View Full Version : Teen/senior kitties please check in

09-09-2007, 03:21 PM
I just posted an update on my cat Samantha who is 19 years old and doing fine.
Could all the other teenage and senior kitties please post an update in this thread to let me know how you are all doing?
I'd love to hear about Miss Tucker who I think must be the oldest Pet Talk kitty at age 20-something.
Thanks and please post some photos too, here is one of Samantha. :)

09-09-2007, 03:30 PM
Well I'm glad to hear Samantha is doing great. :)
My Taz is just over 12 years old. He had some health issues over a year ago, but seems to be doing fine now. He can't seem to gain his weight back, but that's okay, because he was a hefty fella. ;)
Here is one of the most recent pics I have of him and I think I've posted it before.

09-09-2007, 04:06 PM





http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v621/catmandu/cat%20photos%202/th_cats101931.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v621/catmandu/?action=view&current=11d95a72.pbw)

09-09-2007, 04:20 PM
SAMANTHA!!!! Oh honey, you are as beautiful as ever!!! Thank you for posting her picture!!!

My oldest kitty is my Grace, who is 9 years old. She is still playful and full of mischief and seems to be in perfect health! :) Here is a recent picture of her!


09-09-2007, 05:05 PM
Hi Samantha! Tabitha here! I love your pictures that your Meowmom posted! You don't look at all like you are 19! I turned 19 in June of this year. My Meowmom took some pictures of me today. She said she wanted everyone to see 2 of the the lovely matriarchs of PT!

Here I am looking out of my playcube. My silly sister was trying to get me!

Here I am on the computer desk. Meowmom was taking waaaay too long and I was ready for some supper!

09-09-2007, 06:17 PM
Monte checking in at a young 13 1/2 years of age.


"I am doing fine, thanks for asking. I am just over a cold, but my purrents took very good care of me. They let me sleep in between their 2 pillows ALL night, just so I could feel better."


"I have, thankfully, had no nealth issues except a mild dental. Lost a tooth or two, but other than that, I am good to go."

09-09-2007, 06:29 PM
I love to read about everyone's senior kitties! Everyone looks great! My Sash turns 15 this month. Here's a recent picture of him, I think he looks a little thinner around his neck. Does anyone notice this or have any of you seen this happen in your older kitties? His body frame seems the same to me though. He's my sweet lover boy as always. :D


09-09-2007, 06:34 PM
I love to read about everyone's senior kitties! Everyone looks great! My Sash turns 15 this month. Here's a recent picture of him, I think he looks a little thinner around his neck. Does anyone notice this or have any of you seen this happen in your older kitties? His body frame seems the same to me though. He's my sweet lover boy as always. :D


Yes I think he looks a bit thinner and it's also normal for older cats. He looks great! :)

09-09-2007, 06:42 PM
Yes I think he looks a bit thinner and it's also normal for older cats. He looks great! :)

Thank you! He's the same old Sash, always asking for food. :D

09-09-2007, 07:18 PM
I guess I qualify - I turn 12 on December 12! I think I should get a dozen dozen dozen sardines to celebrate, don't you?

I'm as cute and goofy as ever, but as you can see, I'm feeling really allergic and itchy these days. My human keeps insisting that if I eat my canned food, the itching will stop (she puts a bunch of protection spells in it, and the one with the longest name - claw-fur-n-ear-amine? - is an itch stopper) so I finally relented and licked up half a bowlful this afternoon. I really wanted the stuff she was giving me when she ran out of the stuff she buys from the Pokey Needle Lady, but I guess this stuff is pretty tasty too!

Here's a meow out to my Experienced Cat Homies!

Love, Smudge

Scooter's Mom
09-09-2007, 07:25 PM
My Scooter Bug is getting close... he will be 12 on the 21st of this month.
He's my heart kitty, but Shhh, don't let Charlie hear that!

Hmm, here is one he looks less grouchy in:

Yum, meowmie gave me some gooood food. She's not sure what it was though. I like to surprise her and come out of rooms that have no food bowls, acting like I've been eating stuff.

09-09-2007, 07:53 PM
Gosh, I feel silly putting Grace on here now! She's like a baby now compared to all of these kitties! It's hard to imagine that she is less than half as old as Samantha! All of your kitties look magnificent and what a blessing that they have had such long and healthy lives! Must be the love of PT parents!!! :)

09-10-2007, 12:57 AM
This is a great thread and it's great to see everyone's Senior Cats doing so well.:) I now have 2 seniors in my household. Storm is 11 and will soon be 12 in Jan. and Sunny just turned 7 in August so he's new to the senior world.:)

Storm is my oldest and he's doing well. He's now on a grain free diet and is on some herbal supplement pills to help keep him calm. The last time he was at the my regular vet in June he weighed 14.5lbs but he may have gained a little weight since then. I hope to have him around for many more years to come.:)

Sunny is a very young senior and he still acts like a big kitten. He's doing very well but will sometimes break out with feline acne.The last time he was weighed at the vet he was between 12-13lbs. He's my goofy baby and I'm sure he'll live a long happy and healthy life.:)

Killearn Kitties
09-10-2007, 04:50 AM
The most recent pictures of my girls, taken just last weekend. Our mummy cat Jessica, who could be 15ish, on the ground. Samantha and Daisy have both turned 12 now and are reclining on the bench and the small table respectively.


Felicia's Mom
09-10-2007, 07:32 AM

A picture of Felicia. I got her as a kitten in 1989. I haven't seen her for over a year, but they tell me she is alive and well.

09-10-2007, 07:49 AM
Hi everyone!!! Miss Tucker checking in. I'll be 24 in October and I'm still hanging in there. This is how I spend the majority of my day....sleeping and dreaming away.


Tucker's mom here.....she is doing as good as can be expected for her age...she is deaf now but I am always amazed on how she gets along. I have noticed that she has definately slowed down since spring, but every so often she gets a little kitten in her and she will run and play wildely.

Her brother Smokey is 13 and he has become an grouchy old man. He has a problem with all the other cats in the house, even if they just look in his direction. He loves daddy the most, snuggling with daddy every chance he gets.


All the other "spring chickens" are doing just fine.

09-10-2007, 12:03 PM
Cassie here. I'm a "senior kitty-zen" as my Uncle Catmandu would say ... I'm 12. My eating habits have changed a little bit over the past several months. I dislike leftovers more now than I used to - that means I awaken my meowmy around 2-3 AM so she can feed me the first part of my breakfast. But I always make her happy after I eat, I come back in the bedroom licking my mouth, and I snuggle with her on the bed and purr. So she doesn't mind feeding me at that early hour. I still like to play with my kitty tease toy and munch on cat grass. I will instruct meowmy to take a new photo of gorgeous me.

Auntie Kim, here is a current photo of me and my second favorite blankie. My favorite blankie is in the laundry.

09-10-2007, 12:09 PM
Miss Tucker, you are 24?????? WOW! Is that a record? That's amazing!!! You deserve to sleep any time you want to, girlfriend!!!!

Cassie, you definitely need to make your mommy post a picture of you soon!!!

Everyone ... your senior kitties are awesome!!! Good job in loving them and helping them live long lives!!!


09-10-2007, 12:14 PM
Here is Ripley. He's 15 1/2 years old now and hanging in there. His kidney failure is under control for the moment but he is suffering some mental decline from time to time. Also, my vet has recently diagnosed him with OCD. Never heard of that in a cat before but it really explains a lot of his behaviors like pulling out his hair, having to smear his paw on the floor five times before he can drink and always having to be brushed in a certain order or he will get up circle and sit until we get it right. The list goes on.


Waiting for water at his second favorite drinking hole.

09-10-2007, 12:48 PM
Lori, I just love your Ripley ... even if he is a bit nawtee at times!!! I think my little Daxter is going to look like him when he grows up! :D

09-10-2007, 01:28 PM
Here is Ruffles, she is 16.


Almost lost her over Labor Day weekend. I had to force feed her for 48 hours, Sunday and Monday. I told the vet, we are NOT stopping her antibiotics again. We have done it 3 times and each time, within 4 days she is in very bad shape. As long as she gets her hyperthyroid medication and Baytril (antibiotic) each morning and the appetite stimluant morning and evening she is OK. She is down to 6.2 pounds again, from that 4 days with no Baytril last week. I am seeing her eat plenty so with luck her weight will go up again. All the blood work and x rays, this cat is FINE on paper. I won't put her through an ultrasound, the anethesia is risky at her age, and what's the point? I'm not going to put her through surgery if the ultrasound shows something.

This photo was taken to show her latest recovery. Water straight from the tap is ALWAYS better than from the Petmate fountain! She hops up each morning for her drink. That is Chestnut, a young 9 year old, behind her.

smokey the elder
09-10-2007, 01:45 PM
Mobius just turned 14, is still full of attitude. her diabetes is under control and her weight is stable. I've got pics but not on this computer.

Bubba is 11, and still fat. :p

Diamond may be 10 this year; I'm not sure.

09-10-2007, 01:48 PM
I'm not sure how old Puff is. Her shelter papers say 10, my vet says older, but not sure how much. He says Puff has "some serious life experience."

She's doing alright. She's not exactly healthy, but we can't quite figure out what's wrong with her! She has some bowel issues and doesn't groom herself anymore.
She has an attitude problem too! Can't you feel the love from her? :rolleyes:

She's actually only nasty to other cats near her food and dogs. She despises the dogs. She is quite sweet and snuggly with me and fortunately lets me brush her. She lost most of her mane a couple days ago when I cut the mats out.

09-10-2007, 09:05 PM
It is so nice to hear from so many beautiful senior kitties! :)
Tabitha, you look great, I remember you are just a few days older than Samantha.
Sash, you do look like you lost weight.
Tucker, it is so nice to hear from you and that you are still doing well. :)
I just love seeing the wonderful Mr Ripley.
Ruffles and Puff, you both look like you have "attitude", Samantha says that is what has been keeping her going for so long.
Hugs to all of the wonderful older kitties of Pet Talk! :D

09-10-2007, 10:01 PM
I'm not sure how old Puff is. Her shelter papers say 10, my vet says older, but not sure how much. He says Puff has "some serious life experience."

She's doing alright. She's not exactly healthy, but we can't quite figure out what's wrong with her! She has some bowel issues and doesn't groom herself anymore.
She has an attitude problem too! Can't you feel the love from her? :rolleyes:

She's actually only nasty to other cats near her food and dogs. She despises the dogs. She is quite sweet and snuggly with me and fortunately lets me brush her. She lost most of her mane a couple days ago when I cut the mats out.

Gotta love that expression!!! She is a beautiful cat though! Don't you just wonder what she's thinking? LOL!

09-11-2007, 12:24 PM
Gotta love that expression!!! She is a beautiful cat though! Don't you just wonder what she's thinking? LOL!

She's usually pretty clear about what she's thinking..."Get that **&% dog away from me", "Feed me slave", "Nip NOW", "I hate all of you." Yup, she's a puffy ball of sunshine that one! She gets very mad when I laugh at her when she's trying to act tough!

09-11-2007, 12:29 PM
LOL! I guess she figures she lived long enough and been through enough in her time, that she deserves to have a bit of catitude!!! :p

I love her ears! WOW!

09-11-2007, 12:31 PM
Here is Leonardo. He just turned 17 on Aug 31st.
http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d3/MOFF55/th_Leonardo17thbirthday000_2816.jpg (http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d3/MOFF55/Leonardo17thbirthday000_2816.jpg)

And Luke who is 14 now. He insists that he is not a senior kitty though. ;)
http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d3/MOFF55/th_Luke000_2716.jpg (http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d3/MOFF55/Luke000_2716.jpg)

09-11-2007, 01:30 PM
That's amazing 24 Miss Tucker you look great and Smokey it's okay to be a litte grouchy. :)

Hi everyone!!! Miss Tucker checking in. I'll be 24 in October and I'm still hanging in there. This is how I spend the majority of my day....sleeping and dreaming away.


Tucker's mom here.....she is doing as good as can be expected for her age...she is deaf now but I am always amazed on how she gets along. I have noticed that she has definately slowed down since spring, but every so often she gets a little kitten in her and she will run and play wildely.

Her brother Smokey is 13 and he has become an grouchy old man. He has a problem with all the other cats in the house, even if they just look in his direction. He loves daddy the most, snuggling with daddy every chance he gets.


All the other "spring chickens" are doing just fine.

09-11-2007, 01:32 PM
Ripley you are so beautiful. Congrats to being 15 1/2! :)
Here is Ripley. He's 15 1/2 years old now and hanging in there. His kidney failure is under control for the moment but he is suffering some mental decline from time to time. Also, my vet has recently diagnosed him with OCD. Never heard of that in a cat before but it really explains a lot of his behaviors like pulling out his hair, having to smear his paw on the floor five times before he can drink and always having to be brushed in a certain order or he will get up circle and sit until we get it right. The list goes on.


Waiting for water at his second favorite drinking hole.

09-11-2007, 01:37 PM
Puff is still so beautiful. She looks like my Sebastian (he's 5)

I've attached a photo of him.

I'm not sure how old Puff is. Her shelter papers say 10, my vet says older, but not sure how much. He says Puff has "some serious life experience."

She's doing alright. She's not exactly healthy, but we can't quite figure out what's wrong with her! She has some bowel issues and doesn't groom herself anymore.
She has an attitude problem too! Can't you feel the love from her? :rolleyes:

She's actually only nasty to other cats near her food and dogs. She despises the dogs. She is quite sweet and snuggly with me and fortunately lets me brush her. She lost most of her mane a couple days ago when I cut the mats out.

09-11-2007, 03:14 PM
LOL! I guess she figures she lived long enough and been through enough in her time, that she deserves to have a bit of catitude!!! :p

I love her ears! WOW!

I figure that if I'd been dumped in my senior years at a scary shelter, then had to adjust to a whole new home full of other critters, I'd be a little cranky too! It was not Puff's owners' fault that she got dumped, but she doesn't know that! She just knows her whole world vanished! Fortunately, I find her attitude kind of amusing! I mean really, she weighs all of 6 pounds! She's not exactly terrifying no matter what she thinks!

The edge of her ear feels a little different than the rest. I suspect she was an outdoor cat at some point and maybe had a bit of frostbite.

09-11-2007, 04:11 PM
Please give her some love from me! I can see beneath that tough exterior and know she is a real pussycat at heart!!! :D

09-11-2007, 06:25 PM
Samantha, you look mahvelous, as usual.
Miss Tucker, you keep on hanging in there.


Our Malfi is very old. Considering he's lived another 3 years since we got him (by fostering) and he was close to death, we think it's a miracle that he's added 3 years onto his advanced age.

He's so broken down, but completely happy just to lay on our bed. Bless him.

I have SUCH a soft spot for the Oldsters.

09-12-2007, 05:28 PM
Love seeing all the Senior PT kitties.

WoW, Tucker 24! :)
Lori, didn't know Ripley was "so" senior. What OCD stand for?
Puff, you look like an Elf. :D
Rosethecopycat, those eyes on the second picture! :cool:

Since Koxka passed at the age of 14 y.o. from cancer, Iuri, is my senior kitty.He was 12 y.o. on May. He is the most soulful kitty I have ever met.He is doing well, except for some skin issues that doesn't look to bother him and that I can easily fix with some ointment .So no stressful visits to the vet since the blood work doesn't show nothing abnormal.

A bad picture (the flash didn't come off) of him from yesterday.

09-12-2007, 05:58 PM
Lori, didn't know Ripley was "so" senior. What OCD stand for?

Iuri is gorgeous - what beautiful blue eyes!

OCD stands for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Here's a link I found quickly that describes it. I haven't done a lot of research online so I'm not sure how great this website is but at least it covers the basis of the problem.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders (http://www.petalia.com.au/Templates/StoryTemplate_Process.cfm?specie=Cats&story_no=1547)

09-13-2007, 01:03 AM
Thank you for the link, interesting. Do you think Ripley is stressed or bored?

09-13-2007, 09:35 AM
Great thread! I love seeing all your senior kitties :)

09-13-2007, 10:04 AM
Ellie would have been seventeen in May, but passed on to the bridge in March due to contaminated pet food. I guess Squeak is a senior at age ten, although she thinks she's a princess. :rolleyes: She has a REAL cattitude, as she likes me MOST of the time, but as for anyone or anything else she's not so nice! She's my girl though, and I LOVE HER!


09-13-2007, 10:21 AM
Thank you for the link, interesting. Do you think Ripley is stressed or bored?
Definitely now it's stress. As he's aged he's become so easily stressed and sweaty paws is a sign he is stressing. It's amazing to see how bad his paws sweat at the vet. He leaves big wet paw prints all over the exam table. When he gets stressed here you can see his sweaty paw prints on the hardwood floor. Usually I find paw prints and wads of his hair where he starts pulling it out. He also tries to eat the broom when he stresses.

He did strange and quirky things when he was young and back then I believe most of it was boredom. He was an only kitty for the first 10 years of his life.

09-13-2007, 10:28 AM
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS]

Oh my gosh Pawla, are you sure you didn't catnap my Dad's cat? This is Miss Kitty. She's around 11-12 years old and is a stray that showed up at his house about 10-11 years ago.

Those pictures are probably four years old and she's a bit thinner these days. Also, she was almost named Squeaky because she doesn't have a loud meow, just a little squeak that is adorable.

09-13-2007, 10:54 AM
Oh my gosh Pawla, are you sure you didn't catnap my Dad's cat? This is Miss Kitty. She's around 11-12 years old and is a stray that showed up at his house about 10-11 years ago.

Those pictures are probably four years old and she's a bit thinner these days. Also, she was almost named Squeaky because she doesn't have a loud meow, just a little squeak that is adorable.
They do look A LOT alike! I think Miss Kitty has a little darker area on her nose, but that's about the only difference.

Squeak was a stray also. She was found around the age of four weeks in an abandoned car, in the pouring rain, soaking wet, and screaming her head off. I do have to give the ex credit for that, since he did bring her home.

Her original name was Lucy, but her whiny, high pitched meow quickly got her name changed. :D