View Full Version : PICS! the doggies I groom!

09-08-2007, 01:47 PM
remember Bear and Mishka, the doggies I groom? they were here together this morning to be groomed. its wasnt that long ago that I did Mishka, so she wasnt to bad. but Bear....oh my. I had 3 hours to groom both dogs, I fogered its only 2 dogs, 3 hours should be fine. I had my mom come help me with Bear. my mom and I both worked on him togther, and it took us over 2 hours. he was matted REALLY bad, I litterlly cuz took the scissors and chopped off his pants, because they were nothing but mats, his feet look a little choppy too because he was matted between the toes. the mats behind his ears were down to the skin, he has mats hanging off his belly, and even on his winkie.

these are all "after" pics, my before pics were all useless, all I got was like the top of their heads, wich really doesnt show ya much lol





and Mishka, she is such a doll, as soon as she remeber my place she perked right up and behaved like an angel, she even hopping in the bathtub all by herself(I wasnt even trying to get her in lol). which is a big leap, because she is an extremly nervous dog, and the last time I groomed her, she was so stressed that I was grooming her for like 5 minuts, then I would take her for a walk to de-stress. getting her in the tub last time was not easy!




anyone have any idea as to what Mishka is mixed with? she is part lab, but she cant possably be full lab for several reasons:
A) she has small rosed ears
B) she has a curly tail
C) her build..she looks like a great weight in the pics, but if you touch her, you realize that she is actually rather overweight, you really have to dig to find her ribs.

09-08-2007, 06:22 PM

09-08-2007, 06:43 PM
I think deffinately some lab in her ((the face))

09-08-2007, 09:23 PM
Bear looks very well groomed, Do you find goldens are nutters too? Most we get in are quite nutty :D

Cant say I do know what Mishka is mixed with but its great to hear that she learnt to impress you! I love it when a shy dog realises you aren't there to be mean

09-09-2007, 11:40 AM
I have 2 Goldens that groom(I groom for a few people on the side of my regular job) Bear and Dakota..both are insane lol Dakota is really tall and skinny, and has energy galore, I cant groom him alone, I need someone to help hold him for me lol. Bear..well look at how thick his bones are! that makes him STRONG, so when he wants to go somwhere, and I tell him "no"...well to bad for me lol

09-09-2007, 01:17 PM
Hmmmm.....Miska reminds me of a Lab/GSD/Husky mix or something along those lines.

You did a nice job with them!

We had a Cocker in for a bath the other day who desperatly needed a groom, not just a bath. She was SO matted...I'm just a bather, not a groomer, but me and a kennel girl, Jessie, sat there and tried to demat the poor Cocker....that dog was a saint the whole time and it took us at least and hour to just get the front legs done....by the time we made it to the rear, Sophia was starting to get irritated and wasn't happy with our pulling, so we stopped and when the owner came back told her that she needed to have Sophia groomed because the matts were AWFUL.

09-10-2007, 01:25 PM
They're both so pretty! You did a terrific job!