View Full Version : Azure

08-01-2002, 07:23 AM
Good Morning sweet, beautiful birdie, Azure!! What a lovely close up!! I had a parakeet as a child named Bobby, and reading about you brought back so many happy memories:) Though I have to admit, you are quite a bit more talktative with such an amazing repetoire of phrases!!:D What happiness and joy you must bring to your person! And Azure, you go tell your Mommy or Daddy that YES, I too think you are VERY special!! And because you are so sweet, smart and SPECIAL, you beautiful Azure are our most deserving Pet of the Day! I hope you have a wonderful, wonderful day celebrating your day in the spotlight!!

08-01-2002, 09:00 AM
Azure, I do think you are a very special bird. You are so beautiful, I love your coloring and what a wonderful companion you are to your human. That photo of you is adorable. I would love to hear some of the things you say, and how about sitting on the cup and imitating the sound of drinking coffee, just precious. I think your human made a wonderful choice when she picked you to go home with her. I hope you have a happy time celebrating today, Congratulations dear, sweet Azure Our Very Best Pet of the Day.
Jackie, Miss Daisy and Perry

08-01-2002, 09:25 AM
Azure, you sound as though you are one happy little bird. Your coloring is beautiful. What a special relationship you have with your human. Congratulations on this day in your honor!

08-01-2002, 10:54 AM
Oh, cutie-patooty, Azure!! What a lovely close up, handsome boy! Seeing you as the most special POTD, also brought back beautiful memories for me of my wonderful keet Petey who could pass for your twin!!! Good for your human for spending lots of quality time with you! What a good talker you are and I know you keep the household alert, happy and lively with all your antics!!! There's nothing like the sound of a keet in song ,bobbing his head or sitting on your shoulder nibbling at your neck hair :) Here's big kiss on your little blue nose and some rubbies beind your ears! hope mom gives you some apple or celery today as an extra special treat!!!

08-01-2002, 11:05 AM
What happy memories your sweet picture brought back to me this morning. You look a lot like Petie our Parakeet we had growing up. Like you, he loved getting into drinks. He specially loved my brother's lemonade. There must be something magical about you blue boys! Congratulations on being our special Pet of the Day today.:)

08-01-2002, 01:41 PM
Hello Azure, you are a gorgeous bird. I can't get over how beautiful your colors are. Thanks for sharing your story and photo with us.

08-01-2002, 04:04 PM
Simply precious!!!! What is it with the "birdie" thing, though, Azure?? My Cockatiel, Roger, says "hey birdie" and "What's up birdie?" a lot!!! I think you are extremely beautiful, and so smart!!! What a joy you must be to have around. :D

Congratulations, sweet "birdie", on being our Pet of the Day!!! :)

08-01-2002, 04:25 PM
Azure, you are absolutely precious! Of course I think you are a very special bird indeed! Many of my friends have parakeets and I have my very own two precious cockatiels! I'm sure they would love you! Its nice to hear that you know how to say so many things! That's one of the best thing about our beautiful feathered friends! My birds don't talk but one of them "the male" whistles every tune we teach him. I have to admit that we never really taught him to talk. We taught him to whistle since the day we got him and that's why he got hisability to mimic whistles and is very fond of his ability. He just LOVES to whistle all the songs my dad teaches him! You are very sweet Azure and I would like to congratulate you for being chosen as our very special POTD! I hope you get lots of spray millet and yummy veggies as a treat on your very special day!

08-09-2002, 02:43 PM
I had a wonderful russian blue named azure:D
have fun w/ your azure:)