View Full Version : Puppy Mill in Maine closed down

09-07-2007, 08:15 PM
Well this happend a few weeks back, but I just learned of it and thought maybe others on PT would be interested.

A puppy mill was operating in Buxton, Maine. Shut down Aug 23rd.


The rescues have no place to house that many dogs so are having to keep them in the kennel. The owners, who live next door, are barred from entering, and the rescue workers are caring for the animals. Many have giardia,sarcoptic mange, and other infectious diseases.

They advertised under different kennel names on various online sites, making it seem like they always raised just one breed of dog, IN THE HOME. One name they used: J'Aime Kennels

Breeds involved include: Brussels Griffon; mini Australian Shepherds, French Bulldogs, Pugs, German Shepherds and American Bulldogs. The 3rd link below also lists Shelties.

Anyone who bought a dog from them in the past few months is advised to have the dog checked out by a vet asap.

Here are some articles about the raid:



I just think of puppy mills as operating in one of the 7 states where legal. So this surprised me.

09-09-2007, 05:20 AM
Thanks for posting this. One of the rescue pages I'm on will be thrilled to hear the news.

See #6...

These people are unscrupulous. If they treat the dogs like mere money machines, what makes you think they care if their operation is running legally?

09-09-2007, 11:41 AM
I'm so happy another puppymill was shut down. I hate that people can treat dogs like this and not think anything is wrong with it!