View Full Version : Poor sweet Chester. :( *UPDATE ON POST 22*

09-08-2007, 04:59 PM
First off, my computer is out of commission right now until Monday or Tuesday, so unfortunately, no pictures as I am on my sons computer.

I brought Chester to the vet Thursday night as he was being neutered Friday.
Picked him up Friday night, brought him home, set him up in my room and of course, he was still a little groggy and wobbly. Gave him a little bit of water and just let him be for a while. I went to check on him before I went to bed, (I decided to sleep on the couch to give my guys some time with me at night,) and he was pretty sleepy, which didn't concern me, as I figured he needed more sleepy time. In the morning, went to check on him and he was under the bed, which was very unusual for him to be under there in the first place and heard this pitiful meow. I bent down and he was pulling himself out with his front claws and flashed right before my eyes, was my RB Katie. PANIC TIME!!!!! Once he got out, I noticed he seemed to be still a little too groggy for my liking and somewhat lethargic. Called my vet and they told me to bring him in. When I got there, I was taken right away. He apparently didn't handle the anesthetic very well, was a little dehydrated and had a fever. So I had to leave him there. They just called me and said that he was doing much better and that I can pick him up tomorrow morning. PHEW!!!!!!!!!
Now I can go and relax with a nice cup of tea and stop cleaning my house.

09-08-2007, 05:04 PM
How scary! I'm so glad you were watching him closely, Lorraine! Now .. who exactly is Chester? LOL! :p

09-08-2007, 05:04 PM
Thats Very Rare When They Have Any Problems In Neutering A Cat , But Then Accidents Do Happen.
I Remember Having To Leave Mr Scrappy There For An Extra Day After He Was Neutered And Declawed , Because He Pulled All The Stitches Out In His Right Paw.
We Are Pleased To See Chesters Going To Be Fine And Will Be Home Very Soon.

09-08-2007, 05:14 PM
How scary! I'm so glad you were watching him closely, Lorraine! Now .. who exactly is Chester? LOL! :p

Hi Kim :)
Here is the link on my newest rescue Chester.

09-08-2007, 05:29 PM

Thanks for taking such good care of all the Montreal kittens. You have such a big heart.

;) :) :cool: :) :D

09-08-2007, 05:46 PM
Aw sweet boy. But he has a caring mom who was watching him closely and saved him from more problems. Glad he's doing better now.

09-08-2007, 06:13 PM
YIKES! How scary. I am so glad you noticed him and got him into the vet right away.

09-08-2007, 06:54 PM
Gee that is really scary!! Its a good thing he went to the Vet. Sending out get well messages to Chester .

09-08-2007, 07:04 PM
Thank you, Lorraine, and blessings to you and Chester.

Love, purrs, and hugs,
Cats and Pat

09-08-2007, 07:09 PM
Thanks for taking such good care of all the Montreal kittens. You have such a big heart.

Thanks SAS for your nice comment. :)

Yup, it was scary for sure, because all I could think of at the moment was my Katie and thought, "Oh dear God, not again." He looked just like Katie did when she had a stroke from being put under, when she was crawling out from under the bed.

I can't wait to go and get him tomorrow morning. I've mentioned this before, but I m so grateful that my vet is open on the weekend.

Thanks everyone, for your nice replies.

09-08-2007, 07:15 PM
How scary.:eek: I'm so glad that you noticed he wasn't doing well so quickly and that you brought him to your vet asap. I'm also glad to hear that he's doing well and that he'll be able to come home soon. Please get well soon Chester.:)

09-08-2007, 07:25 PM
He looked just like Katie did when she had a stroke from being put under, when she was crawling out from under the bed.

Um, is this the SAME vet? Maybe time to consider using a different one?

I am so glad to hear Chester is recovering!

09-08-2007, 07:46 PM
My neighbor's cat was sedated for her spaying and had a really difficult time coming out of it. It left her with a tilt to her head. She looks cute with the tilt but at the same time, she has trouble keeping her balance on things. From this point forward, they are being very selective with injections of any kind. She gets only the absolutely necessary shots and tests. My little, well, now big black barn cat is related to my neighbor's cat so my vet used a different method to knock out Lucy, my cat, when she was spayed. My vet was afraid Lucy would have a similar reaction to the meds, since they are half sisters........same barn, same Mom, different Dad and different litter.......

I know that humans have reactions tooooo...going from one extreme to the other......It is a real crap shoot from what I understand. I have never experienced any problems with anesthetics myself, or with my pets. I think sometimes the vets return the pets a little too quickly, when in fact they could keep them over night. I am not sure these buddies of ours have attendents at night when they stay over. I guess the bigger operations could afford to staff at night, but my vet leaves the pets alone most of the time.

When my cat Miley had her colonoscopy a few months ago, she was in horrible shape for three days afterwards. I was horrified. It was a really difficult test for her. She never really bounced back from that test. I had to keep her in her container for a couple of days because she could not walk without falling down and over. It broke my heart to see her walking like that so I kept her confined. She started walking better after she started eating again.

I am always expecting some sort of reaction and have been so lucky so far.

JuniRose aka JuniGetDown, is horrible to give pills to and to clip nails....or just to hold.......so her behavior is weird before a proceedure......can you imagine what she would be like afterward. She was spayed and I think it ran smoothly......She tolerated the Ecollar nicely and was out running around in a couple of days. If she ever gets really ill, I just don't know what I would do, since she cannot be pilled. Really. She is like a wild cat when you grab her to pill her. Then you can never get her again. She is my wild child, for sure.
Miley was easy to pill. Lucy is easy to pill, clip nails etc. Chloe is easy too, if you can catch her.


09-08-2007, 08:51 PM
I'm so glad everything work out well for Chester after that scare. I will have to keep that in mind once I get Fiona fixed.

09-08-2007, 09:11 PM
Um, is this the SAME vet? Maybe time to consider using a different one?

No Freedom, this is not the same vet that Katie had. I have never gone back to that vet since and never will again.

I know what you mean SAS, I myself do not do well at all when I am put under for surgery. It takes me well into the next day to come out of it.

Thank you all for your replies and I will update you tomorrow when I bring Chester back home.

09-08-2007, 09:16 PM
This is great that you were able to catch the reaction and help Chester.
My sisters cat (YEARS ago) went in for the "routine" surgery, woke up just fine then died later that day. :(
I am so glad to hear Chester will be okay.

09-08-2007, 09:25 PM
OMG Taz, I am so sorry to hear about your sister's cat. How horrible. Did she ever find out what caused her cats death.
You just never know when things can go wrong, can you. :(

09-08-2007, 10:08 PM
No, they just said it was a reaction to the knock out drugs (sorry couldn't spell the real word LOL). Yeah, you never know, because he woke up and was fine. He did pass at the vets, not at home. Which now I think was probably a good thing.

09-08-2007, 10:15 PM
Ok, I read Chester's story! What a sweet boy, and just wanting to be loved so much! Boy, did he strike it rich!!! :D

I know how scary that anesthesia can be. Out of all the fosters I've had through the years, I've only had one that had a difficult time. That was Kelsey and she really gave me and the techs a scare .... they called the vet to come back to the clinic. She gave her an injection to help reverse it and it still took her several hours to come around at home. She was so lifeless when I went to pick her up, and just limp. The tech was massaging her frantically and talking to her to wake up! It was a scary time for sure! Thank God she pulled through with no lasting side effects!

I pray that little Chester continues to do well! Good luck not keeping him ... oops, I meant finding him a home!!! :p

09-08-2007, 10:23 PM
Oh yes Kim, he is a real lovebug, that's for sure.

WOW, thank God that Kelsey pulled through. That is one scary story for sure.

Cute comment Kim, very cute. :p


09-08-2007, 10:26 PM
I am sooo glad that Chester will pull through. Anesthesia is an scary thing for sure! Chester, keep up the good work & get well soon!

09-09-2007, 01:30 PM
Thanks everyone for your concerns and replies. :)

Chester still has his fever, so he is on antibiotics for 10 days, his scrotum is a little swollen and he is in some pain. The doctor gave him a painkiller shot and if he isn't any better in a few days, I'll have to bring him back.
He hasn't eaten or gone to the bathroom since last night, so I have to keep an eye on that.
Poor boy. They said he was such a good boy while being examined even though he was in pain from it.

Please send out some prayers that sweet Chester will have a full recovery and not have to go back to the vets.

09-09-2007, 01:42 PM
What a lucky little boy Chester is to be in your loving care, Lorraine. I'm glad you were able to get him right back to your vet for follow-up. Praying that all will be well and Chester will be good as new in no time. Would you give him some feel better scritchies and smoochies from me?

K & L
09-09-2007, 02:16 PM
It's a good thing you were so observant on his condition. I wish him the best at recovery. Poor guy and poor you! Good Luck!!

09-09-2007, 04:01 PM
Poor Chester, we all are sending get-well prayers for him. He sure had a tough time, didn't he?

O well, now he's where he belongs.......... ;) :D

09-09-2007, 04:24 PM
Poor little guy, I was hoping he was all better by now! Sending gentle pets and kisses to little Chester!
