Previous Thread, we were instructed to communicate with Gina via PMs.
Seems like 249 Folks did so ... only to be told now that they won't be getting replies.
And to STOP using PMs.

"Nothing should be a secret" ... but she objects to Folks not "keeping things between us"?

It's difficult to "help" under these conditions.

Good Luck.

09-10-2007, 10:51 AM
"Nothing should be a secret" ... but she objects to Folks not "keeping things between us"?

Good Luck.

seriously this is an oxymoron b/c EVERYTHING she posts is so secretive. And then she gets mad when someone tells someone something?


09-10-2007, 11:04 AM
Ok plz lets not let this thread become an flaming thread. She said to use pm's before but then 249 people did so it is almost full so now we need to use E-mails. Simple as that.
you know what - when you've been on this board going on 7 years and have put up with her schtuff for 4-5 of that years THEN you can give me your opinion.
you have NO idea what you are talking about. if you want to wish her well that's peachy - I actually do too- tho I'm sure she doesn't believe me. I wish her to get better in ALL of her life. ALL OF IT.
but for now - GO back to Class Reggie.

Cinder & Smoke
09-10-2007, 11:08 AM
She said to use pm's before but then 249 people did so
it is almost full so now we need to use E-mails.

Simple as that.

Not quite so "simple"!

Those 249 Folks have been told NOT to expect a reply ...

What's going to happen with Folks who send notes via E-mail ??

It get's very frustrating to send notes that get totally ignored! :(

And NO One is "flaming" anyone!

09-10-2007, 11:08 AM
Hey, im not in class because of my asthma so i can stay on here all day!
whatever - I mean it to let's move along here.....

09-10-2007, 11:10 AM
Simple as that.[/img]
phred's right - no one is flaming-
and there is NOTHING nothing NOTHING simple here

09-10-2007, 11:23 AM
Reggie, you've only been her a few months. This saga has been ongoing for many years. I will refrain from comment regarding the recent threads because I've said what I feel many times over. I feel sorry for her and wish her well. I wouldn't wish her demons on anyone and pray that she finds peace in life.

I am only commenting on your comment; telling everyone to stop bashing before any bashing begins only infuriates the people who are standing by biting their tongues. A LOT of people have strong feelings about this particular poster.... and for a relative newbie to tell people who've dealt with "situations" for several years to not make it a flaming thread is only gonna fan the flames.

09-10-2007, 11:29 AM
Ok, i just deleted all of my posts in this thread besides my first because im such an noob.:(

09-10-2007, 12:41 PM
Ok, i just deleted all of my posts in this thread besides my first because im such an noob.:(
boy I know I'm old.
you didn't need to do that but I have no clue what a noob means.

09-10-2007, 12:42 PM
Iīm sorry for what you have been going through.....but you know Iīm still here to lend you shoulder........ no matter if I get a PM response or not..... I donīt live by PMīs...... nor should I expect one knowing you probably are waaaay busy with much more important things (your health).....

thank you and thank those that have been udpating us on your status, if you keep your life secretly fine, itīs your life afterall..... if you wanna share fine too........

if you feel like you shouldnīt say anything cause you can say anything nice, donīt mention that, just donīt reply......(not taking this on you moosmom, but Iīve noticed it lately amongst a few)

saying that is just as well as saying something NOT nice, complaining about the never ending drama.... what does that affect anyone, if it were your own drama you wouldnīt want anyone telling you things and complaining of what YOU are going through...... we each have our own battles and if you canīt support the troops then donīt fire against those that have one, weather you believe it or not....... itīs their issue and whatever anyone believes the person having it needs support, physical, emotional, etc.... and if you canīt be kind enough to give it, what is this world going to be...... share your kindness to the world and to the people that need them....

as my mother also said: "donīt do to others what you wouldnīt want them to do to you"....... put yourself in her shoes...... just for a sec.......

Iīve been here for a while and Iīve witnessed a few problems sheīs had and nonetheless Iīm still here to share my friendship.....

if anyone is tired of doing so, then just donīt post and keep it to yourselves, I wouldnīt want anyone telling me "here comes her again" just when I need you the most.......if that happened I wouldnīt feel comfortable posting here as I would know it would be less helpful to do so and will hurt me more in trying to reach out for help.......

Iīm not taking this against anyone, if you feel like it, itīs not, just a general idea of what I see.... and my own PERSONAL opinion on the matter, and this could apply to anyone cases, not just Gina........

09-10-2007, 01:04 PM
I have no clue what a noob means.
It means new guy.

09-10-2007, 01:15 PM
Gina, I too am rather confused by the conflicting comments in your posts, however, I truly hope you find happiness SOMEWHERE. You have received an IMMENSE amount of support and care from just about everyone here and I truly hope you appreciate that.

I hope you don't view me as a bad person because I don't reply to all of your threads, but we've all got issues in life too, so I am not always able to reply to yours.

Queen of Poop
09-10-2007, 01:30 PM
Iīm sorry for what you have been going through.....but you know Iīm still here to lend you shoulder........ no matter if I get a PM response or not..... I donīt live by PMīs...... nor should I expect one knowing you probably are waaaay busy with much more important things (your health).....

thank you and thank those that have been udpating us on your status, if you keep your life secretly fine, itīs your life afterall..... if you wanna share fine too........

if you feel like you shouldnīt say anything cause you can say anything nice, donīt mention that, just donīt reply......(not taking this on you moosmom, but Iīve noticed it lately amongst a few)

saying that is just as well as saying something NOT nice, complaining about the never ending drama.... what does that affect anyone, if it were your own drama you wouldnīt want anyone telling you things and complaining of what YOU are going through...... we each have our own battles and if you canīt support the troops then donīt fire against those that have one, weather you believe it or not....... itīs their issue and whatever anyone believes the person having it needs support, physical, emotional, etc.... and if you canīt be kind enough to give it, what is this world going to be...... share your kindness to the world and to the people that need them....

as my mother also said: "donīt do to others what you wouldnīt want them to do to you"....... put yourself in her shoes...... just for a sec.......

Iīve been here for a while and Iīve witnessed a few problems sheīs had and nonetheless Iīm still here to share my friendship.....

if anyone is tired of doing so, then just donīt post and keep it to yourselves, I wouldnīt want anyone telling me "here comes her again" just when I need you the most.......if that happened I wouldnīt feel comfortable posting here as I would know it would be less helpful to do so and will hurt me more in trying to reach out for help.......

Iīm not taking this against anyone, if you feel like it, itīs not, just a general idea of what I see.... and my own PERSONAL opinion on the matter, and this could apply to anyone cases, not just Gina........

Well said!!

09-10-2007, 04:46 PM
Husky Mom, I understand what you are saying, but I guess we don't share
the same idea about what constitutes a friendship. To me, a real friendship
is only possible when there is trust & respect between people.

09-10-2007, 04:59 PM
Changed my views on this again.

Gina, I wish you alot of luck and hope one day you find peace in your life instead of going through all this turmoil. Most here REALLY do worry about you, and I just hope for the best.

09-10-2007, 07:25 PM
Husky Mom, I understand what you are saying, but I guess we don't share
the same idea about what constitutes a friendship. To me, a real friendship
is only possible when there is trust & respect between people.
well said! :D

09-10-2007, 07:29 PM
Is there actually need for the sarcasm and witty comments in here?

Moosmom: Your Mom obviously taught you the wrong lesson. The whole saying means say NOTHING. Keep your trap shut and don't say a word. No need to make a single punctuation mark in here if it's going to be with that kind of attitude. How old are you?

Honestly, no one needs to reply at all if you're going to be rude or a smarty.

Back on topic.... I'm sorry life still isn't straightened out, Gina. My prayers are with you!

09-10-2007, 07:41 PM
Moosmom: Your Mom obviously taught you the wrong lesson. The whole saying means say NOTHING. Keep your trap shut and don't say a word. No need to make a single punctuation mark in here if it's going to be with that kind of attitude. How old are you?

Um......I am not trying to be scarscastic here, but Moosmom WAS taught correctly, and she DIDN'T say a word........just like many of us here.

Quite frankly I was taught the same lesson, and even though we ALL want to say something, we all know better.

And FYI, she is old enough to know.

09-10-2007, 07:44 PM
I am disgusted with PT right now.Is there actually need for the sarcasm and witty comments in here?

Moosmom: Your Mom obviously taught you the wrong lesson. The whole saying means say NOTHING. Keep your trap shut and don't say a word. No need to make a single punctuation mark in here if it's going to be with that kind of attitude. How old are you?

Honestly, no one needs to reply at all if you're going to be rude or a smarty.

Back on topic.... I'm sorry life still isn't straightened out, Gina. My prayers are with you!
ya know - its the only way some of us have to deal with this craziness. I'm glad you can be her friend.

09-10-2007, 07:46 PM
I am disgusted with PT right now.Is there actually need for the sarcasm and witty comments in here?

Moosmom: Your Mom obviously taught you the wrong lesson. The whole saying means say NOTHING. Keep your trap shut and don't say a word. No need to make a single punctuation mark in here if it's going to be with that kind of attitude. How old are you?

Honestly, no one needs to reply at all if you're going to be rude or a smarty.

Back on topic.... I'm sorry life still isn't straightened out, Gina. My prayers are with you!
ya know - its the only way some of us have to deal with this craziness. I'm glad you can be her friend.
and while I wish Gina the good thoughts, my efforts are going to go where needed. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/showthread.php?t=133295&goto=newpost

and honestly BC-MOM - for all intents and purposes what you are doing is the exact same thing - you just have different targets.

09-10-2007, 07:54 PM
Regardless of how her life has been, she's been nothing but nice to me. I wish her the best. She can show great compassion and kindness. And honestly, all these smarmy comments shouldn't have even been made. If you see who the thread is by and you don't care for them, then don't even read it. That's what I do. Makes life much easier.

09-10-2007, 07:59 PM
BRB.. need more popcorn for the drama. :p

09-10-2007, 08:13 PM
it wouldn't let me post the lengthy one.. I guess it wasn't meant to be.

I'm just at the very tip of the rope and I feel like letting it go this time.

:( :( :(

09-10-2007, 08:19 PM
Tie a knot, don't let go!

09-10-2007, 08:22 PM
(it gave her an error when she tried to post it, her Sidekick doesn't like when she tries to edit a post sometimes.)

okay.. where to start..

phred, when I left the house and asked for the support - I asked for PMs
and never thought it'd rocket up from 107 to 249 in a week, (including
my responses). the last three-four days when I was unable to respond
because of second surgery, I got a couple or doubles from worriers. I
hate to worry people and hated when a PM comes in where I get
notification saying my inbox is full - often people wouldn't re-send. so
I wanted to use email instead - too overwhelmed right now. like I said,
for now. and as for not replying to PMs, are for THOSE who violated my
respect but I believe I have responded to most.

for the confusers - I guess then it wasn't meant for you to understand..
if it's the complication you see, well, that's how my life has been. I
said all the best I could say and I can try again to make a few things
clear - where I stand now, physically, emotionally, & mentally, and
along with this biggest barrier; half of language I totally lack
of, I don't say things at the best - frustrates and tears me more than
anything as you can see my posts decline, unsure what to say and ramble
than often now I think.

there's one thing I see can be/is misunderstood -

nothing about me should be a secret: here, I got a couple "ok, I
won't tell gina that you told me this, she'll never know.. just between
and, violating my privacy - stuff I share with others off this
site I didn't post publicly were shared without my permission after I
got back.

okay now? that's another thing, betrayal hurts. by this site. if they
wanted to know, why can't they PM or ask me? having others
answering for me doesn't always means they get the accurate information
and then they complain they don't get "whole" of MY situation(s). I'm
always here for answers if asked nicely, gently or privately. :confused:
if they wanted an update on my knee, make a new thread and I'll post in

kfamr, I immensely have, it is why I keep coming back and again, I never
can thank enough. sometimes it's hard to appreciate this place as much
as I do before, especially what it has been now but this still is the
best place with the best support I can think of. especially with all of
the animals I have and love where they will not be called "just an

lizbud, what have I done to you beside the "on-going saga"? it is like I
can't react to every scenario - or how is that disrespectful? why did
you seem to let that change your mind about our friendship... I used to
count you as a friend and valued your support. :(

huskymom, you said a lot things I needed to say, thank you. everytime I
needed "you guys", I only thought of here then do dread to come here at
some time but people like you, are the ones who kept me going. I'm just
at very tip of my rope and I feel like letting it go this time.

thank you for the positive posts/thoughts, I didn't expected for them in
here. means a lot. I know I said that a lot now, I never get enough of
them with the constant dramas I face - bad outbalances the good greatly
now. so a few is a lot for me - thanks again.

09-10-2007, 08:26 PM
Regardless of how her life has been, she's been nothing but nice to me. I wish her the best. She can show great compassion and kindness. And honestly, all these smarmy comments shouldn't have even been made. If you see who the thread is by and you don't care for them, then don't even read it. That's what I do. Makes life much easier.

I agree completely.

Gina, some of us really care, just ignore the rest. :)

09-10-2007, 08:33 PM
Regardless of how her life has been, she's been nothing but nice to me. I wish her the best. She can show great compassion and kindness. And honestly, all these smarmy comments shouldn't have even been made. If you see who the thread is by and you don't care for them, then don't even read it. That's what I do. Makes life much easier.
What she said!

Gina, I wish you the best. Please don't give up.

09-10-2007, 08:39 PM
I wasn't actually calling Gina a drama queen.... I was talking about all the other comments. Imagine that. She posted ONE item, and BLAM! it's 3 pages long with all other kinds of comments.

Queen of Poop
09-10-2007, 08:42 PM
Gina, life has not been kind to you. You have faced and continue to face horrendous challenges that would send a lesser person completely over the edge. You are strong and you continue to carry on because of that strength. I am sending you positive thoughts and vibrations to help you. You deserve good things from life and I pray that they come sooner than later. Please hang on and get thru this. Give Crayola a big hug, that will make things seem a little less dismal. I posted some photos of Sasha under general, take a look, I guarantee they will make you smile.

This post is to support Gina, not tear each other or Gina down. That seems to have been forgotten. This makes me very sad. I expected better from my fellow pet lovers. Just one Canadian's opinion. If that makes you hate me so be it.

Lady's Human
09-10-2007, 09:10 PM
I've been staying out of these, too much drama.

Just one question, Gina...........

Where do you want that roll of bubble wrap?

09-10-2007, 10:08 PM
With as many replies as this has gotten, it makes me wonder who exactly is being dramatic here.

Gina, as always I wish you well, if I see you on the IM I'll be sure to send you a message.

09-10-2007, 10:40 PM
When ever i read Gina's post's it appears to me to be the same people over and over again who respond in an unkind manner, i am with Val Dukedogsmom on this one 100 per cent.

Some of you are of the opinion that these things that happen to Gina are untrue (that is the impression i get anyway)correct me if i am wrong, call me gullible if you like or whatever, but i tend to take people at face value, and honestly if i were to have to go through what she has, i would not be here to tell the story, she is a courageous young woman,who deserves in my opinion only love and compassion from us fellow PT members, if you cannot offer her that or even just something as simple as a kind word or two now and then, i think that is incredibly sad,and really why if her posts are so much drama, why do you bother to read them and comment.

Talk about kicking someone when they are down,one could see it as a kind of bullying,imagine if something unkind you said were to make this person feel so bad they did not want to go on anymore as life was so traumatic anyhow and then on top of that they read these comments, how would you feel then? i just think we should accept people as they are and try and help in situations such as these and not make matters worse,enough said.

Pawsitive Thinking
09-11-2007, 03:17 AM
Big hugs to you Gina

09-11-2007, 04:52 AM
Man oh man oh man...I am not even going to comment on all the rude and disrespectful comments made by some. They simply are not worth my time and Please Gina dear ignore them. They are in the minority and just plain sad.

Know that there are true friends here that support you and love you. I will email you a little later ok. I will resize some pictures to send you too. :)

((((HUGS)))) miss you and hope you are on the road to recovery once and for all.

Michelle, Vixen, Phoenix, Artica, Bella. Vega & Frost.

P.S. I am sorry I have not responded before now but my net has been down for about 2 weeks. It would connect for about 10 minutes and then gone again. It is functioning decently today for the first time.

09-11-2007, 07:27 AM
Sending Hugs, prayers, and good thoughts, Gina.

Willie :)

09-11-2007, 08:39 AM
I have been busy lately and haven't been checking in as much, so I am just now seeing this. Gina, I think you are a very strong person, and my thoughts and prayers are with you. ((((hugs))))

Pawsitive Thinking
09-11-2007, 09:17 AM
I have been busy lately

:D :D :D
Sorry Jen, couldn't let that one go
:D :D :D

09-11-2007, 09:23 AM
a little bit better each day dear gina

Pawsitive Thinking
09-11-2007, 10:00 AM
it wouldn't let me post the lengthy one.. I guess it wasn't meant to be.

I'm just at the very tip of the rope and I feel like letting it go this time.

:( :( :(

Be strong!

09-11-2007, 10:59 AM
Always look on the bright side of life!

Hope everything works out for you Gina, and I'm sure it will. :)

09-11-2007, 11:02 AM
if you let go weīll be there with another rope....... hang in there.....


and I agree about the friendship being about trust and respect..... and I consider myself a friend to everybody as I know I give them my trust and respect (even if I donīt agree on some things, I still respect).... and I consider everyone here my friend as no one has ever betrayed my trust or been disrespectful to me....... so...... thatīs why my statement....

people might have fights and all, but itīs normal, we arenīt alike...... but still we can be friends to each other..... IMO......

friends are also the ones that forgive and comprehend and support and the ones that are there for you when you need them and when you donīt too.....

friends are best known when you are down (either behind bars or in the hospital for example) because they are the ones THERE for you......

09-11-2007, 05:51 PM
Well Said, HUGS to you Gina, i hope things are better for you today,thinking of you across the miles, take care. :)

09-11-2007, 06:19 PM
Gina, I have always have,always,thought of you as a strong and determined person.
Please,don't give up!

Many,many,many hugs from across the pond.

09-11-2007, 11:02 PM
Gina - I was away in Winnipeg from early Friday morning to Tuesday night (tonight). I had access to one dial-up computer where my aunt had a limit of 15 hours a month. I usually couldn't get to Pet Talk, let alone post.

I was thinking of you...and I hope you and I resolved things with our PMs a while ago. If you still think I betrayed your trust - and WHEN you get time, get well first - we can discuss that again.

I hope you are healing now. Hug your lovely big puppy and your Ark.

Sometimes I wonder if things would be easier for you in your home state, where you have medical and stuff looked after. But you deserve a place where you feel safe and at home.


09-11-2007, 11:23 PM
Hey now - I've met Gina and her Ark (Except handsome Crayola) and you couldn't wish for a nicer lady or a sweeter bunch of kitties.

I wish you all nothing but the best. :)

09-11-2007, 11:44 PM
Hey now - I've met Gina and her Ark (Except handsome Crayola) and you couldn't wish for a nicer lady or a sweeter bunch of kitties.

I wish you all nothing but the best. :)

I have met Crayola, but not the rest of the Ark - so between the two of us, we've met them all! And Crayola, trust me, is not only handsome and much loved, but just about the sweetest boy EVER!

09-12-2007, 12:43 PM
Gina, I have had you on my mind. I do hope that you are improving with your pain and will be on the road to a full recovery now. Hang in there and know that our prayers are with you.

Logan, Honey, Baby Mack, Ben, Butter, Roger, Milly and Otto

09-12-2007, 03:00 PM
I hate being out of the loop. :D

But take care sandragonfly. :)

09-12-2007, 03:23 PM
I have met Crayola, but not the rest of the Ark

And Crayola, trust me, is not only handsome and much loved, but just about the sweetest boy EVER!
You are SO right Karen! If I had a chance to steal that boy away from her I would have;)

Hope you doing better Gina.

09-12-2007, 04:11 PM
Hello Gina, after all the stuff in this thread, and all the stuff you've been going through, I figure you could use a good laugh or two. I found some pics you might just love!



This is just down right adorable!


Imagine this kitty saying this in Stewie Griffins voice.


Gina I know you are going through alot, and it seems like you are barely hanging on by a thread, but please don't let go, you have so much to live for. Your ark, your Crayola, those alone are way too much to let go of, they love you so much.

Please get better soon and hang in there okay.

09-12-2007, 05:02 PM
Those are some great pics! Made me smile. Gina, I hope you're reading all the positive remarks here. I just took some pics of Dasher that will be sure to make you smile. I'll put one here in a bit and leave the link to the rest. You don't have to comment, just smile. I hope you're getting better every day.

Ok, back now. Here's your one pic. I haven't put up the thread yet, though.
Dasher with his bling.

09-13-2007, 01:09 AM
The best site for cuteness. Just as addictive as PT!!! Enjoy Gina! :D

Cute Overload (http://cuteoverload.com/)

09-13-2007, 10:07 AM
OMG, Valerie! That picture of Dasher by the pool is wonderful!!!!! :D :D :D

09-13-2007, 10:24 AM
OMG, Valerie! That picture of Dasher by the pool is wonderful!!!!! :D :D :D
Thanks :) The thread is up in dog section now. He's a real ham.

09-13-2007, 11:14 AM

I'm sad to hear that you are so down. I hope that things get better for you.

We are all thinking of you!


09-15-2007, 05:44 AM
thank you everyone. :) don't worry, I don't really take those rude posts personally anymore.

guys (or should I say gals?), please keep us in thoughts. we have two weeks to find us a home, and if we don't by then, we're going to live in the car. all of us. can you please spare a vibe so that we don't have to do this again.

and this monday, will be another big, cruical day for me - on that day, the fate will decide if it'll be a fresh start or end of that life chapter and lose everything. keep me in your thoughts on this one too, I'll need as much support as I can get.

I thought to start a thread but didn't want anyone to miss my thank-you so thank you again for all of kind comments and cheerful photos - I truly do and dearly so. I'm still trying to survive each day, it's very strugglingso when I am hanging on barbed wire...well, if that counted as a rope.

((hugs to all))

09-15-2007, 11:54 AM
Sending lots of positive thoughts and prayers your way! I really hope you dont have to live in an car!

09-15-2007, 01:57 PM

I am not accusing you of picking on my "friend". You ARE all being rude, and there is no need for it. If you can't stand the "drama", don't even open any of Gina's threads anymore. Simple, right? Or put her on your ignore list.

I am not saying Gina is my friend, and I am not saying that she isn't. I am simply sticking up for someone that is being "picked on" as you say.

So, keep it simple stupid: put Gina on your ignore list. :)

09-15-2007, 02:08 PM

I am not accusing you of picking on my "friend". You ARE all being rude, and there is no need for it. If you can't stand the "drama", don't even open any of Gina's threads anymore. Simple, right? Or put her on your ignore list.

I am not saying Gina is my friend, and I am not saying that she isn't. I am simply sticking up for someone that is being "picked on" as you say.

So, keep it simple stupid: put Gina on your ignore list. :)
you have some nerve don't you??
real mature...
real mature...
I replied to your PM -
and you make a production - drama hogging post here - now whose being rude??
and you call me stupid? whether or not Gina's on my ignore list is my business but I can tell you YOU are again!

09-15-2007, 02:11 PM
Can we all just knock it off, PLEASE? Life is TOO dang short for the drama fests.

09-15-2007, 02:13 PM
Can we all just knock it off, PLEASE? Life is TOO dang short for the drama fests.

I totally agree with you Kay

(((Hugs))) Gina

09-15-2007, 02:30 PM
you have some nerve don't you??
real mature...
real mature...
I replied to your PM -
and you make a production - drama hogging post here - now whose being rude??
and you call me stupid? whether or not Gina's on my ignore list is my business but I can tell you YOU are again!

I'm sorry. But my mother taught me that saying.. ;)

Anyway. I'm done with this - there is no point in wasting my breath in situations like these.

09-15-2007, 02:33 PM
now THAT I'll agree on - you can believe what YOU want and I'll believe what I want. either that - our breath is getting wasted b/c we both "know" we are right.

09-15-2007, 02:37 PM

09-15-2007, 02:39 PM
you know everytime you think you are making it better by doing that -
you are just getting everyone all riled up again so follow your own advice, kiddo.

09-15-2007, 04:57 PM
uh, what did just happened? .....

shais, what do you want from me? will pictures or public confirmations from one of moderators even bother you too? one thing I know, I won't stop post and pretend that everything is fine. I have my ark and anyone here can help me with them if anything happens to us - that's onlly one thing I can trust for sure.

I should have listened to the mayor, and this will be closed soon - there's the same post in prayer thread. anyone can start new one for me if you like, less drama probably.

09-15-2007, 05:16 PM
uh, what did just happened? .....

shais, what do you want from me? will pictures or public confirmations from one of moderators even bother you too? one thing I know, I won't stop post and pretend that everything is fine. I have my ark and anyone here can help me with them if anything happens to us - that's onlly one thing I can trust for sure.

I should have listened to the mayor, and this will be closed soon - there's the same post in prayer thread. you can start new one for me if you like, less drama probably.
I don't want anything from you - I hadn't even POSTED to this thread for 5 DAYS and had no intention of doing so until BC_Mom addressed me via a PM and didn't have the decency to reply to me in a pm but to blurt it in the thread.
Good Grief, The mayors have their own stress right now with a sick bunny.
Start a new thread if you wish but I think drama is exactly what its going to get. But I won't be replying to it - so start away!

09-15-2007, 05:27 PM
There only time drama starts is when you, moosmom and others post when they should just IGNORE. :rolleyes:

09-15-2007, 05:28 PM
There only time drama starts is when you, moosmom and others post when they should just IGNORE. :rolleyes:
and I was successfully ignoring it today until YOU PM"ed me!

09-15-2007, 05:32 PM
Why is BC_Mom dragging Donna (moosmom) into this???

09-15-2007, 05:52 PM
Haven't been here for a while (busy working) but from what I gather there is a member here Gina who needs some love and support. Gina I do not know you but that doesn't really matter. All that does matter is that you are a fellow human being and you need some kindness and understanding. I wish you all the best. As for all the others, they seem to have their own agenda bickering back and forth. Sort of like a Seinfeld show, much ado about nothing. What a waste of time. GOOD LUCK GINA.

09-15-2007, 06:12 PM
hm, talk about contradicting. ok, then can you stop "mentoring" my thread and quote every post you don't like? it clutters up every and any thread - too dramatic.

thank you marigold for the luck. I'll have to wait and see monday.

09-15-2007, 06:15 PM
Gina {{{{hugs}}}} and best of everything wished for you on Monday. :)

09-15-2007, 06:20 PM
Hey ya'll, anyone here have a few minutes to read & give a comment on
today's DOTD? She's a really cute puppy & I'm sure if she were mine, I'd
love to see some nice things about her. Everyone can understand that,
right? Thanks.

09-15-2007, 07:01 PM
hm, talk about contradicting.

ok, then can you stop "mentoring" .
ME contradicting YOU?
lmao if you knew how many times you've contradicted YOURSELF!!!
and I have no clue what you mean about mentoring.
good luck - and goodbye and no I do not mean that in that you are leaving, I know better than that!

09-15-2007, 07:14 PM
Gina, the cats and I are all sending our love and prayers and best wishes for Monday and the future, to you and the Ark.

Love, hugs, and purrs,
Pat, Peony, Sydney, Poppy, Elmer, and Priscilla Angel

09-15-2007, 09:43 PM
Why is BC_Mom dragging Donna (moosmom) into this???


I posted once and only once. HERE is what I said...

Well, I'm not confused nor am I the least bit surprized. As my mother always taught me, if you don't have anything NICE to say, don't. So I won't!!

BTW Staci, well said.

09-15-2007, 09:52 PM
In the interest of communication, I posted this the other day. Folks here may find it interesting.


09-15-2007, 10:43 PM
Well disappointing to see this thread turn out the way it has and always seems to,i guess everyone has the right to feel and think what they like about this situation,whether or not i believe a person's story on PT has no bearing on how i feel really, it is like marigold said and said so well, they are a fellow human being who in my opinion deserves kindness,support and love, end of story.

09-16-2007, 06:34 AM
Sending good vibes your way Gina, I hope it doesn't come to living in your car. I wished I lived closer so I could try to help you out. :( Hope everything goes ok.

09-16-2007, 05:05 PM

"Monkey" for you.

09-16-2007, 07:49 PM
Good luck from Florida. I'll get Dasher to cross his paws for you.

09-16-2007, 08:20 PM
Good luck tomorrow, Gina!

09-16-2007, 08:21 PM
Paws and fingers crossed! Good vibes heading your way. :)

09-16-2007, 10:35 PM
wait, was it suppose to be mentoring or monitoring? oh well, at least I quoted the word because I wasn't sure if it's the right word. but anyway...

tomorrow. thank you. a lot.. really. one biggest day of my life and I absolutely have no idea how it's going to be. I am not really who I am right now but I hope I will not have to let it go. until I grab another yet better rope. there may be a hope.

it's time now.. good night everyone.

..gina & her little ark